Adventure: Just Before Nightfall (DM:johnmeier1, Judge:Ozymandias79)


[sblock=KenHood] No need to divide the damage, pow, since you were weakened last turn. But I want to know where your charge ends you (are you flanking?) [/sblock]

[sblock=map update]
Murphy and Shorrin have acted. Tonk has moved to N11, where charge?



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Okay, I didn't realize that Murphy was directly in Tonk's line of charging.

Please amend my move to I10 and charge to K12. That will provide the flanking.


First Post
Janus steps back and casts, again...
and misses, again...
Move Action: Shift to j 15
Standard Action: ROF @ Vamp vs Fort: 1d20+6+1=13; Dmg 1d6+5=11
[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 18, Fort: 13, Reflex: 16, Will: 17 -- Speed: 6
HP: 30/30 THP:8, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 3/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Color Spray, Freezing Cloud (Not Memorized), Sleep (Memorized/Used),
Expeditious Retreat (Memorized/Used), Feather Fall (Not Memorized)


First Post
Dextyr quickly steps forward and strikes out at the vampire with his longsword.

Minor = sustain zone
Move = move up to K14
Standard = War Song Strike; 1d20+8 (War Song Strike)=21 and +2 for flanking = 23 for a hit! (finally); Damage; 1d8+4=9 & any ally who hits the vampire before the end of Dextyrs next turn gains 3 Temp Hit points


The vampire looks pale and drawn, in a desparate move he slams two punches towards Shorrin, the first missing wildly but the second pushing away the threatening fighter. He then runs towards the bound girl, heedless of the danger. Tonk, Larinza, and Dextyr all land blows on him, but his undead strength carries him past them. He reaches out for her with his claws...

Suddenly from the high, hollow windows of the cathedral leaps a blur that lands between the vampire and his helpless target. He grabs the vampire's head and twists it around with snap and the creature falls to ash. You see a young boy in noble's clothes standing for a moment before he kneels and cuts the bonds of the woman. She rises and embraces him in a hug.

My dearest Eddy, I knew you would come for me! They stand there exchanging kisses and hugs, ignoring the carnage around them.

You have completed the encounter and soon the adventure. XP and treasure rewards to come soon. I hope that this parody makes you laugh more than groan, and I promise some good RP to come soon too. There will also be a teaser for a "sequal", which I promise will have no vampires :) Really!

Voidrunner's Codex

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