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[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)


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"Don't mind her." Scorpius says with a laugh. "We all need to watch our hide. If she doesn't think she can handle the situation, there must be some labor needed somewhere."

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Ez gives Scorpius a glare, then says evenly in reply to the towering goliath, "Of course I mean to ask about it. I'm just not getting my hopes up. If they meant to pay well, they'd have put it in their sign."


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The townsfolk give sidelong glances, or in some cases full stares at the group moving through the streets.

We all good to move to the Swordlords offer? [/sblock]


Faustus, Tiefling Avenger

As the group moves through the city, his companions finally notice that Faustus raised his hood when they entered the gates to at least partially conceal his horns from casual observers. (The yellowish claws and the red eyes, however, he can't do much about...) "It really matters not one whit to me what they pay us, as long as it is enough to keep food in our bellies and strength in our arms to smite our foes."

[sblock=OOC]I'm good with the 'cut to the chase' thing, too, Boss![/sblock]


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Scorpius keeps is mouth in closed smile when not speaking. Anyone who looks his way he offers a simple nod of acknowledgement.

[sblock=ooc]Good to go.[/sblock]


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You speak to a few citizens and they direct you to the home of the Swordlords of Restov, which is by far the largest building in the city. The white stone walls of the building spread out to a diameter of two hundred feet with a giant dome arch roof. Twin doors of solid steel that look capable of even stopping a giant's blow stand open, the steel easily a foot thick and you spot where a portcullis is able to be lowered, further reinforcing the building. The whole of it is reminiscent more of a fort than a regular building in the heart of the city. A half dozen men armed with huge blades, nearly as tall as Ruarc, stand idly by the entrance, the wear little in the way of protective gear, but you can tell by their movements that they are not ones to be trifled with. An middle-aged human strides forward to meet you as the group moves towards the portal. His face shows the signs of aging, crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, grey streaks in his strawberry-blonde hair, but his eyes still show strength.

"Greetings, I am Blademaster Saren, what brings you hear to our facility?" the man says, his eyes piercing as they look you over, they hover over each of your weapons for a brief moment, and you can tell he's taking stock of you.



The dark woman leans causally on her spear trying hard to give off an air of causal confidence in response to the frank appraisal by the Swordlord. Once she feels he's had time to satisfy himself that they too are not to be trifled with she speaks in her rich heavily accented voice. "Blademaster Saren, I am Mari Champanel. My stalwart companions and I have heard you are troubled by bandits. We possess the skills to deal with this menace and leave your environs once more peaceful and productive. The only question is how badly you want to have this little problem solved."


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"Those bastards have caused much grief for our nation, more specifically our city here and I'm sure the Swordlords are more than a little anxious to remove their threat. I can tell by your movements you are all no strangers to those weapons you carry, a far cry from the peasants with their rusty hand and a half swords showing up to waste our time. If you wish I will permit you access to our facility so you can speak further with those who have more influence in the matter than I." Seran replies



She glances at her companions to judge their feelings on the matter and then forges ahead, they already made the decision to come here after all. "Thank you Blademaster Saren, we do wish to discuss this further and humbly ask for access."

Voidrunner's Codex

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