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[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)


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The Blademaster nods, he turns and gestures for you to follow. As you pass through the doorway, the walls are lit with Everburning torches, no smoke, no maintenance required, very useful.

[sblock=Perception DC 16]
You notice another portcullis in the ceiling about thirty feet into the hallway
[sblock=Perception DC 21]
You notice many "murder holes" in the ceiling and walls, this hallway would become a deathtrap if the defenders so chose it. [/sblock][/sblock]

As you are led to through the halls, you catch glimpses of open doors as you pass and there's men and women, mostly human, training with all manner of heavy blades, from the traditional longsword, to the glaive, and, of course, the massive fullblade, the pinnacle of swords.

"Our academy here trains those in the way of the Blade, to those who swear the swordpact, and become members of the Aldori swordlords upon completion of their training." he explains, leading you to a set of wooden doors, bound with iron. The guards there have the doors open before you get to them, not slowing your progress. As you pass into the large room beyond, you notice the domed ceiling and the mural painted on it. The first is of a nobleman being bested by what could only be a bandit in a duel, then that noble walking away in shame, his hands covering his face, followed by the same duo squaring off, this time with the nobleman as the clear victor, that same noble again standing in front of a large building of white stone.

At the end of the hall, on a ten foot dais, upon which lay five high-backed chairs, sit three males and two females, the males are an elf, and a pair of humans, while the females are a human (sitting in the center) and a halfling.


Saren takes a knee in front of the dais, the heated conversation having stopped the moment you entered the room, and the female beckons him to rise.

"As always you stand on ceremony Blademaster Saren, you know that it is not necessary. What brings you to our council chambers?" the female asks.

"Swordlord Jamandi Aldori, I humbly present a group that is interested in aiding against the bandits to the south. I have the utmost confidence in their abilities to at least attempt the undertaking. I take my leave of you to allow you to speak freely and to return to my duties" the man says, nodding to the group as he leaves.

"Very well, thank you Saren." she replies, turning her attention to the group, an appraising eye takes you in, as the others do the same, and she smiles after her perusal, a small one, but a smile nonetheless. "Greetings, I am Swordlord Jamandi Aldori, these are the rest of the High Council, Swordlords Aloin, Karolek, Derian, and Awiergan Aldori" she says (the first three are the males, Aloin is the elf, while Awiergan is the female halfling), gesturing to her fellows.

[sblock=History DC 14]
You know that the name Aldori is an homage to the first Swordlord and that all you complete their training are required under the Swordpact to take its as their own name [/sblock]

"As you are here and interested in aiding us, I suppose you require further information on the task we, and Lord-Mayor Ioseph Sellemius, are asking. Our first steps to battling the banditry that plagues the Stolen Lands is to explore and map the region, it has been so long since any explorers have returned from the region our own maps are useless to us. The area is huge, roughly 35,000 square miles, so yours shall not be the only group, there will be three others, each with a different region to investigate. If you agree, we will provide you with a charter that will grant you right of travel in the contested Stolen Lands, with the full backing of his Lordship. Our offer for completion of the exploration of the lands and the mapping of the region is 5,000 gold crowns for the group plus full rights and privileges to any artifacts or other valuables uncovered during your exploration. Do these terms sound agreeable?" Swordlord Jamandi Aldori asks.
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[sblock=ooc]History 19[/sblock]

Scorpius took stock of things as they walked through. If things turned sour, and considering the humility of the lady elemental that doesn't seem too unlikely, he wanted to be able to find his wait out.

Upon entering the council chamber, Scorpius found himself distracted by Jamandi. Now doesn't she look dangerous. This might be a decent little bit. He instinctively kept his closed mouth smile. He looks to the natives when she mentioned the gold, just to make sure on this land that was still a decent amount. He wasn't too concerned about payment, suspecting that he would be able to pay himself well enough should he find these bandits.


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Ezmerelda, for all her mercenary streak and swagger, turned out not to be a fool as well. She held her tongue from the moment they entered the stronghold, and greeted the sword-lords with respect. Her smile kindled though at the mention of the reward, and she glanced quickly at the others, counting out their shares mentally and tallying the rest for hersef.

It was a start. And that wasn't counting treasures.

She wondered if these guys wouldn't regret the whole, 'you get to keep what you find out there' clause before it was all over. She sure hoped so.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ruarc walks easily with the Blademaster, looking up casually as he notices the murderholes in the ceiling.

He gives the gathering of Swordlords his grave attention as Jamandi speaks to them, and nods slightly as he notices a couple of the others looking to him. 5000 gold crowns was more money than he'd seen in the whole of his lifetime - enough to buy the entire village he came from.


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Scorpius observes that most of the part seems pleased with the prospect but no one speaks up. He takes a step forward and gives a small nod of respect to Swordmaster Aldori.

"I am Scorpius A. Perenius of the isle of Bacarte. I think we all find your terms agreeable. It would be an excellent opportunity for us to show ourselves in your land."


First Post
Swordlord Jamandi Aldori gestures to one of the guards at the doorway and he moves to the swordlord's side. She bends over and whispers something to him and he nods, turns, and exits out of a side door. A few moments later, he returns with a female wearing dark clothes and bearing a blue tome, inlaid with silver runes.


"This is Historian Catarina Devarr, she will record your names and a few more details about you before you venture out and we will request the charter for your group. We shall have you explore the Greenbelt. The other groups will mirror your efforts in The Nomen Heights, The Slough, and The Glenebon Uplands. She'll provide you with some information as well" the Swordlord says, before moving towards you and shaking each of your hands firmly, "If you complete this task, Restov will be the better, thank you" she says quietly as she moves to each of you and leaves out a back door, along with the rest of the Swordlords.

"So, heading into the wilds eh? Very interesting and exciting. I don't suppose any of you are as interested in the ruins and other historical locations as I am? Hmmm, ok so you're heading to the Greenbelt? I'll give you a bit more info on the area, plus a bit of information on the locations as well" Catarina says, her voice full of excitement

[sblock=General Info]
South of Rostland, the hills rise and forests bloom into a land that has long remained wild, despite numerous attempts by colonists from both north and south to claim and civilize it. Brevoy made the most ambitious attempt to settle this realm, but even our great nation failed to tame the wilderness that lies in a green swath between Brevoy and the River Kingdoms proper. This region is known as the Stolen Lands, as the wilds are viewed as territory unfairly claimed (and lost) by the other. It has lain fallow for decades since the previous attempt at colonization, and some whisper that the time is ripe for another attempt. Yet before the Stolen Lands can be claimed, they must be known. Old ruins, monuments to previous failures, dot the landscape, home now to all manner of savage humanoid tribe and ravenous glowering monstrosity. Bandits and barbarians are the closest thing to civilization an explorer can expect to encounter in these deadly but beautiful wilds [/sblock]

With the tangled woodlands of the Narlmarches to the west and the rugged hills of the Kamelands to the east, the Greenbelt is a haven for bandits. The lack of dangerous inhabitants other than indigenous tribes of kobolds and mites makes this the safest of the four regions for "freelance banditry" [/sblock]

[sblock=The Nomen Heights]
With a southern skyline dominated by the ragged, stony mountains known as the Tors of Levenies, the Nomen Heights are named after the aggressive tribes of Nomen Centaurs who view the eastern steppes of the region as their own. Ancient ruins dot the Tors themselves, hinting that the region may have once been the most civilized of the Stolen Lands. [/sblock]

[sblock=The Slough]
East of the Glenebon Uplands, the rugged hills and rolling grasslands soon give way to a swath of reeking swampland known as Hooktongue Slough. Inhabited by lizardfolk, boggards, and stranger beings, this region has long been a battleground between the Tiger Lord barbarians and the more monstrous tribes of the swamp. [/sblock]

[sblock=The Glenebon Uplands]
The westernmost quadrant of the Stolen Lands is a contested zone between the barbarian tribes known as the Tiger Lords to the north and the bandits of Pitax to the south. Further complicating this scene is the not-insignificant presence of several powerful fey and dangerous monsters in the Branthlend Mountains and the forest of Thousand Voices [/sblock]

"Phew, that's a lot of talking, but maybe there's some helpful stuff for you. So for you to accurately map the area for us, you'll need to follow our measurement standards to ensure that all the maps produced, especially by some of you from a foreign land, oh yes I can tell that easily by your accents, who may not be familiar with our rules of measure. Ok, so you will be responsible to keep track of what you find, taking note strong and weak points of defense, and more importantly, to determine possible sites for roads, towns, and other fortifications. We use a method of mapping by breaking down the larger area into hexes, a six-sided shape, with twelve miles across the hex, between corners. The area is just under 150 square miles for each hex. It should take you about 1 day for an easy area like a plain, 2 days for a more difficult area, like a forest or hilled region, and about 3 days for a very difficult area, like a mountain or swamp. It's good none of you are wearing heavy plate or scale armour, it'd nearly double that time. " the historian says, explaining the various types of terrain found in the area.

Forests: The forests of the Stolen Lands are densely vegetated, but generally crisscrossed with game trails and numerous clearings. The trees here typically consist of oaks, beech, rushleaf, and smaller scrub.

Hills: The rolling hills of the Stolen Lands are often pocked by small caves, twisting valleys, and small woodlands that crown hilltops or nestle in clefts.

Mountains: Although mountains in the Stolen Lands are relatively low in elevation (rarely rising more than 1,000 feet), they are often quite rugged and sheer, forcing travelers to follow old riverbeds, gorges, and twisting trails.

Plains: The grasslands and moors of the Stolen Lands vary from relatively open plains to swaths of tall grass that grows up to 3 feet high in places. Small copses of two to six trees are not uncommon.

Swamps: Swamps are a confounding mix of soggy ground, partially dry hummocks, tangled undergrowth, and deep pools of murky water. Travel in a straight line is impossible, requiring constant course adjustments.

Water: A river varies from 50 to 500 feet in width. Infrequent bridges and fords that allow a river to be crossed are possible, but in most cases, travel across a river requires swimming or boating. [/sblock]

"Well, I think that covers the generalities of the situation, do any of your have any questions about either the region, or your task that I may provide further clarification or information on?" Catarina says, her eyes twinkling as she finally gets to expound her work.
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First Post
"Ah, of course, the Greenbelt is a large place, but there is a tiny bit of civilization there, just south of the South Rostland Road. There's a small trading post there, owned and operated by Oleg Leveton and his wife, Svetlana. The Lord Mayor gave him a charter to rebuild an abandoned fort to establish a trading post in preparation for the exploration about to be undertaken. They began their efforts a few months ago, although there isn't many people out there, I'm sure just hunters and trappers. I have heard some rumours that he has been requesting soldiers from the Lord Mayor to help guard the post, but with our tenuous situation with the North, there are precious few to spare. I am sure he'd be grateful for your help." Catarina replies, she pulls out a large scroll of leather and lays it out on a nearby table. She has already drawn the road from Restov there and detailed where Oleg's Trading Post is for you. "Here's a start. Hope to see you all back soon, don't get yourselves killed out there" she says cheerfully.


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First Post
Elurin enters the Halls of the Swordlords; he is concentrating on remembering what he can of the Swordlords. He notices in passing that the Hall is ready for defense.
THe druid greets each in turn, Aloin in Elvish. As he greets them, his glance lingers on each to get a sense of the lords.
[sblock=ooc]Perception; History (1d20+9=12, 1d20=17)
Insight on the Swordlords: do they seem serious about this plan; are they hiding anything? (1d20+11=15)
Mowgli - I was not able to find the history that you refer to, or did you just mean your backstory. [/sblock]

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