Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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[sblock=Close-out Treasure & XP Summary submitted for approval]
Final Encounter
- 1 young white dragon (level 3 solo brute) 750 XP
- 1 Kobold Wyrmpriest (level 3 Artillery) 150 XP
- 2 kobold slyblade (level 4 lurker) 175XP
- 2 kobold dragonshields (level 2 skirmisher) 125 XP
- 4 kobold minions (level 1 minion) 25XP
- Treacherous Ice (L5 Obstacle) 200XP
Total EXP: 1800 XP x 2 = 3600 XP

Time Experience
Wil Rando: 2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Exp: (83 * 2) + (104 * 2) + (125 * 25/30) = 478 XP

2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Exp: (83 * 2) + (104 * 2) + (125 * 25/30) = 478 XP

Kane: 4mo L3, L4 Partial credit 25 daysTime Exp: (125 * 4) + (145 * 25/30) = 620 XP

Mervin: 1mo L1, 1mo L2, L2 Partial credit 10 days
Time Exp: 83 + 104 + (104 * 10/30) = 221 XP

Total EXP

Wil, Hergunna EXP: (3600/4) + 478 = 1378
Kane EXP: (3600/4) + 620 = 1520
Mervin EXP: (3600/4) + 221 = 1121

Time Gold
Wil Rando: 2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Gold: (63 * 2) + (89 * 2) + (127 * 25/30) = 409 gp

2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Gold: (63 * 2) + (89 * 2) + (127 * 25/30) = 409 gp

Kane: 4mo L3, L4 Partial credit 25 daysTime Gold: (127 * 4) + (175 * 25/30) = 653 gp

Mervin: 1mo L1, 1mo L2, L2 Partial credit 10 days
Time Gold: 63 + 89 + (89 * 10/30) = 181 gp

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The adventurers returned to the staging camp, where the two human survivors were reunited with the captive woman. The three were the only island occupants still alive after the attack, and they had no interest in staying.

Wil, Kane, Hergunna, Mervin, Stanng, and the three human miners returned to the docks, boarded the boat, and set sail for Daunton. Stanng looked in awe at the slain dragon, congratulating the others for their great accomplishment.

As they arrived in Daunton, Stanng departed from the group, making sure the survivors have what they need. The other food made for the Tavern, to share their stories and a few beers.

[sblock=Thread continued in the Hanged Man]Click here to jump to the tavern where the adventure continues...[/sblock]


[sblock=Close-out Treasure & XP Summary submitted for approval]
Final Encounter
- 1 young white dragon (level 3 solo brute) 750 XP
- 1 Kobold Wyrmpriest (level 3 Artillery) 150 XP
- 2 kobold slyblade (level 4 lurker) 175XP
- 2 kobold dragonshields (level 2 skirmisher) 125 XP
- 4 kobold minions (level 1 minion) 25XP
- Treacherous Ice (L5 Obstacle) 200XP
Total EXP: 1800 XP x 2 = 3600 XP

Time Experience
Wil Rando: 2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Exp: (83 * 2) + (104 * 2) + (125 * 25/30) = 478 XP

2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Exp: (83 * 2) + (104 * 2) + (125 * 25/30) = 478 XP

Kane: 4mo L3, L4 Partial credit 25 daysTime Exp: (125 * 4) + (145 * 25/30) = 620 XP

Mervin: 1mo L1, 1mo L2, L2 Partial credit 10 days
Time Exp: 83 + 104 + (104 * 10/30) = 221 XP

Total EXP

Wil, Hergunna EXP: (3600/4) + 478 = 1378
Kane EXP: (3600/4) + 620 = 1520
Mervin EXP: (3600/4) + 221 = 1121

Time Gold
Wil Rando: 2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Gold: (63 * 2) + (89 * 2) + (127 * 25/30) = 409 gp

2mo L1, 2mo L2, L3 Partial credit 25 days
Time Gold: (63 * 2) + (89 * 2) + (127 * 25/30) = 409 gp

Kane: 4mo L3, L4 Partial credit 25 daysTime Gold: (127 * 4) + (175 * 25/30) = 653 gp

Mervin: 1mo L1, 1mo L2, L2 Partial credit 10 days
Time Gold: 63 + 89 + (89 * 10/30) = 181 gp

You guys made this thread a bright spot in my day. Like a novel you can't put down. Hope to see at least most of you in a continuation of this story. If not, good luck in the thread that finds you. Judging has been a pleasure. :)

Also approved:
12 DM credits for Tenchuu. It's late in April, and he batted you guys around in the Hanged Man enough to earn the extra 3 weeks ;)

[sblock=Tenchuu]I'll get around to reading your adventure and replying some time today (before 3:00 4/19/2010 GMT).[/sblock]
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Don't forget Tenchuu's DM Credits, wouldn't want him to miss out on them after such a great adventure :) [/sblock]


[sblock=Tenchuu] You told us to update our wishlists, were there other magic items coming? Not that I am not very happy with Wil's 2... he is 4th level now[/sblock]


First Post
Before they head their seperate ways Kane pulls Mervin aside.

"Ok Magicman, you do good stuff there, you kill dragon, you save princess and you melt ice so Kane no fall over. I have lots of golds and this axe is worth lots of golds. Take some of mine, it only fair." the bugbear says with a grin, handing Mervin the monetary rewards they received from the hoard

ooc - deduct 340 gp from Kane and give to Mervin. Kane is well ahead of the expected wealth curve and Mervin is behind it so this is to keep it more level.


First Post
[sblock=R1]You're a judge. Do what you want. :p[/sblock][sblock=John]I talked it over with my judge. We will square it up in the next adventure, so don't worry. More is to come. Thanks[/sblock]

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