Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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"Are you really going to take that Dragon's head?" the captive woman asked.

"Not just head, but scales too. Kane needs new armor, this one is wrecked" the bugbear says, gesturing to the torn bear hide he's wearing. It certainly has seen better days, stained red, bits of kobold stuck to it and the hide ripped in many places.

The bugbear drags the head out of sight of the woman while they rest.

Snapped back to reality, the captive woman's tone becomes more somber. "I... I fear that pile of bones says it all."

Quiet for a moment, she continued, "After the island shifted, the lizards came. They enslaved us all, and took us away one by one... took them all to their death!" She collapsed on the floor, weeping.
"All of my friends... All of my family... gone..."

"No, it ok. You be strong, strong like Kane and his friends. You live and be strong. That how you get revenge. You make lots of babies and make lands strong. Then if lizards come back, you kill them easy. I give you this. My axe is very nice, it strong and kill many kobold. You take it give it to first boy baby. Tell him to be strong like us and kill any lizards with it" Kane declares happily as he hands the woman his non-magical axe.

Kane will drop the 2 gp as well.[/sblock]

Seeing the magicman and the musicman playing with stuff, Kane wanders over, but the bugbear manages to only get in the way

arcana aid (1d20+1=7) - no help from kane ;) [/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc]Hergunna will chip in the 2 gp as well.[/sblock]

Snapped back to reality, the captive woman's tone becomes more somber. "I... I fear that pile of bones says it all."

Quiet for a moment, she continued, "After the island shifted, the lizards came. They enslaved us all, and took us away one by one... took them all to their death!" She collapsed on the floor, weeping.
"All of my friends... All of my family... gone..."

Hergunna's rosy complexion pales a little bit. She stares off into nowhere and mutters, "That's too bad... but be thankful that at least you know their fate. That's a small mercy."


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"Thank you all for your kind words. I'm not sure what I should do now, but I certainly have you four to thank for my life. I will speak of your deeds until the day I die."

[sblock=Next Steps]
Ice melt from Orb Encounter power is a go. Also, looks like the group has agreed on the ritual, so why don't you role play that, and the trip back to the boat.


Wil loads his old chainmail, longbow, and his backpack onto the disc he and Mervin summons. Then he looks around and strips the kobolds of their gear and tosses it on the invisible servant as well. No need to let those go to waste here. He shoulders his new equipment and smiles. Light the way "magicman"


[sblock=Treasure Summary submitted for approval]
Gold and Treasure
Wil Rando:
L5 Healer's Chainmail, 100gp Diamond, 190gp, 1 Potion of healing
Kane: L7 +2 Vicious Waraxe, 100gp Diamond, 240gp
Hergunna: L4 Claw Gloves, 100gp Diamond, 190gp, 1 Potion of healing
Mervin:L3 Staff of Ruin +1, 100gp Diamond, 240gp

Note: Time Gold not calculated. Will give at the end of the adventure with the time EXP.


[sblock=OOC]Tenchuu: You seem to be omitting encounter XP.

Who's not up to speed on approval. I see three of you on the list in the new wiki. Hergunna, however, looks like she's up to speed.

Sorry. I'm a little slow keeping up with everyone's status. I'll be sure and review Kane and Mervin some time tonight (US EDT)[/sblock]

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Would we like to add another PC? Carolina, level4 halfling rogue, just finsihed up Crimelord, so she could join Kruk if you'd like to add a 5th PC Tenchuu. [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]Tenchuu: You seem to be omitting encounter XP.

Who's not up to speed on approval. I see three of you on the list in the new wiki. Hergunna, however, looks like she's up to speed.

Sorry. I'm a little slow keeping up with everyone's status. I'll be sure and review Kane and Mervin some time tonight (US EDT)[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]I was holding off on XP until everyone is approved. Plus, I was being a little lazy, focusing on the next adventure planning. :p[/sblock]

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