Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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[sblock=Get your Character Sheets in and Approved!]
I did some math, and I think Hergunna and Wil will level again at the end of the adventure. Probably Mervin too (I didn't figure out how much time XP you'll be getting. It should be close either way). And it scares me to think Kane might be level 5, but I didn't check that yet either. :p

In any case, I can't award the EXP until they are approved, and given how quickly you are dispatching this dragon, it will be soon.

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As an FYI, Hergunna & Wil are approved (I forgot to move them to the Approved Character page :blush:) I don't know about Mervin though. Kane is not. I need to re-send. Sorry for delay.

OH, I was looking at the level 5 Rages...OMG they're so good. Either a dazing hit that lets me knock prone as a minor for the encounter, a big hit with ongoing fire and then regen for the fight and if Kane drops to 0 can use a HS to stay standing, or one that lets me do 1W damage even on a miss for the rest of the fight, or one that does 4 damage to each adjacent enemy when Kane hits for the whole encounter...wowzers!


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The half-dead dragon lumbered back to its feet. In a last ditch effect to fend off the attackers, the young dragon summoned all its power and spit cold fire at Kane again. The chilling blast hit, bloodying the Barbarian again, but Kane still stood his ground.

"Wait... I beg of you to spare me. Take the gold." The dragon said in a defeated tone.

[sblock=Ice Hazard]
OKay... so since the OA once per turn seems to make this thing no longer impossible, going back to the original trap. I'd say the fire spell would melt the ice in that area +1, but with my DM insight, I would save the encounter power for the battle ahead.

Treacherous Ice Sheet Level 5 Obstacle

A slick sheet of ice creates a hazardous obstacle.
Hazard: This sheet of ice fills 10 contiguous squares, turning them into difficult terrain.
No check is necessary to notice the ice.
Additional Skill: Nature DC 22: The character identifies the squares of treacherous ice.
The ice attacks when a creature enters or begins its turn in a square of treacherous ice. It also attacks when a creature stands up from prone in a square of treacherous ice.
Opportunity Action Melee
Target: Creature on the ice
Attack: +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6+2 damage and fall prone. If the creature is already prone, no damage but its turn ends immediately.
With a DC 27 Acrobatic check and a move action, a character can move into a square of treacherous ice without risk of falling. If the check fails or the character move more than 1 square, the ice attacks.
Effect: Takes 2 from Orb Fire
Recharge Breath: 1D6 => 6 Recharged!
Move: Stand Up
Standard: Breath Weapon vs Kane
Attack: 1D20 + 4 => 20 Hit
Damage: 3D6 + 4 => 17 Cold Damage
Effect: Kane Slowed and Weakened

Wil Rando: -H4 31/38 HS 7/10 AP 0 MW 0/2, Invisible-dragon Wil-TENT
Mervin: -F0 9/27 THP 4/4 HS 2/7 AP 0, Bloodied
Hergunna: -G1 20/41 HS 8/9 AP 0, , Bloodied
Kane: -M-1 14/47 THP 0/4 HS 5/10 AP 0, Bloodied, Slowed and Weakened
Wolf: -O2 20/20
Stanng: [Miner Hut] 28/31 THP 0/3 HS 7/10 AP 1

Captive Human: -E4 1/1

Young White Dragon: -O0:-N1 10/200, Bloodied, In fire Area, Jinxed

Kobold Dragonshield: -O-2
Kobold Dragonshield Axe: dead
Kobold Slyblade: -J3
Kobold Minion: -L3 0/1 DEAD
Kobold Minion: -L0 0/1 DEAD
Kobold Slyblade: -L-2
0/42 DEAD
Kobold Wyrmpriest: -K-4
0/36 DEAD
Kobold Minion: -L3 0/1 DEAD
Kobold Minion: -J3 0
1/1 DEAD

Young White Dragon
Initiative +1 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
HP 200; Bloodied 100; see also bloodied breath
AC 18; Fortitude 20, Refl ex 16, Will 17
Resist 15 cold
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6 (ice walk), fl y 6 (hover), overland fl ight 10
Action Points 2
Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Cold
Reach 2; +6 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 plus 1d6 cold damage (plus an extra
1d6 cold damage on a successful opportunity attack).
Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +6 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
Dragon’s Fury (standard; at-will)
The dragon makes two claw attacks. If the dragon hits a single
target with both claws, it makes a bite attack against the same
Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Cold
Close blast 5; +4 vs. Refl ex; 3d6 + 4 cold damage, and the target
is slowed and weakened (save ends both).
Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Cold
The dragon’s breath weapon recharges, and the dragon uses it
Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) ✦ Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +4 vs. Will; the target is stunned
until the end of the dragon’s next turn. Aftereff ect: The target
takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Draconic
Skills Athletics +15
[/sblock][sblock=Don't forget about Leveling Your PCs/Getting Approval!]
See my prior post, if you missed it.
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[sblock=ooc]Crap, I never did submit Mervin for level 2. I think part of the reason was that I never had an official judge post for Mervin getting his staff of ruin +1 (altho I have linked the XP). In fact, I think you'd just about have to read the thread to even know that I got it or what it was. How should I handle that?

Also I guess I should move him to the new wiki? Or can I just submit him now and move him once that's good?

Also, Tenchuu, I think you left the map the same as before - but no worries. If the dragon has only 10 HP I think we won't need it. :)[/sblock]
Hearing the dragon offer the gold, Mervin smiles and says, "Oh don't worry - we will!"


First Post
Don't worry about the treasure for now, once the judge approves the final rewards, it should be there and update with the link. If anyone questions it you can link to the post with the treasure.

Just make sure to attach some wording about it being a rush. I'll look at Mervin ASAP once he's submitted. It's your call about where to submit him, just be cautious as the wiki could die on any day. As long as there's something to review I'll look at it.


Really it's your head I want now, there was a black one in the Tavern back home and it needs a companion. Wil draws a final arrow and fires it at the creature, but it fails to pierce the creature's scales. The bard looks ashamed and glances at his fellows, who will be named dragonslayer?

[sblock=OOC] Just plain evil, it has to die, well how else can we be heroes of the story... I will leave out its begging from the final story.
Standard: Jinx Shot 1d20+9=12 vs AC for 1d10+6=12 damage
Move: anyone want to shift 4?


First Post
As an FYI, Hergunna & Wil are approved (I forgot to move them to the Approved Character page :blush:) I don't know about Mervin though. Kane is not. I need to re-send. Sorry for delay.

OH, I was looking at the level 5 Rages...OMG they're so good. Either a dazing hit that lets me knock prone as a minor for the encounter, a big hit with ongoing fire and then regen for the fight and if Kane drops to 0 can use a HS to stay standing, or one that lets me do 1W damage even on a miss for the rest of the fight, or one that does 4 damage to each adjacent enemy when Kane hits for the whole encounter...wowzers!
[sblock=OOC]Sounds like EB made the right decision. :p

Also, Hergunna's sheet on Wikia is level 2, not level 3. He still needs to update the sheet and get it approved.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Oops, forgot that I hadn't officially leveled Hergunna. I can do that today.

Hergunna ignores the dragon's plea. She steps to the side, getting a clear angle on the beast, and flicks her wrist to cast out a thorny vine, but it flies wide of the target. She fumbles at her waist to retrieve her healing potion. The white wolf leaps for the dragon's throat, but the great reptile avoids the bite.

[sblock=Actions]Move: -H-1
Standard: Thorn whip... Thorn whip (including HQ) (1d20+6=9, 1d8+5+1d6=11) Yuck.
Minor: draw healing potion. (just in case!)
Instinctive by wolf: Wolf attack (including HQ) (1d20+6=11, 1d6+5+1d6=10) dammit.

The dang dragon might actually survive another round? It's looking possible...[/sblock]


Mervin sees his companions going for the killing blow and fires an illusionary bolt at the dragon, causing it to shriek in pain. It stumbles backward and falls to the ground with a huge crash - finally dead.

[sblock=ooc]standard: phantom bolt on the dragon hits for 14 damage

No other actions

Mini-stats are the same as last time[/sblock]


Mervin, you are truly a powerful mage! Wil moves over and pats his ally on the shoulder. I already feel a song coming on...

Kane the hunter challenged the wyrm inside a cave so cold...
Hergunna called upon powerful nature spirits of old.
Wil Rando sang a song of victory, heroism and renown...
Mervin drew on magic to cast illusions to bring the dragon down!

Wil move along his friends and moves over to the little lady. Take heart, you are safe.

[sblock=OOC] YAY! Song of rest for everybody. You've earned it
Wil will spend one healing surge to go up to full. Everyone else gets HS+6 per surge

Voidrunner's Codex

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