Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)

Lord Byron's Economic Woes

An Adventure for Levels 1 - 2


Wil Rando (Half-Elf Bard)
Tessa Tressd'n (Human Wizard)
Hergunna (Human Druid)
Kane (Bugbear Barbarian)

[sblock=Rules and other fine print]
OK. Borrowed most of this from H.M.Gimlord, because he does it right, and why re-invent the wheel.

Player Info:
I encourage you to include mini stat blocks in your posts, or at least a link to your character sheet in your signature. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time. It's not the end of the world if you forget, but please be sure to include it when you are posting an action block.

[sblock=Example mini-stats (shamelessly stolen from HM)]
Arkavas - deva artivicer 4

Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15

AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 17

HP: 41, Surges: 4 AP: 1

Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Supernal

Basic Attacks:
Melee: +11 vs AC, 1d12+6
Ranged: +4 vs AC, 1d8

Thundering Armor, Magic Weapon
Scouring Weapon, Force Infusion
Caustic Rampart

Staff of Ruin +1, Vengefull Fullblate +1, Repeating Crossbow, Amulet of Protection +1

Healing Infusions 2:
Choose From:
Curative Admixture,
Resistive Formula,


Passive checks: I will roll passive checks from time to time.

If these checks result in information (i.e.: there are arrow holes in the walls of this corridor, that dragon has one eye open, etc...), I will reveal the information in a spoiler specifically addressed to one or more characters. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others. I'm not going to police this or anything, but the story goes more like a story, when it's done this way. Please feel free to get into your character with the information you have (or don’t have).

If the passive check results in a turn of events (i.e.: a trap springing, a monster gaining surprise, failure to realize that the guy was lying all the time) the passive roll will be posted at the time that the event happens.

Combat: Malenkirk Rules! Malenkirk rules, for the most part. Some of the bad guys have been customized for this adventure.

DM Posts during combat will include:

Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1)

Map in the form of a grid, hopefully with coordinates

Enemy Mini Stat Blocks
including HP, AC, Fort, Refl, Will, Immunities, Resistance, and Basic Attack. If there are more specialized powers, I will post them at the time of their use.

Time's Up!: I will give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.

(this is rule created by Velmont, used by HM, strict adherence to which ensures a good game pace)

Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).

[sblock= What are Malenkirk Rules?]

Named after their inventor Mal Malenkirk

In a nutshell:

  • Players roll initiative individually, bad guys roll on initiative roll
  • Players with higher init than bad guys go first
  • then all the bad guys go
  • Then all the players go. From this point, we alternate players vs bad guys
  • Good guy turns happen in first post - first acted order.
  • Illegal post-overs will be resolved in that round
  • Legal post-overs stand even if each didn't know the other was posting.

Treasure: Keep a wish list on your character sheet up to date with what you would like, and I’ll try to accommodate within reason. There are some quest related loot items that will not divide evenly, and it will be up to the players to divvy up at the end. Myself or the judge will step in if the players can't agree.

Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down (and it is down a lot), try Dice Room using your character name and the name of this adventure ("Lord Byron's Economic Woes") as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.

Out of Character Content:
Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.

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First Post
Lord Byron chatted with the two recruited adventurers, but still keeping any eye out for additional adventurers.

"We could use about four," Lord Byron said. "I haven't had luck with adventurer groups less than four. I call it the Rule of four: Fewer than four finds failure for sure."

Byron gestured with his fist for emphasis, as if the physical act made it so.

[sblock=OOC] I need ryryguy and renau1g to post in character accepting the offer for work, and then I'll move ahead.

If my outside recruit comes up with his PC in the next 2 days, I'll add him in at the start. Otherwise, I'll work him in as we go. He's a 3.5 guy, and if he changes his mind, then I'll see about getting Mewness warder, if you guys feel like you need it.


First Post
Tessa wouldve made it over to the table where Lord Byron sat by now, she presumed Wil would do the same, with her cider in tow she would order a second round, the first only managing to wet her whistle and reboot her insides.

She seemed to visibly sink at Lord Byrons words, "Fewer than four fail? ugh! perhap we got in a bit o'er the usual fare, eh?" she would ask to noone in particular, her head and face slumping between her hands.
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Wil beams as he walks over with Tessa to the table. "I am sure that we can triumph over any adversity. My songs will inspire us as my bow protects!"


First Post
Tessa smiled as well as if Wil's look was infectious, a rosy blush forming about her freckled cheeks, although her eyes still dropped her gaze into her drink. "A musician, eh? oh that's a grand skill I would love to 'ear a tune from you along the way." She looked up at the bow as if she was thinking she hoped he was more skilled with it than with song.
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First Post
The door to the tavern swings open, revealing a bulky figure in the doorway. It steps into the torchlight, revealing a human woman of considerable girth. She is middle aged, very light skinned with full pink cheeks. Her dark hair, streaked with white, is bound into a long braid with leather cords. Another leather thong around her neck holds a slender, polished bone, carved with symbols and pierced by bronze rings. Wolves' teeth and amber stones hang from the rings. She is wrapped in thick hides that look like they originally belonged to a great brown bear. They also look a little too warm for Daunton's climate, and indeed her brow has a sheen of sweat.

She glances at the sign by the door and snorts. "I'm Hergunna," she says. She looks around the bar and shakes her head. "And this place looks like a dump," she continues. The black dragon parts mounted on the wall catch her eye, and she studies them for a moment with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, it's still a dump, but that's pretty impressive."

"I'm looking for work. Who's hiring?"

[sblock=ooc]Okay, that's Hergunna, fresh off the boat from the mountains of Surtyr!

I did decide to switch to a Predator build, I think it may be more interesting to play and it fit my concept better in the end... but now I'm further from getting my character sheet done than I was before. I hope to have at least the summary section redone and probably a bit of background up by tomorrow evening.[/sblock]


First Post
Following closely behind the large human woman into the tavern comes a white-haired bugbear. He carries a bastard sword at his right hip and a large waraxe at this left. He looks around the room and you see the armour he's wearing is of a similar kind to the woman's as well, but the bugbear's is of white wolf pelts.

"I hear this is the place for someone looking to make some coin? They call me Kane" the bugbear declares then spots a group congregating together.

He pushes past the hide-wearing woman at the entrance and walks up to half-elf and two humans. "Hi, you are a group, yes? I am looking to offer my blades for gold. Are you looking to add some blades to you?"

I'll be retiring Blade my Deva avenger to make Kane. With no defender, I guess Kane's the designated punching bag? He's got the AC/hp for it, but no way to lock bad guys down.

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 2
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Low-light
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:16, Will:12
HP:35/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:10/10
Action Points: 1
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Predatory Eye
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:pC:Kane (renau1g - ENWiki) [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=OOC]Excellent. Feel free to talk amongst yourself. I'll be posting the next GM Post tomorrow morning or perhaps this evening. [/sblock]
[sblock=renau1g]You might want to pick a different color. If I end up compling player posts, your dialog and LadyJane's might get mized up.[/sblock]
[sblock=HM]I do. Are you offering? :)[/sblock]


First Post
"That is a nice bow you have. Are you a hunter?" Kane asks the half-elf

Purple it is. Sandy Brown's my standard colour.
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