Adventure: Lord Byron’s Economic Woes (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


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As Mervin's magic finally drops the dragon Kane turns around with a big, toothy grin on his face, "Good job Magicman, remind Kane not to get you mad at me." the bugbear shouts, as he takes his waraxe in both hands and swings it down, as if a butcher chopping a piece of steak, looking to remove the beast's head.

After the battle, Kane will wander over to the nice-looking axe he saw one of the kobolds carrying. Picking it up, the bugbear will swing it a few times and satisfied tuck his worn axe into this back and carry the new one. Kane leaves the woman to the more eloquont members of the group, sometimes his appearance frightened people, especially as he's now covered in gore from the battle.

Kane spends 2 surges to get to max hp. He would like to cut the dragons head off, perhaps even taking some of its scales to make a new set of hide armor out of.

He'll look around for treasure. The axe was a vicious +2 waraxe right?

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light
AC:20, Fort:19, Reflex:18, Will:14
HP:47/47, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges left:2/10
Action Points: 0
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Predatory Eye
Hunter's Quarry (Ranger MC)
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Brutal Slam
Shrug it Off

Swift Panther Rage
Vanguard Weapon

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: L4W:CS:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]

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"Thank you!" the woman squealed, throwing her arms around the bard in a strangling hug. "Strong and with a voice," she cooed. While she had a rough look to her, and while she was middle aged, she still knew how to flirt.

As the dragon collapsed to the floor, steam wafted from its open mouth, and the room started to feel warmer almost instantaneously. The Adventurers secured the room, ensuring there were no other threats.

Kane scanned for treasure, and it wasn't hard to find. The young dragon had managed to amass a sizable horde, no doubt due to the Kobold followers. There were piles of gold coin, along with four nearly flawless diamonds. The cache included a collection of tools and mundane weapons; among them, Hergunna spied a set of claw like gloves.

"Are you really going to take that Dragon's head?" the captive woman asked.
[sblock=Next Steps...]
Good Job guys! We have reached the end of the combat. Just some role player left to round things out.

There is still the matter of getting her back across the treacherous ice, as well as if you indeed intend to take the Dragonhead with you. Then back to the boat, and back to Daunton to report.

I am still working on the next adventure, so there may be some downtime between the end of this and the start of the next one, but I will be as quick as possible. I gave up video games until this is done, so hopefully that does the trick. Your efficient dispatch of the final encounter caught me off guard. :)

Thanks again for a great game.
[/sblock][sblock=Wishlists]Don't forget to update those Wishlists, since everyone will be leveling again![/sblock]
[sblock=Treasure Summary submitted for approval]
Gold and Treasure
Wil Rando:
L5 Healer's Chainmail, 100gp Diamond, 190gp, 1 Potion of healing
Kane: L7 +2 Vicious Waraxe, 100gp Diamond, 240gp
Hergunna: L4 Claw Gloves, 100gp Diamond, 190gp, 1 Potion of healing
Mervin:L3 Staff of Ruin +1, 100gp Diamond, 240gp

Note: Time Gold not calculated. Will give at the end of the adventure with the time EXP.

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First Post
Hergunna flashes a quick grin at Mervin and gives him a thumbs-up. "Nice shot, wizard," she says. The white wolf pads over to sniff at the dragon's body. After a moment it looks up. Hergunna locks eyes with it momentarily, then it is gone.

She walks over towards Wil and the rescuee, rolling her eyes at the woman's shameless flirting. "That's a quick recovery, isn't it now," she says. "Hey you, as soon as you can take a break from hanging on the bard, could you tell us what happened to you here? And do y'know if there are any other prisoners taken by the kobolds that might still be alive?"


First Post
Snapped back to reality, the captive woman's tone becomes more somber. "I... I fear that pile of bones says it all."

Quiet for a moment, she continued, "After the island shifted, the lizards came. They enslaved us all, and took us away one by one... took them all to their death!" She collapsed on the floor, weeping.
"All of my friends... All of my family... gone..."


Wil grins ear to ear at the woman's words, but as she hangs on him he almost falls to the floor. Gently good lady, my voice is my main strength he smiles at his own joke. As he looks about some concern overcomes his face. Is there anyway to transport all this? he gestures around and looks at Mervin questioningly.

[sblock=OOC] Does Mervin have Tenser's? We can compensate him for the components from the total gold. Wil has a 8 strength, Kane is already carrying my old Longbow. Just updated Wil's list... also starting to level him up and rebuild him as a Prescient Bard

L4W:pC:Wil Rando (johnmeier1) - L4W Wiki


After hearing the woman's words, Mervin responds, "Well, that is too bad. But at least you are still alive. And so, you can choose to continue forward." His words are not callous, but stern - and they seem to come from experience.

While his companions continue to rest and gather the treasure, Mervin uses his magic to clear part of the ice away.

[sblock=ooc]Tenchuu: So you said earlier that Mervin's orb fire could clear the ice away? If so, he will wait 5 minutes and cast it, wait 5, and cast it again to clear the ice hazard away. Is that cool?

johnmeier1: Mervin indeed has Tenser's Only Ritual That is Ever Used. I'm happy to cast it for the party; would everyone mind to chip in like 2g for the reagents then?

Mervin has been submitted for level 2! Once this is over he may be resubmitted for 3...[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Let's see: her friends and family were killed by a fantastical creature, she has no where to turn, and a strong group of people stepped in to save her... I think we just doomed this woman to becoming an adventurer. :) She certainly has all the elements of a typical backstory... If we had only left the dragon alive, I think it would have sealed the deal for her... But wait - maybe she was a misunderstood orphan, too! Or she could get amnesia! That would cinch it. ;) Quick - someone bonk her on the head! :)[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]This is sort of a silly request, but Tenchuu, would you mind if Mervin got the cash value of that potion instead of the potion itself? That would actually put me up to just over 360g, which is the magic number needed to actually get another item. (Also, Mervin can make his own potions.) Just a suggestion - if not that is totally cool![/sblock]


Wil takes out his flute and spellbook and while Mervin is melting the ice, he begins to chant and play the flute. He then goes over to the wizard, they discuss something then sit down and begin to lay out some components.

[sblock=OOC] Orb We have to have at least one short rest, why not two.

Rituals I'll perform my free bard ritual for the day Traveler's Chant increases our speed by 2 for overland travel.
Sure, I will chip in from my 6 pounds of gold :)
I don't have any components but I can assist on the Arcana check for Tenser's
Arcana 1d20+6=25
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With Wil's help, Mervin easily crafts a magical disc that can hold everything that was found and more.

[sblock=ooc]Of course now I roll a 19 for a total of 32, including Wil's help it becomes 34, which means we can hold 1000 pounds. So unless we have more than half a ton of treasure, we can load the old lady and the dragon's body and frankly anything else up on there. If everyone else (including the NPC) helped successfully, we could even get up to 2000 pounds. :)

Hooray arcana![/sblock]

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