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Adventure: Lord Byron's Lost Silver (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


Wil looks shocked at the turn of events. So, you are a lion in sheep's clothing, eh? I hunt lions. He looks around at his comrades and considers their strengths. Kruk, Kane, take those at the far end while the rest you help me take out their leader. He steps closer to the "priest" and takes a close aim at him before firing two quick shots from his bow. One strikes true and the other flies wide, only to circle around and hit the nearby zombie. Spirits burst out of the wound and seems to pull at the creature's body.

[sblock=OOC] Initiative 1d20+4=24
Move: Walk to E17
Minor: Hunter's Quarry on the priest
Standard: Twin Strike 1d20+10;1d10+1;1d20+10;1d10+1;1d6 he gets hit once for 9 damage
Free Action: Inevitable Shot on the miss, attack zombie in A18 with Grappling Spirits 1d20+11=20 for 1d10+3=11 damage and it is slowed TENT
Triggers: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade when ally misses by 6 or less, Virtue of Prescience if ally hit by 1 or less, Arrow of Warning (if bloodied ally in melee is attacked)

Status: bloodied
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:19 Insight: 17
AC: 19 NAD:14/16/19
HP: 45/45 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 10 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:13 Int:10 Cha:21

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind[/s], Shout of Triumph[/s], Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Word[/s], Words of Friendship, Moment of Escape[/s], Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade[/s], Virtue of Prescience[/s]
Daily - Arrow of Ill Omen[/s], Arrow of Warning[/s], Inevitable Shot, Songbow of Vanishment[/s]

Full Character Sheet

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First Post
Kruk screams in anguish as the fall into the cleric's trap. "We will get you priest. You can count on that!' Kruk then moves to a better position to confront his enemies.

ooc: Kruk had a lower initiative roll. He stays where he is at.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Intitiative (1d20+11=30)

Ugh, they all acted so no rogue first strike, I am assuming.

I'll wait a bit before acting. I ain't a melee fighter and I can't compromise myself until I see a few more moves.

-''Do you think it's a safari? We're surrounded! We need to put our back to something. The softest room seems to be the one next to the leader, with the weak looking spell caster type of zombies. We take them out first!'' Charina advises.

[sblock=Tactics, please read!]This seems like a very tough fight. Two elites, 8 standards. And we're surrounded. We need to clear out a room quickly to have our back to something but that room is not the one with Niris. Did you see his stats along with his two body guard? I doubt we'll bring him down fast enough and then we'll be caught between him and the wraithborn.

The SE room is by far the softest and it contains (I think) the only two artilley monsters, precisely the type of annoying monsters you want out early. The two Corruption Corpses have just 46 hp and low stats but are heavy hitters. They will be very easy to kill but if we let them shoot, they will wear us down with their high average damage and auto-weaken on a hit. Trust me, they are much more dangerous then their level would indicate if you let them shoot at you unhindered. We kill them first (we can surely bring one down before they even act), secure that room and then we're in business with a tight front.

[sblock=Cunning Sneak]I remind the DM of the Cunning Sneak rogue feature because Charina uses it and abuses it!

Normally to make a stealth cheack to become hidden you need full concealement, full cover or to be out of LOS. For Charina, if she ends 3 square away form her starting position, she can attempt to become hidden with standard Concealment or Cover (the -2/+2 variant instead of the +5/-5). So a simple corner does the trick.

Also, she doesn't take the usual -5 penalty to stealth for having moved more than 2 square, though if she moves more than 2 square while aleady hidden she still needs to make a new check to remain hidden and she also loses hidden status when she loses concealment/cover as usual.
Last edited:


[sblock=OOC]I'd like to get that First Strike question answered before Carolina acts. Of course, I haven't even rolled initiative yet, so it could be a moot point, but still...[/sblock]


[sblock=tactics] Hey, my PC can be better at tactics than I am. I saw the healing on the leader and thought it would be a good idea to take it down, but the "clear a room" strategy works well too. I think Wil can be alright since he has Fencing Master Boots and a blast 3 push power in addition to my ranged, so go ahead and go the other way, it is close by.


First Post
Kane growls at the betrayal of the "priest" and hears Charina's words. In the blink of an eye, his axes are out and he's running across the room, moving past Hergunna. He moves to the side of one of the coffins and swings his axe at the corpse, just clipping its shoulder with his weapon.

"Blech, these things smell worse than Stinkbeard..." the bugbear complains

I agree with Mal, we should really make sure we focus fire on these guys as well. Wish we had a radiant person, but I guess that means more fun for us pounding them into pulp :)

init (1d20+10=22)

Minor: Draw +2 Vicious Waraxe
Move: Draw +1 Vanguard Waraxe
Standard: Charge to I16 and attack Corruption Corpse - Charge vs corruptino corpse (1d20+12=23, 1d12+8=11) hits for 11 (forgot -5 to hit, so hits AC 18, still good enough)

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 6
Initiative: +10, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:22, Fort:20, Reflex:19, Will:14
HP:59/53, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Furious Assault
Hunter's Quarry
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Whirling Step
Shrug it Off
Walk it Off

Swift Panther Rage
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Vanguard Weapon
Vagabond's Die

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: PC:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''Hey, you know what? It just occured to me that I still haven't met a priest who wasn't an ambitious maniac!'' Charina says, laughing.

Then she moves low and slides nears the coffin next to Kane. The corruption corpse loses sight of Charina for just a moment. It's enough; he gets a bolt right through the heart. Too bad it's not beating anymore but the undead is barely standing. A little nudge should do him in. Charina deftly reloads.

Move: to G15, Attempt to become hidden
Stealth (1d20+16=17) uhg! But Hurray, that crew is mostly blind as a mole. My minimum beats everyone but Niris and the Wraithborn.

Hidden from the two Corruption corpse only

Sly Flourish vs AC Corrpution corpse H17 (1d20+12+2=25, 1d10+10+2d8=23)

No Longer Hidden

Minor: Reload


First Post
[sblock=First Strike]Yup, sorry. No first strike this encounter.[/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]I guess the one that Kane is fighting was a Guido.

(bad joke at R1's mispelling in the ooc--I should just delete this, but, oh well)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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