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Adventure:-- LPNN (Manzanita Judging)


The man with the probe
OOC: Doh, if you go up, there's a table that says it's an AoO, which is actualy counter to the rules as described in the SRD. Strange.

Edit: Forgot the 5' step, even better idea.

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Well, I'm off to an in-law family reunion, and won't be able to post until Monday.

The WereRats will salivate, mid-strike, until then.

Note to self: drink heavily, and be nice...


OOC: Everyone back from the holidays yet? I guess Vargo will be out of communication but has already asked to be autopiloted for the rest of this week...


First Post
*Sorry I'm here but not here if you get my meaning. I'm not bagging on the adventure -- not at all! I'm simply wedged between two family reunions and an unexpected visitor...I have to leave again Friday morning for an all-weekend trip. Realistically, I won't be able to do the next round of combat until next Monday -- I apologize in advance for the slowdown. *

It WILL hit the fan next Monday, I promise.



The man with the probe
two said:
*Sorry I'm here but not here if you get my meaning. I'm not bagging on the adventure -- not at all! I'm simply wedged between two family reunions and an unexpected visitor...I have to leave again Friday morning for an all-weekend trip. Realistically, I won't be able to do the next round of combat until next Monday -- I apologize in advance for the slowdown. *

It WILL hit the fan next Monday, I promise.

Sorite, you mentioned you were out for a bit. Enjoy :)


First Post
Getting back in the "swing" of things

Raz does the following:

"Summary: Free-5' step back, MEA-'draws' potion, SA-drinks potion (2d8+3)

Status Report: HP: 10/27. AC: 17. Attack w/ silvered arrow: +1 (+5-4), 1d4+3 damage. Fort save vs. nausea from bats: +5."

Trouble is, he needs to make a fort save first or just be sick... and rolls a "15". No problem.

Raz steps back out of the bat swarm, pulls out the potion, and gets back 11 hit points, putting him at 21. Yeah baby.


First Post
combat round continues...

Raz 13
Zaeryl 13
Juliana 6
Almayce 6
Vargo & Wolf 1

Zaeryl – bleeds at I13.

I6: Juliana does the improved trip thing: “Juliana's next action: She will take a 5' Step (If needed) towards Longtooth, and make an unarmed trip attack (does not provoke an AoO due to improved Trip, +2 to hit touch AC, +6 opposed str or dex check, and if fails, he can try to trip me back (Str vs +2). If I succeed, I get a free attack with the arrow (net +2 (+2, -4 for imp weap, +4 vs prone) , 1d4+2, 20x2)).”

Her touch attack is a “1” meaning we can stop right there. Invisible Castle – it remembers you guys!

I6: Almayce steps up and heals Hallidor a tiny bit. He’s still down, but not bleeding.

I1: Vargo attempts to “grab an item” off of LongTooth’s body, i.e. the bat necklance. He attempts a “disarm” after moving forward 5’ and shouting to anyone that hears, “GET THE NECKLACE!”. He uses his spear to try to do this, i.e. break the necklace with the spear.

Rules: Grabbing Items

“You can use a disarm action to snatch an item worn by the target. If you want to have the item in your hand, the disarm must be made as an unarmed attack.

If the item is poorly secured or otherwise easy to snatch or cut away the attacker gets a +4 bonus. Unlike on a normal disarm attempt, failing the attempt doesn’t allow the defender to attempt to disarm you. This otherwise functions identically to a disarm attempt, as noted above.

You can’t snatch an item that is well secured unless you have pinned the wearer (see Grapple). Even then, the defender gains a +4 bonus on his roll to resist the attempt.”

Vargo stabs at the necklance with his spear, or rather, attempts to do so. He is inside LongTooth’s weapon reach, but not inside the reach of his, well, Long Tooth. Or Teeth. However, he might soon be “inside” their reach, i.e. in LongTooth’s mouth getting masticated. We shall see. LongTooth sees Vargo attempting to poke around his neck for something and bites – hard. Rolls a “10” and misses, given that his secondary bite attack isn’t all that hot. Vargo, cackling, attemps to thread the spear inside the bat necklace – and pulls. The mithral chain is strong, but thin. Vargo gets a +2 bonus for the item being relatively “easy” to pull off; it would be +4 if it wasn’t mithral. Vargo rolls a “14” and LongTooth rolls a “8”. Modified, it’s 16 vs 8, and LongTooth isn’t able to stop Vargo from threading his spear through the silvery necklace and twisting the weapon – popping the links.

The necklace falls to the ground, broken, and the small bat figurine is covered with a mottled darkness for a moment – then simply sits there inert.

Behind Vargo, he hears the fluttering of the bats wings, which had been a steady rushing, break up and become unorganized. There are staccato bursts of louder noises, great squeakings, and a darkness covering the face of the moon – as the bats, in confusion, lift upwards into the night sky and, unorganized, drift off in a million different directions.

LongTooth, seeing the bats flapping off and the ruins of his necklace at his feet, looks rather perturbed. He glares at Vargo in a way that is not very nice.

“You are dead, human,” speaks LongTooth, “dead and gone.”

I1: Huln bites at LongTooth – manages to hit, but does not damage LongTooth and fails to trip him.

Last edited:


First Post
Round 7

Round 7:

LongTooth 20
Hallidor 20
BatS 19
Slinker 17
Ogrin 16
Stinker 14
Raz 13
Zaeryl 13
Juliana 6
Almayce 6
Vargo & Wolf 1

I20: LongTooth takes a 5’ step back and decides to “punish” Vargo for his effrontery. Trouble is, there is a small tree in the way, giving Vargo +2 to AC. So, let’s see what happens. LongTooth rolls a “2” and freaking misses!

I20: Hallidor naps.

I17: Slinker moves over to Almayce and rolls a “1”. Good god. Dost the Wormeth Turneth or what?

I16: Ogrin bleeds.

I14: Stinker continues to poke and bite at Raz, whom he considers a wimp at this point. Rolls a “3” and “7” and misses with both! Damn you, invisible castle!

I13: Need everyone’s actions for this round, given the strange stuff that’s been going on!


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