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[Adventure] Madness at Gardmore Abbey


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"Right! There's, um, plenty of daylight left," says Papolstaanas, agreeing with Merri and standing up. "Except, m-maybe you need to make preparations, your--my lady?"

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Merri smiles at Popolstaanas, "I'm sure I've been near the Abby before, even if I didn't know what it was. I bet I can pick out some quicker paths to get us there."

OOC: Merri's Explorer theme speeds up movement
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Son of Meepo

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It does not take long for Lady Oakley to get herself ready for the journey as she has more than a few hired hands who can help. Once everyone is assembled you emerge from the gates of Oakley Manor and once more travel into the hills.

There are obvious signs of orcs passing through the area in great numbers. You manage to avoid any patrols by traveling at a time when they are less active. In a few hours time you reach the edge of the tree line. The Walls surrounding the abbey are visible. Orc tracks appear in abundance here, many heading directly toward or directly away from the wall. It's certain that the orcs are now living in the village around the Abbey.

"I know there is a secret entrance into the keep, but I don't know exactly where it is as it was never written on any map. You could try to look for it, but we'd have to be careful that we are not spotted. You could look for a break in the wall, it's likely that it has not been maintained in quite some time. Or we could just throw caution to the wind and go for the main gate."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I'm good at passing unnoticed, but not so good at noticing hidden things. I could create a diversion here while you search the back of the abbey as I doubt the hidden entrance is next to main gate. But that would put orcs on the ready. I'm for going in stealthily, then barring the doors from the inside once we enter the abbey. Bad news is of course that we cannot retreat once we're inside."

OOC: Illarion is good at stealth, but sucks at perception :)

Young monk offers immediately.
"Let's two of us search the perimeter first. I'm good at spotting secret doors, there was plenty to play with in The Temple of the Dragon. And my training included dragons stalking prey so I learned early to be silent and patient. If the rest of you would hide and wait here, we'll do a quick circuit.

He then reconsiders the proposal and continues:
"Erm, don't take this the wrong way, old one, but maybe it would be better that I do this myself, and you serve as forward sentry, hidden in front of the group so you can warn them of approaching orcs? I know you adjusted to your blindness, but this is rubble filled ruin, not city streets.


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Merri giggles, "Well of course you'd have trouble seeing it, silly! Maybe there are some trees grown up near the edge we could use to get over?"

OOC: Merri has +9 nature, +9 perception, +7 stealth


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"I can go with you," says Papolstaanas. "Unless--unless, you think better not?"

OOC: Papolstaanas has +14 steatlh and perception (when he puts his shield away). Not so much knowledge skills though. Of course, two people both increases the chance of a decent Perception roll and a crap Stealth roll =)

"The more the merrier. And we may spot something we would miss otherwise."

OOC: I think we don' roll separately, one rolls other two are aiding...we just have to agree who does what.

GM: If you want to scout the wall you need both a Perception check and a Stealth check.
I wasn't clear enough. I meant that not all characters need to roll separately. Not that two rolls aren't necessary. But probably all aid anothers succeed automatically with possible exception of neurotics perception, which would give rolling character good bonus to the roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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