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[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


(arcana 3)

After the search for Bann-ur concludes, Jezebel crosses her arms and shakes her head. "I don't like the idea of us getting separated, but Bann-ur is a tough one. He will be fine on his own."

To Alnar, she simply replies "Good idea." and sits herself against one of the thick trees.

[sblock=healing]Jezebel spends 1 surge to get to 26/31 hp, or to full health if she gets to apply Ferris's healing word bonus.[/sblock]

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"Yes.... the goliaths are made of stern stuff, however..." Ferris trails off... abondoning Bann-Ur is like abandoning one of his pack. That does not sit well

Ferris spends the next 15 minutes or so administering to his allies, and his own, wounds, uttering reverent prayers to Dayna, thanking her for the Healing gift.

Trying to assuage his guilt.

[sblock=Healing] First, I heal Alnar and Ferris for Healing Surge + 1d6+4=9, 1d6+4=9 hps respectively. After another 5-minute rest I heal Jez for 1d6+4=10 + Healing Surge hps. Another 5 minute rest and I am good to go. [/sblock]

[sblock=stats]Ferris Cacamoujai, Cleric of Dayna 1- Male Longtooth Shifter, Cleric of Dayna 1
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19, Init: +2
AC: 17, Fort: 14, Reflex: 13, Will: 16 -- Speed: 5
HP: 24/24, Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 5/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: used, Milestones:
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Battleaxe +6 vs AC, 1d10+4 dmg (Crit = 14 dmg)
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Javelin +4 vs AC, 1d6+4 dmg, Range 10/20 (2/2)
Righteous Brand, Invigorating Assualt
Healing Word Used:0, Longtooth Shifting, Healing Strike, Healer's Mercy OR Divine Fortune
Weapon of Astral Flame
Combat notes:
-Only use 1 Channel Divinity per encounter. Can use Healing Word 2x per encounter[/sblock]
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First Post
Bann-ur should be OK. He seemed capible of fendind off those bugs and vines, more than most. Alnar says. Thanks for the healing. He says to Ferris.

Hey Draco is back! Welcome back Draco! The Dragonling flys through the trees twittering happily.

Yeah I think that is a good idea, Alnar says to the Dragonling. Draco says he wants to see the Gnomes. Shall we head out?

I will spend one surge to get up to full HP.

[sblock=stat block]

Alnar Male Human Sorcerer 1
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: +12, Passive Insight: +10, Init: +0
AC: 14, Fort: 13, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 -- Speed: 6
HP: 36/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
Basic Attack Quarterstaff +4 vs AC 1d8+2
Ranged Basic Attack Acid Orb +4 vs. Reflex 1d10+4+2 acid damage
Burning Spray, Acid Orb, Blazing Starfall
Thundering Roar
Ice Javelins

Conditions -
Scales of the Dragon activated

Defense same as above.
1/1 HP



First Post
[sblock=ooc]Healing arrangements look good to me. I'm fine with allotting multiple 5 minute rests at this juncture to refresh encounter healing powers. Let me know your thoughts about getting through/around the now-obstructed path along the river bank.

Looks like we may have another fighter joining us in short order. Iron Sky: has a second PC close to approval and has expressed interest.

I may be slow with posting this weekend, as I'm currently out of town visiting family, but I'll try to update at least once or twice.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc] I would like to try and get back in there, but from pacs description it may not be an option... all of us failed the Arcana check, so I, for one, have no idea what it said. Anyone have any ideas?[/sblock]


First Post
With a whispered word, Alnar sends Draco out to fly around the area to see if he can find a way through the obstruction.

He has limited range, but still we can see if he finds anything.

Also let me know if you want any skill checks rolled for Draco (or go ahead and roll them if you want :) )[/sblock]


First Post
With a whispered word, Alnar sends Draco out to fly around the area to see if he can find a way through the obstruction.

From his vantage point 50 feet up, Draco can see clearly over the tops of the mangrove trees. He reports to Alnar that it would be possible, though slow going to skirt around the impassible thicket by going back south a short ways, then west through the forest. The river itself seems to now be the only clear path into and out of the thicket.

[sblock=MetaVoid]We've got a defender joining us soon, but we could definitely use a 5th PC. Drop me a PM if you're interested in joining us, and we can cook up a way to RP Cyr into the party.[/sblock]


First Post
Thanks Draco. Alnar says to the Dragonling upon hearing the scouting information. Looks like we either have to take the long way around the thicket or through the river... Thoughts?


'My curiosity bids me wade the river to investigate that odd area further.... but I have no pressing need to." Ferris says as he looks in the direction of the glade.

Voidrunner's Codex

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