[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)


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Thanks Rabbit, we'll be sure to pick the right plant now. says Gil as he drops his sample in a jar. Meet back here by dawn to rest and report?

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Thanks Rabbit, we'll be sure to pick the right plant now. says Gil as he drops his sample in a jar. Meet back here by dawn to rest and report?

OOC: You have 21 sprigs of wolfsbane. There's probably enough if you'd rather do something else, if not, then you can of course go find more. Perhaps even turn a profit here in Fulcrum as the local apothecaries are sold out and citizens are certainly paranoid about the rumours of the lycanthropic killer.


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OOC: I'll let Kaeysari jump in with her opinion, but Gil has been pretty intent on getting to pick the wild wolfsbane. If we have too much, we may just split the "extra" between possible victims (in game time) tomorrow afternoon, or sell the extra if others in the party aren't quite as altruistic as Gil... I personally would enjoy skipping the wolfsbane and covering another crime scene (with the hopes a criminal had returned) :devil:. Gil on the other hand will likely try to study more with the extra time... Looking [MENTION=1642]BenBrown[/MENTION] / Kaeysari to change the course of the pair's evening.


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"How much wolfsbane do we need?" Kaeysari asks, looking increasingly dubious about spending time out looking for some plants that she can't even remember what they look like. "It looks like we've got a bunch already. Besides, we don't even know if it will do any good. It surely won't if we're not there when the killer strikes next. Where that is is what we need to find out."

Lord Sessadore

Tristan looks around at the area around the most recent crime scene as he, Papo, and Illarion arrive. "Best start looking," he says, prowling around the scene trying to look for anything that might have been left behind, as well as possible avenues of attack that the killer may have used.
[sblock=OOC]I think it's time to push our group forward. :) I'm not sure where exactly this crime scene is or what it looks like, thus the vague description. Perception: 1d20+14=30; Insight: 1d20+6=25.

Should each group check out one crime scene first? And then carry on with the rest of their lists. [/sblock]


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[sblock=Tristan, Papo, & Illarion]
You are informed by Ryado that the most recent murder was of the elven information broker. Your travels take you to a small, ramshackle hut, a two-room structure from the outside. It sits in the middle of a side-street, out of the way, but accessible via the main streets. As Tristan scouts around, he notices that there is a well-hidden secret door around the back, one that exits to a narrow alley behind the home. The front door has a heavy iron lock holding it shut. No windows exist, but a very small smokepipe exits the top, likely to allow smoke from a wood stove to escape.

OOC: I was thinking the same thing LS

[sblock=Eloan, 7 Rabbit]
You arrive at the Two Portals, the largest establishment in the town, one that caters most specifically to travels from the two portals located on the Isle. At this late hour (only about 40 minutes before last call) there are a handful of patrons here, a barkeep (half-orc middle-aged male) and a serving woman (eladrin young). The groups are a pair of dwarves (one black-beard and bald, the other shorter blonde beard and long hair) dressed in commoners clothes. The other is a dragonborn (male, red-scaled, heavy blade sitting next to him) with an apprasing eye on the other patrons and a short, fat, greasy-haired human in somewhat tattered robes. Finally, there are two individual humans sitting (separately), one appears of late middle-age, the other barely an adult.

The inn looks like it could accommodate at least twenty more if required.[/sblock]

The next most recent victim (after the elf that the first group is looking after) is the halfling merchant and his son. Their home is attached to their shop. The front door has an iron lock keeping the door shut, the windows are iron-barred and inside you can see it is a general store, various sundry items sit there. This location is on a main street and the full moon illuminates the area well. The home sits atop the shop, the 2nd storey of the building.

OOC: If you want to do anything else, let me know, I just wanted to bring you here as it seemed like what Kaeysari was suggesting


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[sblock= DM Kaeysari]Round the back and up then? whispers Gil to Kaeysari, after spying the lock. Or we could peruse the door in the back, I may be able to pick one of these.



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Hadn't thought of it, but my first reaction is, probably not... What with the murder and all. We could always lock up on our way out and be quiet just in case.

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