[sblock=attacks and marks]Technically, "an attack" can be an entire standard action. In other words, if he makes "an attack" that attacks two people, that still satisfies the mark.
The word "attack" is used to mean 2 different things here, so it's rather confusing. In this case, a better use of terminology might be: "attack action" and "attack roll." So long as any "attack action" includes Grys, the mark will not impede the dwarf, regardless of the number of "attack rolls" he makes as part of the "attack action".
The best example of this in action is a dragon's breath: it can hit like 5 people, but as long as the guy who marked the dragon is in the area, there is no penalty. Same thing here: if the dwarf had an attack action that allowed him to make 10 attack rolls, even shifting between each one, so long as one of those attack rolls included Grys, he wouldn't take a penalty.[/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]Regardless, I honestly don't care how we run the mark on this guy; it's true that 16 is down a bunch but he still has the highest AC and biggest surge value. I think it's good either way.[/sblock]