[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


First Post
Now the dance has come together.

Dane drops his hand axe and pulls out his oversized waraxe from behind his back. With a twirl in his hand, he slides between his dwarven and metal friend. He then spins and attempts to smash one of the fishmen in the face in an attempt to knock him over the edge of the boat.

Get behind me brother.

[sblock=Actions] Free: drop hand-axe, Minor: draw Reckless Waraxe, Move: Shift to N13, Standard: Shield Bash W3. If hit, I will attempt to push him towards P12 (I'll roll save vs fall). [/sblock]

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First Post
Action Point

You be a slick one, eh boy-o?

Dane turns his attention to the "Slayer." The axe head grows in size becoming a bit awkward to use. The dwarf deftly swings at the quick moving fishman to get an idea of what kind of opponent he is facing.

[sblock=Action Point] Free: Activate Reckless Waraxe's power (+2 to dmg, -2 to Dane's AC UEoNT). AP: Probing Attack at the Slayer, marking him.[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''Hmm. Didn't seem to work the first time.''

Hadrak shakes his holy symbol in an effort to set it right but it misfires again, barely missing the back of Incarnation's head.

-''Well, this is no good.''

OOC: Shift to current location
Attack envoy

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First Post
Dane takes a quick look over his shoulder at Hadrak after another misfire.

Maybe ye holdin' it upside down. Or ye' need some 'holy water," Dane says with a glace at Hadrak's wine skin. ;)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation nods in appreciation to Nebten, but the watery vegetation holds him fast. With a flick, dark shadows enclose the nearest warrior. Incarnation pronounces, See the doom that is to come, but the curse seems to have little effect on the watery creation. With determination, Incarnation intones a single dread syllable, marking the doom of each of their enemies and flames scorch their minds.

It would not be long now.
OOC: I'll generally save Unbreakable Bond for attacks that crit, drop, or knock out Incarnation (in that order). It wouldn't stop the restrained in any case.

Curse W3 and then attack with Aurelia's Doomed Insight (w/ CA as it is cursed and Incarnation has Shadow Walk TET), so only a -2 penalty from restrained: Will 16 (miss?) and 17 dmg; if it does hit, then Curse Envoy. Use AP to Proclamation of Doom and Eldtrich Admixture (Fire, 1 charge) vs all enemies: Will 21 vs S, 19 vs E, 30 vs W1, 12 vs W2, 32 vs W3, 20 vs W4; 23 psychic and fire dmg if hit, 11 if missed, all are cursed, and all take 3 psychic damage if they hit Incarnation UEE. W3 takes an additional 6 dmg (for 29 for that attack) unless E was already cursed, then apply it to "her".
[sblock=Incarnation (Restrained)]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 10
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 22, Fort: 23, Reflex: 21, Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 47/79, Bloodied: 39, Surge: 19, Surges left: 12/12
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Active Vestige: The Shadow
Powers -
Carenvale's Star-crossed Strike
Mauros' Rebuke
Aurelia's Doomed Insight

Whisper of Treehammer's Strength
Mauros' Fiery Bolt
Icy Prison of the Fire Mage

Mauros' Searing Imprisonment
Proclamation of Doom
Doom's Burning Shackles

Warforged Resilience
Wrathful Aspect of the Black's Disciple
Unbreakable Bond of The Five
Mixed Fate of the Star-Touched Seer

Spidersilk Mantle +2 (encounter)
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (encounter) — 4/5
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Incarnation_(stonegod)[/sblock]
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Georg lifts his staff and extends his flame.

OOC: Standard: Fire Shroud enlarged attacks all enemies, hits add 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends). If more than one hit damage is +2
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Lord Sessadore

Frustrated at being held back from his enemies by the Envoy's betentacled attack, Raiyek prays to Palladys to free him from the bonds. However, it seems that his goddess is somewhat reluctant to aid the paladin against the agent of another god, and the tentacles remain in place. Scowling, Raiyek instead turns his attention to one of the shark-men attacking Georg. "Come face me and prove yourself!" he calls to the humanoid, hurling his javelin after his words. The tentacles release him as the javelin sails past and thuds into the railing along the deck, and, challenge issued, the elf reaches for the hilt of his sword ...
[sblock=OOC]Minor: Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle on myself to grant a save vs. restrained at +2.

Move: sub for minor, Divine Challenge W2 - marked and takes 9 radiant damage if he makes an attack that doesn't include me. Also, complain about natural 1's ;)

Standard: throw javelin at W2. I forgot the penalty for the aura, so it should be 22 vs. AC. Surely a miss.[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 8
Passive Perception: 25, Passive Insight: 23; Low-light vision
:26, Fort:21, Reflex:21, Will:23 -- Speed:6
: 58/74, Bloodied:34, Surge Value:19, Surges Left:11/11
Resist 1 all
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 1, Second Wind

Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (4/4)
Restore Vitality
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
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First Post
The envoy release another group of sea serpent. Somehow, Hadrak is warded again, thanks to his god, but the rest of the group is heavily hitted. Georg and Dane are just unable to avoid the full hit. All hitted are restrained by the ethereal sea serpent and feels there life being drained away.

The two warriors on Georg stand back and pick javelin they shoot at Georg. He is unable to avoid both and get wounded by one. One of them also suddenly get hit by the divine light sent by Raiyek's god.

The warrior pushed in the water jump back on the deck and attack Incarnation but miss it and feels a psychic feedback from his attack. He quickly jump back into the water.

The last warrior jump on Hadrak, now alone and his friend being unable to come to his help. He trust his rusty rapier into the dwarf.

The slayer, feeling the danger of fighting Dane, decide to jump into the water and disappear out of sight, but not before leaving an opening for the dwarf.

[SBLOCK=OOC][MENTION=36973]stonegod[/MENTION]: Unless I miss something, your Aurelia's Doomed Insight draw an AoO from Slayer (which miss).

[MENTION=79391]Nebten[/MENTION]: Slayer trigger your combat challenge. I'll let you roll, but don't forget you are restrained at the moment it happen and you are within a Vile Stencth Aura.

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: Restrained is an effect that last until the end of your next turn. No save possible. Divine Mettle wasn't expended.

Vile Stench: This is an aura. Anyone starting a turn within 2 squares of a warrior or the slayer takes a -2 penalty to all attack roll until the start of their next turn. These aura doesn't stack with other such aura and it is a poison effect.

Horrid Form: Anyone targeting the Envoy takes a -1 penalty to melee and ranged attack against her due to horrible appearance. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Mechanic]Georg: Fire shield damage both warriors
Dane: Hit Warrior and push it into the water. Hit Slayer.
Hadrak: Miss
Incarnation: Aurelia's Doomed Insight miss Warrior 3. Proclamation Hit everyone except W2 and Envoy.
Slayer: Slayer AoO vs Ac on Incarnation (1d20+14=15, 1d8+6+2=12) Miss.
Georg: Hit Envoy, W3 and W4.
Raiyek: Hit.

Start: Takes 5 fire damage and Recharge (1d6=5) Winding Serpent recharge.
Standard: Envoy use Winding Serpent vs Refl on Dane; Georg; Hadrak; Incarnation; Raiyek (1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=18, 1d20+13=23, 1d20+13=23, 2d8+6=21) Critical on Dane and Georg for 22 necrotic damage. Hit Incarnation for 21 necrotic damage and Raiyek for 20 necrotic damage. Everyone hit is Restrained until the end of your next turn.
End: Envoy save vs ongoing fore damage (1d20+2=19) Saved

Warrior 1:
Start: Recharge Slippery Strike for W1 (1d6=2) No
Move: Shift to L9
Standard: Warrior 1 Javelin vs AC on Georg (1d20+14=16, 1d6+6+2=11) Miss.

Warrior 2:
Start: Recharge Slippery Strike for W2 (1d6=5) Yeah
Move: Shift to L9
Standard: Warrior 2 Javelin vs AC on Georg (1d20+14=31, 1d6+6+2=12) Hit for 10 damage and 2 poison damage. Warrior 2 also takes 9 radiant damages from Divine Challenge.

Warrior 3:
Start: Takes 5 fire damage
Move: Climb to O11
Standard: Slippery Strike vs AC on Incarnation (1d20+14=16, 1d8+6+2=13) Miss and takes 3 psychic damages and shift to P11.
End: W3 save vs ongoing fore damage (1d20=20) Saved

Warrior 4:
Start: Takes 5 fire damage
Move: Walk to L14
Standard: Warrior 4 Rusty Rapier vs AC on Hadrak (1d20+14=32, 1d8+6+2=12)
End: W4 save vs ongoing fore damage (1d20=15) Saved

Move: Shift to P13
Move: Swim out of sight


[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane (M13): 56/78; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0; Restained UEoNT;
Georg (M11): 26/60; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1; Bloodied; Restained UEoNT;
Hadrak (N14): 66/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 26/79; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0; Bloodied; Restained UEoNT;
Raiyek (N10): 38/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 1; Restained UEoNT;

Envoy (Q9): -39; AC?? F20 R23 W24; Resist Cold 5; Cursed;
Warrior1 (L10): -35; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;
Warrior2 (L11): -43; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;
Warrior3 (O12): -54; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Bloodied; Cursed;
Warrior4 (O15): -33; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;
Slayer (O13): -31; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;

Power used:
Dane: Shield Bash, Probing Attack
Georg: Fire Burst, Shield, Fire Shroud
Incarnation: Wrathful Aspect of the Black's Disciple, Icy Prison of the Fire Mage, Proclamation of Doom

Envoy: Winded Serpent
Warrior1: Slippery Strike
Warrior3: Slippery Strike
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First Post
Dane takes a big swing at the fishman as he leaves himself open under his feinting attacks. A puzzled look then comes across his face as his target dives into the water after just a couple of attacks.

Being bound to the deck, Dane puts his Reckless Waraxe away. The dwarf then takes out small hammer and pillars. He then attempts to "repair" some of the damage on Incarnations right arm and flank. Dis is actually a lot easier then dealing with all the blood & screamin' with living people. (Incarnation you may spend an healing surge)

After the minor repairs are completed, Dane takes out his other waraxe with a ivory handle and skull relief on the blade end. He grounds his feet and prepare for the next 'wave' of enemies. :confused:

[sblock=Actions] OA against Slayer. Minor Action Sheathe Reckless Waraxe. Standard Action: Physician's Care on Incarnation, Minor: Draw Berserker Waraxe +2 [/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

Deciding defense is more important than offense at the moment, since he is ensnared by life-sucking tentacles again, Raiyek hunkers behind his shield and gathers his strength to renew his attack soon.
[sblock=OOC]Oops, sorry Velmont. I thought I had seen others making saves against restrained; apparently I'm just imagining things. :p

[MENTION=6667844]eve[/MENTION]ryone else: Georg needs some healing too - I do have a daily heal with a minor action, but I was thinking it would be better to save that for now since we've still got virtually all our encounter healing powers still. If it would be better to use it now, though, I can do that instead of Oath of Enmity.[/sblock][sblock=Actions]Standard: Second wind, heal 19 and +2 to all defenses TSNT.
Minor: draw 2nd javelin.
Move: Oath of Enmity on Warrior 2.[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 8
Passive Perception: 25, Passive Insight: 23; Low-light vision
:26(28), Fort:21(23), Reflex:21(23), Will:23(25) -- Speed:6
: 57/74, Bloodied:37, Surge Value:19, Surges Left:10/11
Resist 1 all
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 1, Second Wind

Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (4/4)
Restore Vitality
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
Second Wind: +2 to all defenses TSNT.

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