[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Can't post full right now, but note that every enemy is cursed (I curse on a miss w/ the power [and do half damage]) and thus anyone that attacks Incarnation and hits takes 3 psychic damage.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As Nebten works on Incarnation, a dark, flickering light enwraps the dwarf's hands, seemingly doubling the warrior's efforts. He raises his implements high and a bolt of flame wraps around the fleeing warrior. Any that harm me pay!
OOC: Kick in Mixed Fate of the Star-touched Seer, which grants Incarnation another 19 hp in addition to his HS (he technically dies now on his second failed death save, but our boy can always choose to take 10 on those).

Use Marous' Rebuke vs W3: Hit, 21 fire damage and if Incarnation takes damage, the first time W3 takes 1d6+6 fire and the Envoy takes 5 damage. If W3 drops, use Treehammer Vestige (the active) to grant Dane +2 to all defenses TENT.
[sblock=Incarnation (Restrained)]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 10
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 22, Fort: 23, Reflex: 21, Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 64/79, Bloodied: 39, Surge: 19, Surges left: 11/12
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Active Vestige: The Shadow
Powers -
Carenvale's Star-crossed Strike
Mauros' Rebuke
Aurelia's Doomed Insight

Whisper of Treehammer's Strength
Mauros' Fiery Bolt
Icy Prison of the Fire Mage

Mauros' Searing Imprisonment
Proclamation of Doom
Doom's Burning Shackles

Warforged Resilience
Wrathful Aspect of the Black's Disciple
Unbreakable Bond of The Five
Mixed Fate of the Star-Touched Seer

Spidersilk Mantle +2 (encounter)
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (encounter) — 4/5
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Incarnation_(stonegod)[/sblock]
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Georg swoons a bit but his dwarven constitution holds out. He spreads his staff and tome, creating a wide arc which flames shoot forth and singe one of the warriors. Disappointed in his efforts he still sweeps his staff to bring Raiyek out of the line of fire for the future. He disentangles himself from the grasp of their foe and looks to his allies for strategy. I don't want to be sunk, fellows!

[sblock=OOC]Minor: Second Wind (Gain 15hp, +1 to hit +4 to damage TENT)
Standard: Burning Hands (enlarged) attacks W1, W2, W4 seems to only HIT W2 for 16 damage
Free: War Wizard's Staff: Slide Raiyek to N11
Save vs restrained 11
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: Who still needs healing bad? Start of the round, Incarnation and Georg were particularly battered but I've seen second wind, 'physician care' and whatnot so... anybody who is still below 50% hp raise your hand, otherwise I'll wait a bit.

I am thinking maybe Georg is still bloodied?

-''Okay, at this point, this is just stuborness. That bloody spell just has hit once, otherwise, next time I am using my frigging hammer!'' mutters Hadrak, hoping that third's time the charm.

-''Oh, hey, anybody about to keel over, raise your hand. If you still can, that is. Otherwise... tough luck.''

OOC: Shift N14 next to Dane
Sacred Flame on W3 (W4 if W3 dropped)
Minor: Healing Word on whoever 'raises his hand' but I'll keep it if no one does.

Sacred flames grant a free save to whoever is still restrained, priority on Georg. If no is restrained, free THP to Incarnation, he goes through them like kleenex.
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Georg keeps his staff up and head down...

OOC: I have 41hp and also +2 to all defenses. I also still have Staff of Defense interrupt. So I am cool.


First Post
The warrior hit by Hadrak seems to be blinded a quick moment by his sacred flames.

"In that case, metal man, come to me, come to Him, come into the sea." tells the envoy to Incarnation. For a reason he doesn't understand, the idea seems a good idea. The fight would end and his allies would be safe to return to Sultyr. He advance, but Dane trip Incarnation before he jump into the water. "You will all end to the bottom of the sea anyway."

The warrior move on the boat. Two swarm Hadrak and he can only block one warrior blow, taking the other. The warrior who had been challenged by Raiyek continue to attack his target and Raiyek easily dodge the sword.

Incarnation, being prone on the deck, his hand dipping in the water and his head clouded by the Envoy, is vulnerable. The warrior in the water and the slayer, who reappear, both attack and wound easily the warforged.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Vile Stench: This is an aura. Anyone starting a turn within 2 squares of a warrior or the slayer takes a -2 penalty to all attack roll until the start of their next turn. These aura doesn't stack with other such aura and it is a poison effect.

Horrid Form: Anyone targeting the Envoy takes a -1 penalty to melee and ranged attack against her due to horrible appearance. [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Mechanic]Dane: AoO hit
Raiyek: Heal himself
Incarnation: Hit
Georg: Hit W2
Hadrak: Hit W3

Start: Recharge Winding Serpent (1d6=4) Yes.
Standard: Command vs Will on Incarnation (1d20+13=33) Critical for no damage... Incarnation is dazed and is slided to R12. Save to not jump into water (1d20=20) Fall prone to O12.
Move: Swim to L6
Action Points:

Warrior 1:
Start: Recharge (1d6=1) No
Move: Walk to M15
Standard: Warrior 1 vs AC on Hadrak (1d20+14=23, 1d8+6+2=11) Miss.

Warrior 2:
Move: Walk to O10
Standard: Warrior 2 vs AC on Raiyek (1d20+14=23, 1d8+6+2=11) Miss

Warrior 3:
Start: Recharge (1d6=5)
Standard: Warrior 3 vs AC on Incarnation (1d20+14=32, 1d8+6+2=15) Hit for 13 damage and 2 poison damage.
Envoy takes 5 damages.
Warrior 3 takes 3 damages

Warrior 4:
Move: Walk to M15
Standard: Warrior 4 vs AC on Hadrak (1d20+16=31, 1d8+6+2=9) Hit for 7 damage and 2 poison damage.

Move: Shift to P12
Standard: Slayer vs AC on Incarnation (1d20+16=29, 2d8+6+2=17) Hit for 15 damage and 2 poison damage.
Slayer takes 3 damages.


[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane (M13): 56/78; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0;
Georg (M11): 41/60; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Hadrak (N14): 57/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 32/79; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0; Dazed Bloodied;
Raiyek (N10): 57/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;

Envoy (Q9): -44; AC?? F20 R23 W24; Resist Cold 5; Cursed;
Warrior1 (L10): -35; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;
Warrior2 (L11): -59; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed; Bloodied;
Warrior3 (O12): -100; Death!
Warrior4 (O15): -33; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed;
Slayer (O13): -48; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed; Bloodied;

Power used:
Dane: Shield Bash, Probing Attack
Georg: Fire Burst, Shield, Fire Shroud, Physician's Care, Second Wind, Burning Hands
Incarnation: Wrathful Aspect of the Black's Disciple, Icy Prison of the Fire Mage, Proclamation of Doom, Mixed Fate of the Star-touched Seer
Raiyek: Second Wind

Warrior1: Slippery Strike
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Warrior 3 also takes 1d6+6 fire damage from Incarnation being hit (Envoy already took the 5).

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: Good w/ taking a hit from Incarnation?

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