[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


First Post
The envoy send two waves of bright energy. She miss Raiyek but Incarnation is hit. He is blinded, but hold to the ship and prevent himself to fall overboard.

The two warriors who are fighting Dane use with skills their brackets and both hit Dane for severe wounds. The one Dane concentrate on remain, but the second takes advantage of Dane inattention to slip away and jump in the water under the boat.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Vile Stench: This is an aura. Anyone starting a turn within 2 squares of a warrior or the slayer takes a -2 penalty to all attack roll until the start of their next turn. These aura doesn't stack with other such aura and it is a poison effect.

Horrid Form: Anyone targeting the Envoy takes a -1 penalty to melee and ranged attack against her due to horrible appearance.

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: Incarnation attack and Arc of Vengeance killed the Slayer. So, you still have your Vampiric Sword power. Also, you got 0 THP from Strength of Valor.

[MENTION=73730]johnmeier1[/MENTION]: As both your target were dead, I centered your attack on Dane, so you hit both W1 and W4.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Mechanic]Incarnation: Hit Slayer
Dane: Hit W4.
Raiyek: Hit W2 and kill Slayer with Arc of Vengeance. Miss W2 with Strength of Valor.
Hadrak: Kill W2
Georg: Hit W1 and W4

Standard: Dagon's Flame vs Fort on Raiyek (1d20+13=17) Miss
Dagon's Flame vs Fort on Incarnation (1d20+13=23) Hit. Incarnation is blinded and pushed to P13. Incarnation save (1d20=12) Success. He remains prone on the deck.

Warrior 4:
Standard: Rusty Rapier vs AC on Dane (1d20+16=32, 1d8+6+2=15) Hit for 13 damages and 2 poison damage.

Warrior 1:
Start: Recharge (1d6=6) recharge Slippery Strike
Standard: Slippery Strike vs AC on Dane (1d20+16=32, 1d8+6+2=15) Hit for 13 damages and 2 poison damage. Shift to K13
Move: Jump in the water and swim under the boat.



[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane (M13): 26/78; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0; Bloodied
Georg (M11): 41/60; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Hadrak (N14): 57/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 49/79; 0THP; HS 12/12; AP 0; Prone, Blinded, Bloodied;
Raiyek (N10): 41/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;

Envoy (Q9): -44; AC?? F20 R23 W24; Resist Cold 5; Cursed;
Warrior1 (L10): -55; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed; Bloodied
Warrior4 (O15): -61; AC23 F20 R23 W20; Cursed; Bloodied Marked by Dane

Warrior4: Slippery Strike

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Lord Sessadore

With both of the nearest enemies down, Raiyek turns his attention to the Envoy. "I think you forget, messenger," he utters in a grave voice as he rushes her, "that you are not the only agent of the gods here, and that yours is not the only god in this world. You have forced our hands in this." The elf attacks with a lunging stab while uttering a prayer to Palladys, asking for her to strengthen his friends.
[sblock=Actions]Move: to M6.
Minor: Ardent Vow on Envoy.
Free: Use Ruby Scabbard power: +1 damage on next attack.
Standard: Resurgent Smite vs. Envoy. If I hit, I'll use the Vampiric Sword's power (1d8 necrotic damage, I heal the same amount). On a hit, Incarnation (or Georg, if 'Carn doesn't want it) can spend a surge. If I deal more than 20 damage, heal 8 more hp.
Envoy is marked with my divine sanction til the end of my next turn.
[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 8
Passive Perception: 25, Passive Insight: 23; Low-light vision
:26, Fort:21, Reflex:21, Will:23 -- Speed:6
: 43/74, Bloodied:37, Surge Value:19, Surges Left:10/11
Resist 1 all
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind

Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (3/4)
Restore Vitality
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
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First Post
OOC: Good lord Velmont, those rolls are 1 in 25600, best get a lottery ticket.

After taking the assault, Dane braces his side over the stab wound while moving around the warrior to close off his angle. He then returns the attack with a crushing blow at the fishman's rib cage.

I got dis one. Blast dat Sea-bitch!

[sblock=Actions] Shift to O16. +1 to AC & Ref. Standard: Echoing Assault vs W4[/sblock]
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First Post
As Raiyek move next to the Envoy, he is filled with terror at the sight of the ugly creature and turns around and run away and as he reach the border of the boat, decides to cower in fetus position before he shake the effect off..

[SBLOCK=OOC]At the end of Raiyek movement: Immediate Interrupt: Ring of Terror vs Will on Raiyek (1d20+13=26) Hit. Raiyek is pushed 4 squares to Q10.

Raiyek save (1d20=14) Fall prone at O8.

Note: This is a fear effect.

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: Raiyek spent his Move action. He is prone at O8. I will allow you to change your action. New roll needed for your new actions.[/SBLOCK]


Seeing his friend thrown to the ground, George tries to confuse the envoy with his magics.

OOC: Not much left here from Georg, but I think the fight is almost done.
Standard: Winged Horde on Envoy CRIT for 15 damage
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As foes die, dark power infuses Incarnation, while power of a different sort bolster's Hadrak.

After being thrown to the floor and blinded, the construct picks himself up. Without site, I still see what is to come, false one. All who stop us will suffer. He flings out a bolt wildly and then is absorbed back by the warlock.
OOC: Pact boon trigger's twice: Once, Incarnation gains 5 THP, the other grants Hadarak +2 to all defenses TENT.

I assume the blindness if TENT, not save ends (you did not mention it). Don't forget that the Envoy is taking damage anytime she attacks (even if there is no damgae or it misses)

Use Fiery Bolt (I subtracted 5 from full concealment already): Miss. Take 3 hp to retain power.

Incarnation has 44+2 hp and is still bloodied.

Lord Sessadore

After steeling his nerve again, Raiyek stands up and glares at the envoy.
[sblock=OOC]Well, that puts a kink in my plans, haha. Don't think there's much I can do this round anymore. Status in post above is updated to reflect powers not used.

Standard: Stand up.
Minor: Glare menacingly.[/sblock]
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
After a quick prayer to Eefaystos to refresh Dane, Hadrak moves against the last warrior, whacking him over the head with his hammer.

OOC: Minor:
Healing Word on Dane: HS + 18 and +2 to all defenses TENT to dane (no keyword)
Move to P14 (flanks W4 who I assume is Marked by Dane)
Standard: Earth's Endurance
Grants +2 power bonus AC to Dane TENT, stacks with healing word so +4 total to AC.

Hadrak get +1 defense TENT

New tactic; with this at-will melee power that grants +2 power bonus AC and an Additional +2 to all defenses (that's from the healing word, no keyword) , I'll probably use that time on the target of a defender that attack on AC.
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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Just a heads up, my wife and I are expecting our first any day now, so if I disappear don't wait too long to NPC Raiyek. I'll be back when I can. :)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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