[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

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Lord Sessadore

Raiyek again charges at the Envoy, loosing a battle cry. His eyes glow with a golden light as he slashes at her, the blow driving her up onto the deck of the ship. The nimble elf carries his momentum through the swing, meeting her where she stops. "Do you persist? There is no sense in taking this further."
[sblock=OOC]If anyone was curious, the day did come and my wife and I had a beautiful daughter on the 17th. We've been home for a few days now, things are going very well for us first time parents (fingers crossed! ;)).

to O10.

Minor: Ardent Vow on Envoy, +9 damage on next attack vs. her.

Ruby Scabbard power, +1 damage on next attack.

Divine Pursuit on Envoy, she is subject to my Divine Sanction TENT. I forgot Ardent Vow and the Ruby Scabbard for the damage roll, so it should be 28 damage.

If hit, use Vampiric Sword daily (1d8 necrotic damage, Raiyek heals same) and push 4 squares to O15 and Raiyek shifts to N14.[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 8
Passive Perception: 25, Passive Insight: 23; Low-light vision
:26, Fort:21, Reflex:21, Will:23 -- Speed:6
: 47/74, Bloodied:37, Surge Value:19, Surges Left:10/11
Resist 1 all
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind

Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (2/4)
Restore Vitality
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
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First Post
As Raiyek bring the Envoy on the deck, she unleash a scream of pain that fill him. He quickly flee her and decide this time to jump into the water. As he enter the water, he recovers his senses, but feels his heavy armor dragging him deeper.

The envoy follow him, ignoring Hadrak, and jump into the water. She unleash two more sea serpent, but both Raiyek and Georg evade the attack.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Now the Envoy is bloodied, you have no more your -1 penalty to attack her with melee and ranged attack.

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: If Raiyek want to climb back onboard, he must do a climb (DC:15) check. The DC become 10 if someone throw him a rope before (there is some near the mast). If he decide to swim, the DC is 10 as the water is calm. Someone can pull him out of the water (Atheltics DC 20).
Any failure by 5 or more and Raiyek will sink 1 square into the water.

By the way, I find it funny that the Paladin, renown for their resistance against fear in the previous edition have be struck twice by the fear effect.

[MENTION=834]Mal Malenkirk[/MENTION]: Hadrak have an AoO.[/SBLOCK]

Georg: Miss
Raiyek: Hit and Envoy is bloodied

Immediate Raaction when bloodied: Ring of Terror vs Will on Hadrak; Raiyek (1d20+13=14, 1d20+13=26) Hit Raiyek and pushed to J11.

Save (1d20=8) Fail and fall into the water.

Start: Recharge (1d6=6) Winded Serpent is recharged.
Move: Walk/Swin to I14
Standard: Winded Serpent vs Fort on Georg; Raiyek (1d20+13=18, 1d20+13=18, 2d8+6=9) Miss both.


[SBLOCK=Stats]Dane (M13): 63/78; 0THP; HS 11/12; AP 0;
Georg (M11): 41/60; 0THP; HS 9/10; AP 1;
Hadrak (N14): 46/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 77/79; 8THP; HS 10/12; AP 0; Prone; Bloodied
Raiyek (N10): 41/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;

Envoy (Q9): -103; AC25 F20 R23 W24; Resist Cold 5; Cursed;Bloodied

Envoy: Winded Serpent


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Incarnation stood last round.
Bolstered by Hadrak's divine call, Incarnation strides forward, wrapping himself in shadow again. Submit, creature, or you only will gain more pain!. He calls forth another bolt against the creature, promising future pain against it.
OOC: Move to M15, gaining concealment. Hellish Rebuke vs E: Crit! 28 fire damage, and if Incarnation takes any damage, another 12 fire.
[sblock=Incarnation (concealed)]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 10
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 22, Fort: 23, Reflex: 21, Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 67+5/79, Bloodied: 39, Surge: 19, Surges left: 10/12
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Active Vestige: Treehammer
Powers -
Carenvale's Star-crossed Strike
Mauros' Rebuke
Aurelia's Doomed Insight

Whisper of Treehammer's Strength
Mauros' Fiery Bolt
Icy Prison of the Fire Mage

Mauros' Searing Imprisonment
Proclamation of Doom
Doom's Burning Shackles

Warforged Resilience
Wrathful Aspect of the Black's Disciple
Unbreakable Bond of The Five
Mixed Fate of the Star-Touched Seer

Spidersilk Mantle +2 (encounter)
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture (encounter) — 4/5
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Incarnation_(stonegod)[/sblock]
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Lord Sessadore

@Lord Sessadore : If Raiyek want to climb back onboard, he must do a climb (DC:15) check. The DC become 10 if someone throw him a rope before (there is some near the mast). If he decide to swim, the DC is 10 as the water is calm. Someone can pull him out of the water (Atheltics DC 20).
Any failure by 5 or more and Raiyek will sink 1 square into the water.
So if I de-summon my armor, giving me a +6 on Athletics, does that mean I wouldn't be able to roll low enough to sink, since a 7 would be the lowest roll? Or would I still sink on a 1?

By the way, I find it funny that the Paladin, renown for their resistance against fear in the previous edition have be struck twice by the fear effect.
Haha, I've been wishing paladins still had that immunity that since the first time she scared me off. Nothing like seeing your big tough character get sent to go cower in the fetal position or jump off the ship (when he can hardly swim!) instead of slicing up the bad guy :p[/sblock]
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First Post
Elf overboard! Cover me, I'm gonna git'em.

Dane pulls the rope off the side of his backpack. Afterwards he turns to Hadrak and gives him a stone face stare.

Don't let dat bitch pull me. Best kill'er all together.

The dwarf then gives a slow nod as if there is a understanding between them, their kin and the water.

Dane then shuffles over toward the otherside of the boat's edge. He grounds his feet while looking for the paladin and tosses the elf one end of the rope.

[sblock=Actions] Minor: Pull out rope, Move to K11, Standard throw rope to Raiyek [/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: Yeah, with a +6 and a rope, the worst that can happen is you stay in the water without sinking... and be a lovely target.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
A powerful beam of light issues forth from Hadrak's hammer that barely misses the envoy.

OOC: Damn it, miss by one. Would have blinded him too.
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