[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

Lord Sessadore

Upon hitting the water, Raiyek's senses return and he banishes his armor to be able to swim better.

Now treading the water comfortably, he looks back and forth between the envoy and the rope from Dane, seemingly unable to decide whether to pursue the envoy or climb back aboard the ship. After a moment, he grabs the rope and climbs up beside Dane, turning back to face the betentacled creature in the water. "Thank you, friend," he says to Dane.
[sblock=OOC]Raiyek should have 47 hp - he heals 6 damage from the Vampiric sword's power last round.

Minor: sheathe sword.
Standard: banish armor.
Move: Attempt to climb aboard, end in K12. [/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 8
Passive Perception: 25, Passive Insight: 23; Low-light vision
:26(18), Fort:21, Reflex:21, Will:23 -- Speed:6(7)
: 47/74, Bloodied:37, Surge Value:19, Surges Left:10/11
Resist 1 all (no resists currently)
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind

Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (2/4)
Restore Vitality
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
Rimefire Plate +2 is currently banished (effectively -8 AC, +2 skill check, +1 speed, lose resist all 1).
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First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Sorry... we are at 1 month of our delivery of the system we are developping for over 3 years... kind of a rush at the moment and I will be working on week-end thrice this month... anyway, finally, here the post and the finish of this battle.[/SBLOCK]

The envoy takes a serious wound from Incarnation. "You are tough, I concede it, I won't be able to stop your group, but HE will probably see to it." And she dives into the ocean, leaving the group there.

As the group take a moment to rest, they feels a light breeze refreshing them. Gruco, which have helped Sigarr to climb back during all that time tells "We are lucky, the wind will allow us to move again, and you are impressive warriors."

[SBLOCK=OOC]You have a short rest and a milestone have been reached.[/SBLOCK]

Dane (M13): 63/78; 0THP; HS 11/12; AP 1;
Georg (M11): 41/60; 0THP; HS 9/10; AP 2;
Hadrak (N14): 46/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 2;
Incarnation (N12): 77/79; 8THP; HS 10/12; AP 1;
Raiyek (N10): 41/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 2;


First Post
Let's hurry up and get ashore. If danger be ahead, I'd rather die with dirt below me feet.

Dane bandages up the remainder of his wounds (1 HS). The dwarf gathers up his weapons and assists anybody else if needed.


It is not often I agree so well with Dane, but I could use a more stable battlefield also. Georg adds.

OOC: Spend 1 surge

Triggers: Thunderstaff (if an enemy moves within 2 squares), Shield (if AC/Ref hit by less than 4), Staff of Defense (if any defense hit by less than 4)
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:15 Insight: 20
AC: 21 NAD:21/21/22
HP: 56/60 Surges: 8/10 Surge Value: 15 AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Dwarven
Str:8 Dex:13 Wis:16 Con:18 Int:19 Cha:10

At Will: Winged Horde, Thunderwave, Cantrips
Encounter: Boots of Rapid Motion, Burning Hands, Fire Burst, Fire Shroud, Second Wind, Shield, Staff of Defense
Daily: Amulet of Elegy, Book of Undeniable Fire, Boots of Rapid Motion, Cloak of Resistance, Fire Shield, Staff of Fiery Might, Sleep, Thunderstaff, Wall of Fire

Full Character Sheet


First Post
Dane gather up his wepaon and get rid of the bodies on the boat. Before throwing one overboard, he spot a necklace of pearls and shells. The sheels seems worthless, but the twelves pearls on it seems valuable.

Georg help Dane and as he come to throw one of the javelin of the creature, he detect a magical aura. It seems that one had more venomous potential than the other used by the creatures and he thanks his luck that this one, thrown earlier at him, had miss him. He thinks Raiyek could make good use of it, as he already use javelin as his thrown weapon.

The breeze grow stronger and the ship sails swiftly. "Great, we will reach Valhyr in two days, maybe less now. As we will come near, you'll have to watch for patrol of angels. They seldom patrol the coast, but they favor to stay more inland."

[SBLOCK=OOC]A mistake, I forgot you have taken an extended rest at the village. No milestone yet.

[MENTION=834]Mal Malenkirk[/MENTION], [MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION]: I still need to see if Hadrak and Raiyek spend HS and how many.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Loot]Team just found 12 pearls of 50 gp each, total 600 gp

They also found a Poisoned Javelin +2.[/SBLOCK]

Dane (M13): 78/78; 0THP; HS 10/12; AP 0;
Georg (M11): 56/60; 0THP; HS 8/10; AP 1;
Hadrak (N14): 46/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 77/79; 0THP; HS 10/12; AP 0;
Raiyek (N10): 41/74; 0THP; HS 11/11; AP 1;

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Don't have time for an in-depth post right now, but Raiyek will spend one surge, bringing him to 66/74 (he healed 6 hp last round from the vampiric sword power).

I'll take the javelin if no one else wants it ... though I don't think anyone else uses javelins, heh.[/sblock]


First Post
The wind continue to blow, pushing the boat for another hour before dark cloud starts to appear at the horizon. The cover of cloud seems to be the edge of day and night.

"That's not good. It seems we will hit a storm. The vessel is stable enough for light storm, but that one seems strong and risky. It's not too late to turn around." tells Gruco, keeping the boat moving toward Valhyr and the storm.

Dane (M13): 78/78; 0THP; HS 10/12; AP 0;
Georg (M11): 56/60; 0THP; HS 8/10; AP 1;
Hadrak (N14): 46/78; 0THP; HS 10/10; AP 1;
Incarnation (N12): 77/79; 0THP; HS 10/12; AP 0;
Raiyek (N10): 66/74; 0THP; HS 10/11; AP 1;

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
"That's not good. It seems we will hit a storm. The vessel is stable enough for light storm, but that one seems strong and risky. It's not too late to turn around." tells Gruco, keeping the boat moving toward Valhyr and the storm.

Ugh. I am going down into the hold and knocking myself unconscious before I start screaming like a little girl : 'Gods yes! Go back, Go Back!'

Lord Sessadore

His armor on once again, Raiyek comes to look at the storm. "I think it is too late, and our task too important, to turn back now if we can make it. Is there any way we can get around the storm, Gruco?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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