[Adventure] Scratching the Surface (Judge: Stonegod)

Karananak Bole (A.K.A. Swarmwhisper), Wilden Swarm Druid/Artificer 5

Round 3 (Elemental Slaughterhouse)

Swarmwhisper bursts into a dispersing swarm to recongeal on the heavily damaged tempests flank in a swirls of biting and stinging pointy bits. The attacks slide across the backs of both the genesai within reach, sliding them around the battlefield. The swarming claws leaving ragged little tracts of bloody dashes and tiny slashes over the every exposed patch of skin, like some never before seen language shared by all swarming beasties.
[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak
Move: Shift 2 into melee with
Standard: Battering Claws vs T2&A (ref) (1d20+11=22, 1d20+10=29, 1d6+1d8+7=13, 1d10=5) both grant CA TENT.
Instincive Effect: ...[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire/Poison, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19, Speed: 6
HP: 32/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer*/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily * Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
[Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter * Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.
[sblock=Summons]Pack Wolf (Greenfang) Summons 1
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19, Speed: 6
HP: 4/25; Bloodied 12
Bite +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6+7 damage, and if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target is knocked prone (+1d6 extra dmg).
Instinctive Effect:
If Karananak hasn't given the wolf any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent prone creature. If it can't do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

Shadow Ape (Blackfist)&#8212Summons 5
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 &#8212 Speed: 6, Climb 4
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Slam +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+7 damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If Karananak hasn't given the ape any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.[/sblock]
Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Intro post with description.

Was the latest map I could find, though I think Riaan is where crush is.

At least I'm hitting consistently, even if the dmg is crap. I think the hp of these is a bit extreme for having levels 4 and 5 in the group...and forcing us to choose between dying, and saving the burning orcs (a primary objective of the mission) is really lame. I feel like I arrived in the middle of an adventure instead of at the beginning of one. I mean the enemy was occupied with something else and we didn't even get a surprise round, let alone any action during the round they were casting all these effects.

You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]...[/sblock][/sblock]

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Rhogar has been watching the battle from the cover of the trees. He suddenly pipes up seeing that his new hires are in trouble.

What're you waiting fer? Blast 'em, don't hold back! I'll try to see if anyone else can help save the orcs, The the stone building on the soutwestern edge of the town is the home of Barghra, the village shaman, if you can free her, perhaps she can help.

At least I'm hitting consistently, even if the dmg is crap. I think the hp of these is a bit extreme for having levels 4 and 5 in the group...and forcing us to choose between dying, and saving the burning orcs (a primary objective of the mission) is really lame. I feel like I arrived in the middle of an adventure instead of at the beginning of one. I mean the enemy was occupied with something else and we didn't even get a surprise round, let alone any action during the round they were casting all these effects.

[sblock=difficulty]Rhogar's words are an extra hint to you all. I know my encounters tend to be on the more difficult side, so this was to get you used to what to expect. You're getting an extended rest after this battle, so don't hold back with your dailies or APs.

This is a level + 1 encounter based on the level of the PCs in the group. I took your levels added 1 and used monsters of those levels to set the total xp budget for the encounter.

Your levels are 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, which means the xp budget was based off of monsters of levels 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8 (a total of 1700 xp). The monsters in this encounter are levels 5, 5, 7, 7, 8, 8. I am using the new (higher) damage expressions for monsters, thus they hit harder than many of the encounters you may be used to. I can take a second look at the damage levels of individual power later, but I suspect most of it is where I expect it to be.

The monsters have a good balance of roles (2 artillery, 2 skirmishers, 1 controller, 1 soldier) which is giving them some synergy.

One tempest and the water genasi are almost dead (in fact the tempest is now a minion), and they've used a lot of their tricks. Focus on finishing off the wounded.

You're hindered by a lack of ranged attacks as well, the artillery are the lowest level targets and would go down easy except you haven't been able to attack them and being artillery, they hit hard.

Also, the encounter started badly with better than average attack rolls by the enemy combined with a tactical mistake on the part of the group. (Battlefront Shift pushed Riann out of the cover of the forest and into the clear within a single move of several of the monsters.)[/sblock]

Monster Audit

Since there has been some concern over the difficulty of the encounter, I'm going to pull back the screen a bit and make sure I hadn't screwed anything up. If you'd rather not look, don't open the spoilers.

[sblock=Fire Genasi]
Creature: Abyssal Flamchaser (Level 5 Artillery)

Base Creature: Genasi Flamechaser
Reduced level from 6 to 5.
Replaced Firepulse power with Cinderdeath.
Added resist 5 fire

[sblock=Dagger of Flame]+9 vs Reflex; Low Damage (1d8+6 changed to 2d4+6 to simulate a dagger's damage die)
Damage decreased one step due to artillery creature melee attack.[/sblock]

[sblock=Firebolt]+10 vs Reflex; High damage (2d8+7)
Damage increased one step due to artillery creature ranged attack.[/sblock]

[sblock=Explosive Burst]+10 vs Reflex; Very High damage (3d6+9; primary), High damage (2d8+7; secondary)
Primary damage increased one step due to artillery ranged attack.
Primary damage increased one step due to recharge power.
Secondary damage decreased one step from primary.[/sblock]

[sblock=Lingering Flameburst]+10 vs Reflex; Very High damage (3d6+9)
Primary damage increased one step due to artillery ranged attack.
Primary damage increased one step due to encounter power.[/sblock][/sblock]

It's typical for 4E fights to start off looking very dire for the party, only to turn around later in the fight. I'm not too worried about surviving it... but the added complication of the orc civilians makes it a lot harder; spending actions to deal with them is the equivalent of voluntarily slowing/ dazing/ stunning ourselves.

OOC: Generally you'll find my minor quests are not automatic (saving the orcs), there will be several opportunities to do so, but the difference in xp is a fairly small bonus for each orc saved.

I'm having to deal with car issues today, so not sure I'll get the post I was hoping for completed, but I'll see what I can do.


Fires continue to burn, but so far none of the huts have toppled and the orcs within have managed to survive, though you are certain it may not be long before several perish in the blaze.

[sblock=Water Genasi]Move; Standard: Longsword (miss)[/sblock]
[sblock=Fire Genasi 1]Standard: Bolt of Flame (miss)[/sblock]
[sblock=Fire Genasi 2]Standard: Bolt of Flame (miss)[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]Red Squares: Fire. If you enter a square of fire or begin your turn there, you take 5 fire damage.

Campfires: If you enter a square of fire or begin your turn there, you take 5 fire damage.

Green Circle: Acid vortex. If you enter a square of acid or begin your turn there, you take 5 acid damage and must make an Acrobatics check (DC 16) or fall prone.

Bushes: Difficult terrain. Provides concealment to those within.

Tress: 20 feet tall, trunks provide cover. If you are 10 feet or higher, foliage provides concealment to those within.

Dense Jungle: Costs 4 squares to enter. Provides Cover and Concealment (Total Concealment if 2 or more squares of intervening jungle). Concealment works both ways.

Rocks: Cover from attacks on ground, but not from attack above.

Tents: Wooden stilt houses. Flap in tent is entrance, 10 feet up. Ladders allow access with an Athletics check DC 11. Huts completely on fire have ladders that are also on fire. (5 damage per square and Athletics check becomes DC 16).[/sblock]

1. Click the hyperlink of the last posted map.
2. Move your token.
3. Hit the Enter key.
4. The URL in the address bar will change, this is the link to the updated map. Copy and paste it into your post. (Please do not forget this).[/sblock]


[sblock=Intitative]Tempest (29.10)
Acid Genasi (23.07)

Riaan (22.03)
Crush (19.03)
Serek (19.02)
Karananak (19.02)

Water Genasi (18.09)
Fire Genasi (14.05)

Varis (14.03)
Ryk (12.08)

Up next: Varis and Ryk[/sblock]

Hearing the cries of the panicked orcs, Ryk grits his teeth. Hey, Crush! Weren't we just in a burning building last week? We need to stop doing this.

Spring, help Varis! Go!

Ryk sprints for the nearest burning tree hut. He wraps his hands in a fold of his tunic and, wincing in pain, scrambles up the ladder to help the panicked orc escape.

When you kill that water devil, save some water. You'll need it to put me out. OW OW OWW!

MOVE: Ryk double moves to the tree hut and up the ladder (10 fire damage); Spring moves to provide Varis with a flank.
MINOR: Exhort the orc in the hut to get out now! Assess whether he/ she is able to move unaided.

Map: link
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