The fires have now completely engulfed several of the huts. You hear the terrified screams of orcs inside who will likely be consumed by the blaze if something is not done to save them. One orc runs out of a ground level wood building, pleading with you to help his wife who is trapped inside.
[sblock=Tempest 1]Move: Shift, Standard: Thundering Earth[/sblock]
[sblock=Tempest 2]Standard: Thundering Earth[/sblock]
[sblock=Acid Genasi]Move: Acid Surge, Standard: Drowning Touch[/sblock]
Red Squares: Fire. If you enter a square of fire or begin your turn there, you take 5 fire damage.
Campfires: If you enter a square of fire or begin your turn there, you take 5 fire damage.
Green Circle: Acid vortex. If you enter a square of acid or begin your turn there, you take 5 acid damage and must make an Acrobatics check (DC 16) or fall prone.
Bushes: Difficult terrain. Provides concealment to those within.
Tress: 20 feet tall, trunks provide cover. If you are 10 feet or higher, foliage provides concealment to those within.
Dense Jungle: Costs 4 squares to enter. Provides Cover and Concealment (Total Concealment if 2 or more squares of intervening jungle). Concealment works both ways.
Rocks: Cover from attacks on ground, but not from attack above.
Tents: Wooden stilt houses. Flap in tent is entrance, 10 feet up. Ladders allow access with an Athletics check DC 11. Huts completely on fire have ladders that are also on fire. (5 damage per square and Athletics check becomes DC 16).[/sblock]
1. Click the hyperlink of the last posted map.
2. Move your token.
3. Hit the Enter key.
4. The URL in the address bar will change, this is the link to the updated map. Copy and paste it into your post. (Please do not forget this).[/sblock]
Tempest (29.10)
Acid Genasi (23.07)
Riaan (22.03)
Crush (19.03)
Serek (19.02)
Karananak (19.02)
Water Genasi (18.09)
Fire Genasi (14.05)
Varis (14.03)
Ryk (12.08)
Up next: Crush(already acted), Riaan, Serek, and Karananak.[/sblock]