[Adventure] Scratching the Surface (Judge: Stonegod)

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: I didn't subtract the damage from my last attack (just now realized how the sheet works). Had anyone else done it, or shall I do it now?

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First Post
Riaan boldly strides into the middle of the elemental foes, his sword held above his head. The arcanist's blade glowed blue for a moment before exploding with a wave of force that dissipated when it came into contact with two of the genasi. The tempest felt a minor internal wound from the attack.

Shaking his head in frustration, Riaan then calls upon a family talisman and he's enshrouding in a protective shield.

Move: shift
Minor: Charm of Hearts - +2 defenses TENT (sustain Minor) - included in my mini-stats below
Standard: Swordburst - vs ref (acid genasi, tempest 2, water genasi) (1d20+9=16, 1d20+9=20, 1d20+9=16) *sigh*. Hits Tempest 2 for foprce (1d6+5=7) + 4 from Crush + 2 from vulnerable (Serek) = 13 damage + if it attacks Riaan TENT it takes 3 damage


[sblock=ministats]Riaan Caldamus
Male Human Warlock|Swordmage 7
Initiative: 3, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Normal
AC:25, Fort:22, Reflex:21, Will:21
HP:25/62, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:10/13
Action Points: 1
Powers: Eldritch Strike
Eyes of the Vestige
Sword Burst

Chains of Levistus
Dimensional Vortex
Infernal Moon Curse
Aegis of Shielding

Armor of Agathys
Swordmage Shielding Fire
Charm of Hearts
Swordmage's Decree
Cloak of Resistance +2
Cannith Goggles
Githyanki Silver Longsword +2
Leather Armor of Dark Majesty +2
Potion of Healing (x2)

Important Stuff: Deals +1d6 damage to cursed target on Warlock powers
Gains 2thp when hitting marked enemy with arcane power
+2 defenses against cursed target
+2 defenses TENT (sustain Minor)


Full sheet: [/sblock]


First Post
Karananak Bole (A.K.A. Swarmwhisper), Wilden Swarm Druid/Artificer 5

Round 2 (Elemental Slaughterhouse)

Swarmwhisper charges back down into melee with the wiley tempest genasi and his swarmy claw sinks deep into the enemy's side sliding him back away from the rest of the combat.

Greenfang limps back out of the brush into flank with his summoner, dark sap dripping from every joint and branch.
[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, Draw Totem
Move: ...
Standard: Charge to (21,10) Savage Rend vs Tempest1(Ref) (1d20+13=27, 1d6+1d8+1d10+7=14)http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2973288/ and sliding it north 1 square to (21,9) and grants CA TENT.
Instincive Effect: moves to (21,8)[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole&#8212Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire/Poison, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19, Speed: 6
HP: 29/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer*/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily * Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter * Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.
[sblock=Summons]Pack Wolf (Greenfang) Summons 1
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19, Speed: 6
HP: 4/25; Bloodied 12
Bite +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6+7 damage, and if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target is knocked prone (+1d6 extra dmg).
Instinctive Effect:
If Karananak hasn't given the wolf any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent prone creature. If it can't do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

Shadow Ape (Blackfist)&#8212Summons 5
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 &#8212 Speed: 6, Climb 4
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Slam +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+7 damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If Karananak hasn't given the ape any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.[/sblock]
Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Intro post with description.

Arg eventually I'll roll even average dmg with my savage rend...right?


You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]...[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
"Stay in the fight swordsman. Don't lose your focus!," Crush calls to Riaan, disrupting his own focus, and causing his swing at the tempest genasi to go wide.

[sblock=Crush actions and stats]Move= 3 squares

Minor= :close:Inspiring Word on Riaan for HS value + 9 HP

Standard= :melee:Myrmidon Formation vs. Tempest 2 = miss

[sblock=statblock]Crush - Male Warforged Warlord 6
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 25, Fort: 19, Reflex: 17, Will: 19 - Speed: 5
HP: 52/52, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
:bmelee:Vengeful Longsword +1: +12 vs. AC, 1d8+5 dmg
:branged:Distance Handaxe +1: +11 vs. AC, 1d6+5 dmg
Powers -
Furious Smash
Brach Assault

Warlord's Strike
Myrmidon Formation
Inspiring Word
Inspiring Word
Inspired Belligerence
Rousing Words
Warforged Resolve
Battlefront Shift

Fearless Rescue
Vengeful Longsword +1 (Encounter)
Summoned Drakescale Armor +2 (At-Will)
Adamant's Unshakeable Stance (Encounter)

Important Effects for Allied Characters:
* Any ally who can see Crush regains 8 HP when they spend an action point, and may roll a saving throw with a +2 bonus

OOC: 24 HP to Riaan. Anyone else in need of healing should consider spending an AP for 8 HP worth of surge-free healing from Crush.

Battlemap: ditzie

Son of Meepo

First Post
Looks like we are waiting for Serek's actions. If I don't hear from [MENTION=6670569]Almightyfoon[/MENTION] in the next 8 hours or so, I will NPC his turn.

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