[Adventure]: The Bane of the Black Dragon (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

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Prime and Zharne move to the door. Once there, they both grab one side of the door and open it. in front of them stand two tomb guardians witch strike immediately with all four of their scimitar weapons. Behind the guards is a skeleton in tarnished robes. The back of its skull is the only thing you see as the lich is facint the other way. Prime can see much more from his position.

You see a battle between a group of adventurers, some of who you've seen before at the hang man tavern, fighting furiously against a golem and more four-armed skeletons. The lich is clearly occupied by this fight


[sblock=enemy attacks]
+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Zharne AC=
attack 1: Zharne: Roll (30): Hit for 7
attack 2: Zharne: Roll (14): Miss
Roll Lookup

+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Zharne AC=
attack 3: Zharne: Roll (23): Miss
attack 4: Zharne: Roll (17): Hit for 7
Roll Lookup

+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Prime AC=
attack 1: Prime: Roll (21): Miss
attack 2: Prime: Roll (25): Miss
Roll Lookup

+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12) vs Prime AC=
attack 3: Prime: Roll (Crit): for 20 damage
attack 4: Prime: Roll (19): Miss
Roll Lookup

TG2 and TG3 recharge Cascade of Steel Power: Nope
Roll Lookup

Total Damage to allies:
Prime: 20-1 = 19 (TG3 attack) +5 (lich aura) = 24
Zharne: 14 (TG2 attacks) +5 (lich aura) = 19

ooc: After attacks by Prime, Zharne, Vermitrax and Sharpe make their attacks I will update damage to foes and allies, then we'll switch over to the Revenge of Bosch thread.
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It's the Litch King! He's come to steal my Prrreeecccioussss... Sharpe says stroking the magic ring on his finger.

I'll speak a word of power to drive them away! He shouts, running over and speaking a word of power.

[sblock=Deep Speech]
Rough translated: Your mother is a Flumph!

OOC: Zharn and Prime slide 5 squares as a free action.


Shout of Triumph blast 3 north.
Tw2 21 vs fort if hit pushed 5 squares north
TW3 23 vs fort if hit pushed 5 squares north
V 28 vs fort if hit pushed 5 squares north

if hit 10 thunder damage.

Zharn and Prime slide 5 squares as a free action.
@dimsdale Need to know if the attacks hit so Zharn and Prime can adjust their movement :)

[sblock=Moment of Escape (used)]
Moment of Escape. (Encounter Move Ranged 10 &#1 0022; Arcane)
One ally
Effect: Sharpe slides the target 4 squares.[/sblock]
Sharpe Wellington- Male Half-Elf Bard 7
Init: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 16
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 15 Will 19, Spd: 5
HP 61/61
Bloodied 30 Surge Value 15; Surges Per-Day 11/11
AP: 0, Milestones:0

Basic Attacks:
Basic Attack +5 vs AC, Longsword, 1d8 damage
Ranged Basic Attack N/A

Staggering Note, Guiding Strike
Majestic Word X2, Shout of Triumph, Knack for Success, Words of Friendship, Thunder's Calling, Second Wind, Shield of Devotion, Moment of Escape, Noxious Breath (Dragon), Revitalizing Incantation , Unluck
Stirring Shout, Inspiring Fortitude (AKA Invigorating Presence), Song of Discord, Come and Become Sharpe's Pet! (Ring of Dragon's power #1 ), Dragon I Choose You! (Ring of Dragon's power #2 )

Misc: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.



Virtue of Valor: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.

[sblock=Malifixindalaunt The White Dragon]
Malifixindalaunt (Veserab) Level 6 Lurker
Large shadow beast (mount)
HP 14+45/60; Bloodied 30 Surge 1/1
AC 20; Fortitude 20; Reflex 17; Will 17
Speed 4, fly 8 (clumsy)
Immune noxious breath
Initiative +11
Perception +11
Blindsight 20

Combat Advantage
Malifixindalaunt deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.

Standard Actions
:bmelee: Bite • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

:bmelee: Wing Claw • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.

:close: Noxious Breath (poison, zone) • Encounter
Attack: Close blast 4; +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 3 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the
Malifixindalaunt's next turn. This power creates a zone of black, noxious fumes that remains in place until the end of the encounter. This zone blocks line of sight, and a creature that enters or ends its turn in the zone takes 5 poison damage. Malifixindalaunt is immune to this power's effects.

:melee:Diving Wing Rake • Standard, At-Will
Malifixindalaunt makes a charge attack, making two wing claw attacks. After attacking, Malifixindalaunt moves up to 1 square and moves in an unoccupied square.

Skills Stealth +12
Str 20 (+8) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6) Int 2 (–1) Cha 4 (+0)
Alignment Evil Languages —

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[sblock=Enemy Info]
Tomb Guardian
HP 126; Bloodied 63
AC 23; Fortitude 22, Refl ex 23, Will 20
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 8
mTwin Scimitar Strike (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The skeletal tomb guardian makes two scimitar attacks against
the same target: +13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage (crit 1d8 + 12). This
also holds true for opportunity attacks.
M Cascade of Steel (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon (recharge: 5, 6)
The skeletal tomb guardian makes two twin scimitar strike attacks
(four scimitar attacks total).
M Sudden Strike (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy
shifts; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The skeletal tomb guardian makes a melee basic attack against
the enemy.

Vlastoes the Lich
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Necromantic Aura (Necrotic) aura 5; any living creature that enters
or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 218; Bloodied 109
Regeneration 5 (if the lich takes radiant damage, regeneration
doesn’t function on its next turn)
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 26
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 0
r Shadow Ray (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
Ranged 20; +18 vs. Refl ex; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage.
A Frostburn (standard; sustain minor; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Cold,
Necrotic, Zone
Area burst 2 within 20; +18 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 6 cold and
necrotic damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end
of the lich’s next turn. The zone is considered difficult terrain.
Any creature that starts its turn within the zone takes 5 cold
and necrotic damage. The lich can sustain or dismiss the zone as
a minor action.
When a lich is reduced to 0 hit points, its body and possessions
crumble into dust, but it is not destroyed. It reappears (along with
its possessions) in 1d10 days within 1 square of its phylactery,
unless the phylactery is also found and destroyed.
Second Wind (standard; encounter) ✦ Healing
The lich spends a healing surge and regains 54 hit points. The
lich gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next
***special power: Life Transference: Transfers life from
target to himself. (fear: save ends): success: no affect on
failure: frozen in terror (no movement or attack) until end
of Lich's next turn.

ooc: Well, well, well...Sharpe's attack changes everything.

From now on all post take place in Bosch's Revenge thread.
TG fort is 22, Vlastoes fort is 24, so Vlastoes and TG3 are hit. I'll fix map for Bosch's Revenge Thread.

Please use this map. It will be the same map as in Bosch's Revenge

OOC: A couple things. I had a look at the stats in Bosh revenge's thread (not sure if it was appropiate to look, but I tried not to get too much information from posts. Anyway, the shout of triumph should hit tw1 and the lich, but not tw2.

Also, I'm not sure if Prime is affected by the lich's aura, since it affects living creatures and Prime (as a reskinned warforged) is a construct. On the other hand he's a living construct. And I was immune to the corruption corpse's aura a couple fights ago, which also has the same line of affects only living creatures. In any case, his damage reduction applies to that damage too, so he's down 13 after Unbreakable
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OOC: A couple things. I had a look at the stats in Bosh revenge's thread (not sure if it was appropiate to look, but I tried not to get too much information from posts. Anyway, the shout of triumph should hit tw1 and the lich, but not tw2.

Also, I'm not sure if Prime is affected by the lich's aura, since it affects living creatures and Prime (as a reskinned warforged) is a construct. On the other hand he's a living construct. In any case, his damage reduction applies to that damage too, so he's down 13 after Unbreakable

ooc: Just got done posting as such. I'll have the new locations of the lich and tw3 if they haven't been moved already. I'm going to rule that Prime is a "Living" construct, so the aura does damage him. (I'll ask others in the general discussion thread).
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