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(Adventure) The bastards of XXXXXX Bluerun


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Barbarian meta-physics:
GPEKO said:
Gath drinks with Rainca and listens to what she has to say but the practical half-orc doesn't really understand the deep spirituality of the young barbarian. He offers his own view of the world, thought. "Bah, Blood Father ? Laughter ? Those be Masters ? Gath want no Master. There be slave and Master. Gath still slave but want be Master soon !"
Rainca shakes her head, "Is the rain your Master? Or the wind?" She peers at Gath, "The Blood Father does not whip or drive. He does not demand worship. He simply is." The rugged woman's brows draw down, "But Rainca would know this: If Gath hates Masters, why does he wish to become one?" She shrugs releasing the topic to debate or rest.

Under the stars:
Rousing from a deep, restful sleep, or perhaps not, Rainca cannot discern just what is odd about the owl before darkness overtakes her again.

A great white Spirit Owl takes Rainca in its talons and flies far from Bluerun, far from herself. A ruined village. A filthy woman, her face clean only where tears have carved through the grime, labors in the street. She has gray eyes and dark hair... she is familiar. So familiar. The talons open and Rainca falls, tumbling toward the earth.

The young woman awakens with a start, the scream in her throat almost given voice. She takes a shuddering breath as a single white feather drifts in a spiraling arc down, down, onto her belly. She rolls onto her side covering her face with her hands, knees drawn up to her chest and cries a low, throaty, barely audible wail.

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First Post
Re-Barbarian Meta-Physics

Gath seems stun for a moment, as if Rainca had just easily destroyed his system of beliefs. "But ... euhh ... Me tire me go bed." He finally manages to say before getting up and really going to bed.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
OK, I'm normally the one holding things up, so I shouldn't be hasty, but with only two people involved in the side venture and one not responding, I'm gonna give you some flavor text and move on to the next morning...

As the two companions move through the small town it becomes obvious that there isn't any sort of night life, unless you count a pair of guards patroling and another outside the building you were staying in. A one story structure labled "Law, Post, Barber" seems closed down for the night and you suspect that the prisoners you brought might be secured elsewhere in the main building you have left, but the large structure and many locked door rebuff any attempt to seek them out. Returning to the rooms you had been assigned, the men again avoid disturbing the snoring halforcs, and get what rest they can for the remainder of the night.

In the morning, Redarn and the Serin sisters return to complete the healing. Redarn stays behind and asks what your next move will be. "I heard a little bit of talk from your prisoners yesterday while the Sisters were tending to them. They seemed pretty depressed, and were worried about what will happen to them now. Considering how badly they failed, I imagine the council will just give them seivice time, but if Gath wants to seek greater punishement based on them almost killing him, I might be able to work out a special dispensation for him to press charges. In any case, breakfast is available in the main hall for you, and then you can begin your work. You can come to me in the main stables if you want to borrow horses, and I'm sure the people's fears would be soothed to see you around town... er, that is..." With obvious disfomfort, he removes a few strips of bright blue material with a pattern woven into them from his pocket. They are similar is style to the much larger sash of office that the councilman wears. "My brother was hoping you could wear these on your arms or somesuch to identify you as the honorary, er temporary... as our new defenders."


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Rainca wakes just before dawn. She slept well, but for the one disturbing dream, and performs her morning rituals swiftly - washing, tending her weapons and armor, playing a song on her flute as the sun rises. She is bright-eyed and has explored the town quite thoroughly, looking for signs of the owl or tracks not left by the guards by the time the town begins its daily routines in earnest. She smiles her wolf's smile at the villagers she meets and is puzzled by their reactions. What is wrong with Rainca's smile?

She looks to the skies, and then the rooftops, searching still for the owl. She enters the borrowed sleeping quarters and pipes everyone awake, "Awaken brothers! Rainca smelled battle on the morning breezes!"

She crouches while the others rouse themselves, "Rainca slept under the stars and was visited in the night by restless Brother Owl." She looks serious, "Rainca cannot be certain that it was not a dream, but if the Owl was not real, then it was a Vision sent to warn us."

Rainca stands as Redarn enters and signs a Kree greeting to him. When he speaks, she skewers him with her hawkish gaze, holding out her hands palms up. An air of formality and ritual plays about her. She says cautiously, "Rainca will wear this because Redarn asks." She snugs it onto her right arm, opposite the decorated bone knife that is tied to her left arm. As she is settling it she looks at Gath. "Rainca has already promised the men safety, Warrior Gath, but she will not stand in Gath's way if he seeks honorable revenge."


First Post
Gath has some problems understanding the request of Redarn but when Rainca mentions revenge, that's a word he understands. At first he considers the idea of 'smashing' those who almost killed him yesterday but he remembers his discussion with Rainca. "If Gath hates Masters, why does he wish to become one ?" she had said. Punishing people was what his old master did ... "No me want no revenge. Whore suns beat me because me smash bad. Me prove me good fighter later."

He refuses to wear the sash however. "Me not put this. Me have enough branding. Me walk with you, that be enough. Now, where be food ?"
Kahuna Burger said:
In the morning, Redarn and the Serin sisters return to complete the healing. Redarn stays behind and asks what your next move will be.
OOC: Completing the healing ? Does that mean Gath is at full hp ?

Kahuna Burger

First Post
GPEKO said:
OOC: Completing the healing ? Does that mean Gath is at full hp ?

ooc: there are six more magical hit points to goaround this morning. you are at 5 after a good nights rest, but I don't know if anyone else will want some healing. So prolly not full, next time bring a cleric. :p


First Post
Sparky said:
Rainca wakes just before dawn. She slept well, but for the one disturbing dream, and performs her morning rituals swiftly - washing, tending her weapons and armor, playing a song on her flute as the sun rises. She is bright-eyed and has explored the town quite thoroughly, looking for signs of the owl or tracks not left by the guards by the time the town begins its daily routines in earnest. She smiles her wolf's smile at the villagers she meets and is puzzled by their reactions. What is wrong with Rainca's smile?

She looks to the skies, and then the rooftops, searching still for the owl. She enters the borrowed sleeping quarters and pipes everyone awake, "Awaken brothers! Rainca smelled battle on the morning breezes!"

"Grrr Rainca put those pipes away before I break them. Can't you wake people with with 'Wake Up'?" Growls Lupic as he is awakened in what he finds to be an unpleasant fashion.

Sparky said:
She crouches while the others rouse themselves, "Rainca slept under the stars and was visited in the night by restless Brother Owl." She looks serious, "Rainca cannot be certain that it was not a dream, but if the Owl was not real, then it was a Vision sent to warn us."

"Did you ever think that maybe Owl just Owl? Lupic knows Owls hunt at night. Nothing special about Owls I have seen. They eat mice. "

Sparky said:
Rainca stands as Redarn enters and signs a Kree greeting to him. When he speaks, she skewers him with her hawkish gaze, holding out her hands palms up. An air of formality and ritual plays about her. She says cautiously, "Rainca will wear this because Redarn asks." She snugs it onto her right arm, opposite the decorated bone knife that is tied to her left arm.

"Armband like uniform. That OK with me. One tavern owner of fancy tavern give me special shirt so people know I work there. Guess it was so I not scare people. This must be like that" He replies as he slips on the armband.



"Defenders indeed," Dioran says with a sneer when he is given the armband. "The need to be recognisable we can understand, but why with such a bland display of ill taste? We could come up with a much more pleasing insignia within the day given the proper equipment."
After these and many more largely undeserved critiques about the armand, he finally puts one on anyway.

"A good morning to you as well Rainca. We are pleased to see how sleeping outside improves your demeanor. So the owl may be spying on us is it? If you were not dreaming, then we might try to follow it back to whomever sent it. And if you had a vision, well, let's just say that not all visions are sent by benign forces yes?"
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Rainca looks puzzled at Dioran's words, "Rainca had not thought about who might have sent the vision." She ponders, eyes thoughtful for a moment and then nods decisively, "It does not matter who sent the vision - Rainca will not be deterred."

She peers at Dioran, "Brother Owl flew away and Rainca cannot track his flight like the Bukun'e." She points at the building where the captives are held, "Those men will know where the hoar-suns are. Joseph Dar'maryon must speak to them. They will tell Joseph Dar'maryon what we want to know."

OOC: I'll be out of town until Saturday (at the earliest). I'll post if possible, but if the thread gets to the interrogation, Rainca will sit quietly unless it gets out of hand. She still maintains the captives should be treated as guests.

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