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(Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike


"Aye, 'ere might be, 'ndeed. Urgan Jasperfist? What 'bout it? Is 'ere a ford or a bridge we could cross fu'ther down? Or'a we still need this stuff?"

While Urgan ruminates on the question, Rurik will begin to tie the ropes together tightly to make 100' lengths, and collect any strong boards from the debris that he could anchor in the rocks on this side.

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Living EN World Judge
Urgan frowns again and says 'This is the the Ford, I 'm afraid. There is a bridge about 8 miles downstream.'

"We could try for the bridge," Telerin said breaking his silence. He sighed some and looked to the sides, "Whitefang is agile enough...but the horses would need a bridge to cross..."


Rurik looks at the materials on hand, the horses, and the swollen river as Telerin speaks.

"Ach, Telerin's right, ya know. 'Taint no bridge we could build fer 'orses what wun't take a fortnight, an' I'm fixin' ta keep mine. After all, I spent yer own 'ard earnt glinty on't, Urgan. We cud reach tha bridge, an' backtrack ta the ford by sun's rest, eh?"

Rurik unties the ropes, and hands them back to their owners before tossing his rope and tools back in the pack.
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I aim to misbehave
"A bridge . . . a bridge sounds much better ta me," Thurgan added, "even if'n it means a late camp it'd be safer."


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Connection down all day, sorry folks. Looks like the Bridge has at least half of the folks vote, so...


Mounting quickly and riding downriver, in a little over an hour you come to the bridge that the Jasperfist Dwarves mentioned.
A sturdy enough looking affair, the bridge was awash with water, though only by an inch or two. Quickness of action was needed, before the waters rose any higher.
With Algram (who has big golashes on) leading his horse by foot, the rest of you cross mounted,keeping a steady hand upon the reigns,so as not to let the steeds bolt over the side of the bridge in panic.
<Riding checks all passed>
In a quarter of an hour,you are all across and on your way again, a light rain escalating into a full blown torrent just as the dim lights of some sort of house become visible in the gloom. Ahead, perched atop a hill in a field of grassland,lies a lodge of some sort. It looks perhaps 50 feet long and half that wide.
Urgan lets out an excited laugh, saying 'Thet be a Bainlunder Lodge, friends o the Stonepike Dwarves...They'll 'ave stew an beer,I reckon.
Bainlunders is a bit diff'rent, though. They'll not take payment fer their hospitality, not coin anyways. Some sort of gift, though...a trade of sorts.Figure what a dry roof and hearty food is worth to ye, and part accordingly.'
Urging his pony forwards, Urgan leads the party up the hill.
Upon gaining the heights, you see that there is also a low barn, perhaps onlya dozen feet tall, but with room enough for horses and hay above.
As you gain the yard, the door opens and a large man dressed in voluminas furs stands in the doorway,a Battle Axe gripped tight.Seeing the Dwarves, he says <Dwarvish>' Hail,brothers of the Stones,what do ye seek this fine night, eh? And what news do ye bring from afar?'
Urgan answers 'Hail,brother upon the hill,from Stonepike do we come, and there we return. News is a dark thing, best spoke of under a roof and with good Bainlunder food in our bellies.
The man nods, satisfied with the answer and says something in an unknown tongue, wherupon three children (two teen boys and a younger girl) run out,laughing, to tae the tethers of the steeds as you all dismount, soaked and weary (especially Thurgan and Aranel, who seem to be perpetually cursed with saddle sores).
Once inside, you see the place to be cozy and very warm, heated by dried grasses and smelling of stew and breads. There are perhaps a dozen humans inside, a tall and fair people, although their hair is almost jet black, an oddity in this part of the world amongst humans. The frames of these folk are broad and their eyes are a pale green , for the most part.
Seeing you standing about, unsure of what to do, the man from the doorway says something to several of the women and an old fat man near the fire, who immediately begin to dole of bowls of thick stew (rabbit, from the smell) and small loaves of round bread, so hot that the butter that they pat upon it melts instantly upon contact.

Gesturing to several low tables, the man says 'I am Garunn, and this is my family.My wives, children and my father. As well, my two brothers are yonder,sewing.'
Indeed, two strapping men were further in, sewing what looked to be brocaded capes. It seemed that these folk all too a turn at various tasks, with none being deemed 'women's work', for example.
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First Post
Aranel had been silent for most of the trip, thinking. There was once again a lot to think about. Still, it kept her from drifting off into daydreams. She had kept her almost moody silence until the problem with the bridge, or lack thereof.

Far too much to think about, they'd made it clear...well almost made it clear (If she'd understood even half of what the dwarf said) they did want her along. (And the reminder of the Dwarf about stealing. She made a note not to take anything from him unless he really pissed her off, and then take one of the other horses and leave him with the evil mare.) Which meant she had to ride the bloo-min...Horse again. It'd already turned round and tried to bite her several times.
Hadn't he said something about Her human? What had that been about? Telerin wasn't a pet. He wasn't trained well enough for that yet.
Shaking her head to look at the fast flowing problem she cautiously stood up in her saddle. Her horse shivered like it was considering bucking her off. Just try it. She thought with a faint scowl. The horse must have been aware of it because it didn't risk trying to throw her.

That had been then, since they had come to a warm looking place to rest, she'd finally been allowed down off her evil son-of-a-mare and whimpered slightly to herself before limping in out of the heavy rain.
Being handed a bowl of stew was nice, she didn't even mind that it was strong enough to remove most of her sense of taste either. Warm...
Looking around her eyes fell on the humans, tall, fair...green eyed...she frowned and decided not to think on it.
"Stew is good thank you." she murmured to someone and tried not to think about the pain running unchecked through her legs and lower back. Evil Horses. Thats why they had legs. To walk, not horses...horses bit, and stomped...and smelled...

She huddled up under her soaked cloathes, reminded again of how much she hated leaving the city and how much gold she'd better be paid for this or someone was going to get it.
Saying nothing of anything sheshivered and wondered if she could buy a spare dry change of clothes from the children, they looked to be about her height...to big in the frame but there was nothing a bit of rope couldn't cure.

OOC: Eep! Was tidying up the stat block last time, I'll go fix the small problems...as for the bedroll, habit, and it's still warmer to sit on than the floor but yeah ^^; It'd probably help to remove it, only even if your not technically asleep it'd still be nice to lay down on something warmer than ground on occasion...wouldn't it?


Living EN World Judge
Aranel said:
She huddled up under her soaked cloathes, reminded again of how much she hated leaving the city and how much gold she'd better be paid for this or someone was going to get it.
Saying nothing of anything sheshivered and wondered if she could buy a spare dry change of clothes from the children, they looked to be about her height...to big in the frame but there was nothing a bit of rope couldn't cure. [/SIZE]

Seeing the condition of the traveller's clothes, one of the older children smiled and gestured towards a table where several woolen tunics lay cleaned and folded. As well, the child pointed to poles near the fire with several items of clothing already upon them, drying.

OoC: Off to bed, I was playing chez geek,guillotine and other card games until 4am at work with friends.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Greets at ye, good folk. I 'pologize 'at I ain' what sort carries more'n what's needin' fer gettin' a job done... But I've an idea fer somethin' what might be as good. Gimme a blink'n I'll 'ave it fer ye..."

Sturm pulls aside Rurik.

"Col' water's got me 'ands a bit shakin'... Ain' use'n 'is sky crap, what throws water at ye whene'er it pleases its'lf... Anyway, c'n I get ye'n write another bit fer me? 'ere's 'ow it goes:"

(In Dwarven:) "Dear folks back home... These good folk have done me a favor of rest and reconstitution, and on my name I promised them I'd return it twice over. Should they happen upon our parts, I trust that you will treat them not just with good housegiving but as honored guests. Kvit ye, Sturm Gerwycht."

Once the letter is transcribed, he folds it and stamps it firmly with his family ring, and returns to Garunn.

"Now, I don' know what ye'll e'er get yerself where ye're at Down Thrusch, but if'n ye should, show 'is letter 'n what it reads down in Boer Tunnel, 'n I promise what ye'll recieve some honest 'n decent return fer what good ye're tossin'."


[Uriel, bro: blank lines between paragraphs are your friend. :D]

Rurik duly transcribes for Sturm, and hands it back to him for sign and seal.

Upon finishing Sturm's, Rurik decides to create a certificate of his own, in Dwarven, which he presents to Garunn:

In return for their outstanding hospitality shown this day, Clan Bainlunder, all of its members, retainers, and kin, is welcome at armory, forge, hearth and galley in Clan Axebender as a full ally.

By my hand and rune, I forge this bond.

Rurik Axebender
1st son of Hrynnar Axebender, 4th in line to Clanfather.

Voidrunner's Codex

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