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(Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike


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Aranel realised, smiled happily at the child and hurried over to the dry clothes, looked around and then frowned. Nowhere for her to change...
Leaving her dripping cloak, boots and outercoat by the fire, she'd run off lightly across the room to find somewhere quiet to hurridly change from her sodden leather and damp undershirts into the plain and comfortable clothes that reminded her briefly of her old home.

She walked out with her wet cothes under arm and found places for them before resting by her bowl of stew again. Settling down to eat a little more she managed half the bowl before there was too much and she was forced to set it aside.
Slumping back she blinked and felt the urge to rest.
Checking to make sure none of the children were going to mistake her for one of them, she half closed her eyes and seemed to be meditating.

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LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael frowned inwardly. He certainly appreciated the generosity. Despite the gold he carried, however, he was an ascetic. Rarely did he ever carry anything in excess and thus had little to spare in terms of gifts. Nevertheless, he thinks back and decides upon a gift. T'would be a breach of honor to break tradition.

"Mine thanks for thine hospitality, good host. My name is Sir Ishmael of the Wooden Sword.

Please, accept these two darts as a gift from this humble Halfling. They are sized for thine children and are unenchanted. However, the cold iron they are wrought from makes some evil fey or daemon otherwise invulnerable susceptible to their sting."

He spent a short time eating amongst the big folk, listening to their talk and absorbing as much of the dwarven tongue as he could. From time to time, he asked Rurik to clarify a word or twain.

After the repast, he excused himself from his current company. The halfilng then went to his beloved mount and gave the tired steed a needed massage. Sir Ishmael made sure that the warpony was well fed and had a blanket for the night to come. His strength would be needed for the continuation of the journey.

Sir Ishmael would make sure that the other mounts were equally well taken care of, but only after Courage was checked first.

After his chores in the stables (or barn), Sir Ishmael returned to the house to rejoin his comrades in community and rest.


Living EN World Judge
Garunn smiled at the offer of Gifts from the guests,the pledges of hospitality from the Dwarves, the darts (which the children eagerly took and ran of with,looking for a target), a box that Urgan withdrew from his pack, opened to display candies, which Garunn smiled even larger at.
Putting these things aside, the Bainlunder gestures for all to eat their fill and asks for news of the World beyond his hilly home.

Telerin was fairly quiet for the most part. He ate the stew and thanked them, with Whitefang sitting next to him and looking asleep.

Hearing Bainlunder asking for news, the Druid looked to the others but said nothing. He wasn't completely sure it would be good to mention all the run ins with the Ferals...


Living EN World Judge
Sitting around the fireplace,with hot tea and beer (for those who wish it), Garunn and Urgan discuss recent events regarding the incursions from the Empire to the East.many small skirmishes had happened in the last few weeks, with groups of Dwarf Heavy Infantry and Bainlunders Rangers and Scouts doing what they could to halt the soldiers who had come to test these lands. Garunn was far fromthe fighting, which seemed to be 9from everyone's guess) at least seventy or a hundred miles east of the Lodge where you all had supped. For how long would such distances keep Garunn's family safe, he wondered.Already, two brothers had gone off to join up with those putting up resistance against this new Enemy.

The night passes calmly, with the Lodge well barred and sturdily built against the storm. In the morning,you all wake to the smell of fresh eggs and toasted bread, as well as sizzling sausages and onions. The door is thrown wide, and it seems that the Storm has abatted for the most part, with only a slight drizzle outside. The children had all eaten and were washing up afterwards, clearly eager to escape confinement and play outside (with their new darts) while the Sun shone above for an instant.

Sitting down to breakfast,Algram and Urgan seem particularly chipper this morning. Perhaps they are glad to be in friendly territory. Joining you all, garunn passes a jar of fresh jam made frm a berrythat he calls Lingonberry, a delicious flavor that none of you have tasted before. The Bainlunder tells that it comes from further north in Bainlund, nearer the mountains.He trades honey from his beehives to a merchant in exchange for the sweet stuff.

OoC:Anything else as far as questions, conversations here, folks?


Rurik enjoys his hearty breakfast, thanking Garunn sincerely for it, then sidles up to the brothers.

"Reckon we oughta take 'vantage o' first light, then, an' moun' up?"


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan watched as the others gave their gifts prior to staying and taking their fill from the Bainlunders. He made himself busy, drying off by the fire and helping with the gear, avoiding the giving of the gift.

He waited to see if the Bainlunders would complain . . . they didn't. They offered him the same hospitality as the others. Thurgan saw that their action were and emotions were real.

Thurgan took a watch during the night, even with the friendly confines - he didn't want to get out of habit. Early in the morning, Thurgan offered Garunn his healing salve from the famed dwarven wizard Delmon. He tried to do it with out the others of his group noticing, though if they did he made no attempt to hide or cover.


LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael pondered for a while before asking his question.

"Garunn, thou art seeming to me a person who is in touch in the land around him. Hast thou perceived any strangeness in the land or in any passerby that came previous?"


Living EN World Judge
nimisgod said:
"Garunn, thou art seeming to me a person who is in touch in the land around him. Hast thou perceived any strangeness in the land or in any passerby that came previous?"

Taking a moment, Garunn replies 'Other than the fact that an Empire moves against my folk, young Knight? Nay, nothing unnatural, if that be what yer about.'Cept fer this unending rain,that is...'

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"'n what Empire'd 'at be, Bainlunder? 'haps when we've done what with 'is jobby, we can go'n give 'em a thing 'r two on yer behalf."

He says it with a grin, but not quite a joking grin...

Voidrunner's Codex

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