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[Adventure] The Paper Chase, Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)


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[sblock=OOC]I don't have an issue with assuming that you guys took the letter with you.

Regarding kal'Tarron using Religion: basically you're just using your knowledge of the faith to make the priest trust/like you more, so at best it's going to give a bonus on a social roll. Otherwise you can just substitute a knowledge check for any social skill on a roll involving an NPC engaged in that field, which I don't think is the intention. I'm not going to let you use the 19 you rolled, for the same reason I didn't make you use the low roll you made on Streetwise, either - those rolls weren't relevant at the time you made them. Regardless, though, as far as these questions go you can get answers on the basis of your previous Diplomacy check.[/sblock]

"Sister, my companions and I are seeking a man by the name of Derslin. We know he was somewhere around here a few months ago - A letter he wrote came to a contact I have at the university in Sharn. He might be at a logging camp around here - do you know anything about him?

"Frankly, I think he's involved with some foul necromancers. We recently slew a necromancer in Sharn, this all seems to be tied together. Sister, Balinor and the Host have sent me here to prevent more perversions from coming to be."

The priestess's eyes widen with the gravity of the information. "Necromancers? But... here?" Her shock is evident. "I wish I could help you, but - Derslin, was it?" She shakes her head. "That doesn't mean anything to me. I'm sorry. But if he's involved in things like that... well, I don't know how he could be staying at any of the logging camps around town. The workers there are locals, honest men - most of them come here to pray. I know them, I know their families. They wouldn't stand for any evil magic in their midst, and if they suspected something then surely they would have come to me for advice."

She looks thoughtful. "Deeper into the woods, though, up to the north - toward the mountains... if there were necromancers anywhere, it would be there. Our woodsmen don't stray too far that way. They say that the forest grows wild and strange, and the people who live that way have grown likewise, and don't take too kind to strangers."

Alexia raises an eyebrow as she asks for clarification, "Did you see him return to the forest? From here?"

The man shakes his head. "Not me, but that's what they say. Fella like that doesn't walk through town without attracting some attention, you know, and it's a small town - people talk. Plenty o' folks saw him headed back across the fields towards the forest."

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The man shakes his head. "Not me, but that's what they say. Fella like that doesn't walk through town without attracting some attention, you know, and it's a small town - people talk. Plenty o' folks saw him headed back across the fields towards the forest."

"I see. Thanks for your help. Come on you two. Alexia gathers up the group's purchases and exits the store. "So, a man runs through the forest, and his efforts leave him cut and disheveled. I bet that there will still be signs of his passing: broken branches, overturned stones, that sort of thing. If we can find where he left, or reentered, the forest, that should give us a good starting point for finding the site. How are your eyes?" Without waiting for an answer, Alexia whistles three sharp notes, and Grys and Muzdum feel their senses focus. Alexia smiles, "Now, let us to the woods."

[sblock=ooc]Inspire Confidence: Alexia, Muzdum, and Grys each get a +2 power bonus to their next perception check.[/sblock]


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Mythra drums his figures on the bar counter. We are looking for a man named Derslin. Relatively smart looking person... looks like he could read and write... outsider....came in town to send a letter... that ring a bell? Mythra says impatiently.


Mythra is going to do a "Sherlock Holmes" and try to describe what Derslin would look like logically from his hand writing, circumstances surrounding him, etc.


Voda Vosa

First Post
The dwarf walks to the edge of the forest, still chewing the dry meat. Waving his salami around to point at the trees, he says "I hate forests, I never find anythin' in da forests, dunno why, some sort of racial blokin' perhaps. I prefere more regular structures, ye know? Me papa used to say that forests..." Muzdum incesant chatting proves too distracting for the others.

Perception aid: 7 Fail with capital F.


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Mythra drums his figures on the bar counter. We are looking for a man named Derslin. Relatively smart looking person... looks like he could read and write... outsider....came in town to send a letter... that ring a bell? Mythra says impatiently.

The man's expression changes - it's obvious that Mythra's description has provoked some recognition in the innkeeper, although he does his best to compose a game face; Orsik's unintentionally brusque manner seems to have left him leery of the two. "Look, what is this? Why are you looking for this fella Derslin? Forgive me, but I don't know you, and you don't look much like lawmen. Just what's your business here?"

"are there any woodsmen from up that way here today? Anywhere in town they gather?"

"Well, not from that way - like I said, those folks keep to themselves, and we're all the better for it. But there are probably a few men who know the woods, and could tell you something about what lies that way. If I were you, I'd ask around in the tavern this evening."

"Yes, let's head towards the forest and I'll check to see if we see any sort of normal trail there, or one created by someone attempting to break through the woods and make his own trail."

Alexia, Muzdum and Grys soon find a footpath across the field to the forest's edge, and upon reaching it they spot a number of paths leading into the woods. The sounds of the logging camps carry clearly through the crisp mountain air, and it's evident that there must be quite a bit of traffic between the town and the camps in this part of the forest. Grys keeps a sharp lookout, but fails to see anything that might distinguish Derslin's trail from any of the numerous others that he spots. Perhaps they will have more luck if they search for the paths that lead deeper into the forest, and focus on those - but that would be a lengthier task, and the afternoon is drawing on. It might also be helpful to speak with somebody who knows this part of the woods well.

[sblock=OOC]Tally so far is 4 successes, 1 failure. kal'Tarron is up to take an action for this round of the skill challenge.

Voda, who was Muzdum assisting with that failed Perception check? Please include stuff like that in the roll description (along with what skill you're rolling), because as it is you can pretty much pick and choose once other people have already made their rolls - and there's really no way to be honest in that situation, you either knowingly game the system or knowingly screw yourself over. I'll let it slide this time but please bear it in mind in future. [/sblock]


First Post
"One last thing, sister, do you have a map that shows that area, or any books of local history?"
OOC: Assuming she does, or can direct kal'Tarron to one quickly, he's going to examine the depiction of the forest and mountains and the histories for anything significant - ley lines, sites of ancient battles, lost cities etc...

History check on a map/history book of the area... (1d20+8=9)


At sunset, kal'Tarron is waiting at the mail stop for the rest of the party. "There are rumors of strange things happening out beyond the logging camps. The priestess of the Host suggested we talk to some loggers tonight at the tavern. Did any of you run into any of them while you were there?

"No matter, we should head back there now that work is done for the day - perhaps we can find someone who knows about our quarry, or something about the strange happenings out in the woods, towards the mountains..."

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Sorry, I meant to aid Grys in his perception roll, since he was the only one rolling something. Muzdum had only a 3, so I thought it would be better to aid than attempt an actual skill with his lame bonus. I'll be more specific in the future.

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