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[Adventure] The Paper Chase, Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)

Voda Vosa

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Muzdum looks for something useful among the products. Ah, dry meat, cheese and salami. That was good. He immediatly starts chewing the meat, as he walks to the man, and pointing at him with the salami, he notes. "Nice fishin' gear ol' man. What ye fish 'round 'ere?"

Aid Diplomacy: 13

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ooc: Voda, isn't your Diplomacy only +2?

Alexia smiles pleasantly at the shopkeeper as she makes her way across the store. As the man totals the group's intended purchases, she engages him in casual conversation. The topic drifts from weather to local events to indigenous wildlife. However, over time Alexia directs the focus towards the question of if any newcomers had recently made large-scale purchases, and where such people might be found.

[sblock=Man, I love this]Diplomacy 35 using Words of Friendship and accounting for Grys's successful aid and Muzdum's failed one. I hope I'm not burning all of my luck away on Diplomacy checks.[/sblock]


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"Good day, sir. I'm Orsik the Small. I'd like to find a sender of this letter, Derslin, we're sent as help he requested. Do you know him?"

he observed sharply the man for any unusal reaction or signs of recognition
Insight (1d20+11=15) - boo! Mythra support!

OOC: Antithetist, will you give any details on the challenge (complexity, skills etc) so we can plan to aid ?
Myrtha looks at the boy for signs of him reconizing him or Orsik. Mythra did not like fraternizing with common workers... or even any workers for that matter; but that was adventuring for you.

If only he could be back in the 1st class compartment...

Insight aid another=15.


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Orsik and Mythra discover that there is no postman as such, but the mail coaches pick up and drop off letters at the town's inn. At this time in the afternoon the cosy common room is quiet, with only a few old men in the corner nursing their ale and talking amongst themselves over a game of cards.

The broad, ruddy-faced inkeeper is absently polishing glasses. He looks up, eyes widening, as the enormous goliath and his eladrin companion come into the bar, and it's plain to see that his main reaction as they start making enquiries is panic that such outlandish types are taking any interest in his affairs. Other than that, he shows every sign of having no idea what Orsik is talking about. "Derslin? I don't know a Derslin..."

OOC: The Insight check was successful, but isn't going to net you a success on the Skill Challenge. It will, however, give you a +2 bonus to your next Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate check involving the inkeeper.

Meanwhile in the general store, the proprietor seems to be on the point of taking umbrage as Muzdum waves a salami at him. Happily Grys and Alexia soon smooth things over, and before long Alexia is chatting away happily with him. Over the course of their banter, with a few subtle guiding questions from Alexia, he mentions that a couple of weeks ago - just about exactly the time when the letter was mailed to Professor Howard - a stranger came into the shop, wild-eyed, covered in scratches, his clothes torn like he'd come straight out of the deep woods and run all the way. He filled his pack with dried meat and other supplies, broke a platinum piece in payment, and hurried off again into the woods.

OOC: Antithetist, will you give any details on the challenge (complexity, skills etc) so we can plan to aid ?

I can tell you that you're going to need 12 successes before 3 failures, but there are no set skills. If what you're doing makes sense, I'll accept it as a contribution to the challenge.

So far the tally is 2 successes, 0 failures.[/sblock]



I can tell you that you're going to need 12 successes before 3 failures, but there are no set skills. If what you're doing makes sense, I'll accept it as a contribution to the challenge.

So far the tally is 2 successes, 0 failures.[/sblock]

OOC: 12? Grys' skill set isn't very helpful in this type of info gathering skill challenge. Alexia, just go wherever you want to go and use whichever skill and Grys will just follow you and say something witty and do Aid Anothers because all Gry can do is give us failures if he attempts something other than Aid Another.


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Alexia raises an eyebrow as she asks for clarification, "Did you see him return to the forest? From here?"

12? Grys' skill set isn't very helpful in this type of info gathering skill challenge. Alexia, just go wherever you want to go and use whichever skill and Grys will just follow you and say something witty and do Aid Anothers because all Gry can do is give us failures if he attempts something other than Aid Another.

I suspect the objective of the skill challenge is not just to get directions but also successfully follow them. Even if this is not the case, I bet we can figure out a way to get some non-social skills into play. Like what I'm doing now...[/sblock]


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"Sister, my companions and I are seeking a man by the name of Derslin. We know he was somewhere around here a few months ago - A letter he wrote came to a contact I have at the university in Sharn. He might be at a logging camp around here - do you know anything about him?

"Frankly, I think he's involved with some foul necromancers. We recently slew a necromancer in Sharn, this all seems to be tied together. Sister, Balinor and the Host have sent me here to prevent more perversions from coming to be."

OOC: I think this falls under a religion check - I'm appealing to her faith to help us... I can roll a new one if you want, but I'm happy to us the 19 (+13) I rolled earlier for a religion check that we didn't use.


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OOC: I'll let Orsik do the talking. Mythra's mouth would probably not help in this instance ;)

Did we keep the letter that the Professor had? Mythra could use object reading to see if can garner any info from it.

OOC: My socials are at +1 so aid would be appreciated.

As for the letter, maybe you should used the ritual before we started? I don't think anyone stated that we're taking it. Altough it makes sense to take it for tracking.

I'll wait for Mythra to quip in (remember, you can use another skill (like perception or bluff) to help diplomacy).


OOC: Well, nobody explicitly stated that we were taking the letter, on the other hand, nobody explicitly stated that we handed the letter back to the professor after we read it either. Possession is 9/10ths of the law and we were the last ones to possess it. ;) I just assumed that we had it so that we wouldn't accidently forget any of its contents.

Voidrunner's Codex

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