[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]


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Grakk hears the warlock and finds an empty bucket. He then looks for water. After finding some he splashes the dwarf in the face with the water. Wake up dwarf! We have little time.

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Voda Vosa

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The now apparently normal face of the dwarf contorts and shadows as he wakes up. The dark areas around his eyes, described by Gimo, appear again.
He struggles to let go, but is unable to fight the overwhelming strength of Grakk.


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The goliath looks at the dwarf with a stern serious face. If you don't stop I'll kill you on the spot. If it were up to me I would have done so long ago. Looking up but keeping a vise grip lock on the dwarf Someone question him quickly before he blacks out again.


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Morvannon sits on the floor in front of the dwarf, idly spinning his green crystal rod in one hand. "Well. You heard the goliath. Please believe me when I say he's not joking. Now then -- what did you do to Mr. Tine, and don't try to tell me you don't know who that is. I am *not* in the mood. What did you do to him, and for whom?" he asks, peering into the dwarf's eyes.

[sblock=Skill checks]Skill roll results: Arcana 20, Insight 30, Religion 23[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

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The dwarf grunts and says nothing. He seems to be in pain, but not from Grakk's grip, but something more foul, more internal. Morvannon's sharp eyes, and his analytical mind and superb knowledge of the arcane, tells him the dwarf is under some sort of mental control. Whomever is controlling him is far away, but the link is very powerful. He might attempt to severe it, however, the half elf is not sure about the dwarf's well fare after that.


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Jarel-karn, leave the prisoner to the group and starts to closely examine everything in this hideout.

[SBLOCK=OOC]He starts to search and take 20. Jarel-karn have a too low perception to waste a roll on it. I'll help another if someone with a good Perception start to do the same.[/SBLOCK]


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The normally perceptive Cliff helps the genasi search the room, but the spirits distract him, and shifter can be heard muttering to them under his breath.


Voda Vosa

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Cliff and Jarel search the place throughout. There is little of interest among boxes and chairs, also the litters of the recently defeated warriors. There's also a desk. Upon inspecting it, the group finds several notes containing information on the clay company of mister Simpletown. Reading through it takes some time, but there's valuable information:
All moves and delivery rout are depicted here, as well as the person responsible for the deliveries. In the drawers, Cliff finds a necklace, with a strange eye sculpted in the metal, probably silver. There's also an address in a lose sheet of paper, under the jewel.

You have 24 hours before execution. New stuff underlined.

[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
-Address on the paper[3 hours walking, 3 hours returning]
-Tavern[3 hour walking,3 hour returning]
-Mr Tine House[3 hours walking, 3 hours returning]
-The Clay pits [4 hours walking, 4 hours returning]
-Mr. Simpletown establishment[3 hour walking, 3 hour returning]
-Addressless door[Current Location]
-City watch[1 hours walking, 1 hours returning]
-Crime scene [2 hours walking, 2 hours returning]
-City watch[1 hours walking, 1 hours returning]
[sblock=Important NPCs]
Mr. Simpletown
Mrs Tine
Mr Tine
Mr Raspyhand
Simpletown's foreman
Watch's Captain

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.


[sblock=Current clues]
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.


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Grakk looks at the necklace and the over at the non-cooperating dwarf to see if he is wearing one similar to this one.

What now? the goliath states in a craggy voice to Cliff and Jarel, as he is getting frustrated with the clues leading to more clues.


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Cliff inspects the necklace in the light of the room, and then waves the paper with the address at the group. "Let's go here, we haven't been there yet. Perhaps they could tell us something about the necklace."

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