[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]

Voda Vosa

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"Ah, I- I didn't know. I-I think you I think. Perhaps Linda spoke to you? Well, lets see, where to start from hm... Yes, I was riding ol' Bum towards the potteries. I delivered a couple of packages of clay, and then I went to Raspyhand's. There was when things got weird. Like no other time, Raspyhand was kind to me, he told me, and that was also unusual, that I should, ehm, leave the clay next door. Well, I told myself, if that grumpy Raspyhand is having a good day, who are you to judge him Gimo? So I went and knocked the door. A dwarf opened it, and escorted me in. Suddenly, all went black!
When I wake I was being helped by the dwarf to stand up. He said I fainted. Feeling better, I walked outside with the dwarf. He closed the door behind me, but then I noticed ol' Bum and the cart were not there where I left them, and for the position of the sun, it was late. I knocked the door again to ask the dwarf how much time I remained unconscious but no one answered. I then walked to Mr. Simpletown's establisment, I told this to my mates, and then the guard came in and took me here! They took me stuff, and put them there"
he points to the other side of the corridor were a couple of lockers are, and there is also a guard.
There are no cell-mates in Gimo's cell, as he is thought to be a dangerous psychotic killer.

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"Well, Raspyhand was paid to be happy with you and to send you see the dwarf. Can you tell me any small detail about that dwarf. Did you hear him tell anything before opening the door? What he looked like? What he was wearing? Any small detail could help us." ask Jarel-karn


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Bell smiles, putting her elbows on the man's desk, and propping her head into her hands. "We'd also be interested if you and your men would allow us to look at any particulars that have already been sequestered as part of your own investigation. Always good to have professional corroboration."

Bell doesn't actually think they will surely come to the same conclusion, but had read that people like to hear things that way.

[sblock=ooc]Diplomacy 17[/sblock]


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"We also know how stretched your resources must be -- we have no other task but this, and can put our full attention towards it," says Morvannon.

[sblock=OOC]Streetwise: 16 -- Insight: 18 rolls here.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The Watch Captain:

Shifting his gaze from the bulky goliath with few-friends face, to the diplomatic pair, the captain decides to ignore Grakk, and walks around him towards Bell and Morvannon. "I don't see why not. Come." he says, while eying the goliath suspiciously, but decides to reply to his previous questions. "We don't have a proof. We have witnesses, dozens of them. Some guards also saw the man doing it, no idea how; since we brought him here he has behave like the peasant he seems to be, but the witnesses say he butchered a goliath and a towering half orc in seconds and then cleaved the skull of the minister with a dagger as the man ran away. Either this man is a master pretender and assassin, or someone just ... I don't know, we have tons of work to do, so perhaps you could help us and help him, if he is not the murderer. However the judges will want to hang someone tomorrow." as he speaks he leads the trio to the cells section where they see Jarel, Soldier and Cliff talking to Gimo.
"Friends of yours?" asks the captain, before pointing out a section of lockers. "Garreth, let the gentlemen and the lady examine Tine's belongings and the stuff we found at the crime scene."

Gimo's cell:

"Well he didn't say anything before opening the door. He had a black beard, braided hair, was wearing a leather vest as I recall... Oh there was something odd in his eyes. As if he had just woke up from bed. He was friendly." Gimo scratches his head. "That's all I think."


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"By the way, how much day have passed since that day?" asks Jarel-karn.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Sorry, I might be a bit lazy here, or I just not have enough time to go back over all the thread to that answer for now.[/SBLOCK]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Two days I think." replies Gimo tierdly.

You have 30 hours before execution.

[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]

New clues and a a new place to go. There's still Gimo's stuff to look at.

-Tavern[2 hour walking, 2 hour returning]
-Mr Tine House[2 hours walking, 2 hours returning]
-The Clay pits [3 hours walking, 3 hours returning]
-Mr. Simpletown establishment[2 hour walking, 2 hour returning]
-Addressless door[1 hours walking, 1 hours returning]
-City watch[Current Location]
-Crime scene [1 hours walking, 1 hours returning]
[sblock=Important NPCs]
Mr. Simpletown
Mrs Tine
Mr Tine
Mr Raspyhand
Simpletown's foreman
Watch's Captain

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
[sblock=Current clues]
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.


First Post
"Come closer, I want to look at something." He then start to take a look at Gimo's head, arms and body and try to find anything that could seems unusual, from magical aura to bruise. Once his inspection done. "Thanks, I'll go take a look at your possession."

Jarel-karn move toward the guards and find the most graded one. "Sorry, we are investigating on Gimo's case. Some friend of his want to make sure if this man is hanged, it is really because he is the murderer the court have declared him and not the innocent and harmless guy he has been all the time before the events. Would it be possible to just take a look at his possession?"

Perception : 1d20+2=17 to spot anything unusual on Gimo.
Arcana: 1d20+12=17 to detect any remaining magical affect that could affect Gimo.
Heal : 1d20+2=11 to see any non-magical condition that could affect Gimo.
Diplomacy : 1d20+4=24 to gain access to Gimo's possession.[/SBLOCK]

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