[Adventure] The Race of the Five Horns (DM: stonegod, Judge: THB)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC/Correction]pathfinderq1 is correct; I got the Tower confused with the location of the other adventurer's guild in Tavick's Landing. However, its still not advisable to walk all the way (as Dura is very large horizontally *and* vertically).[/sblock]A dwarf laborer by the looks of it looks askance at the warforged when stopped. He frowns heavily with a 'why-me' attitude. Down, any direction. Humph.

Rikka, though a relative newcomer to the towering city, recalls a sup with a stranger that had come to the Reaches from Breland. She clearly recalls the odd, deer-hoof shape of the main city, and believes that their destination is not only down, but at least another "district" over, if she understands the terminology the man used. A walk of an hour or more, to be sure.

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On Puget Sound

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A skycoach? The object of a race is to get somewhere fastest. Though the race has not yet begun, let us begin finding faster ways to get places. How do we make one stop for us?

[sblock=Evil (For stonegod)]
Well, as unaligned char and even as good character I can do SOME evil things RARELY - even paladin finds IC excuse to be elsewhere while other 'interrogate' bad guy.

And Darkspiral aura lasts until next short or extended rest so if I do this before we start there is some use. It's not big deal, that one point serves very little purpose except to flash out Bellegon's character and way of thinking (I never played drow before, but I read much (including Against the Giants - I just didn't connect that default drow in eberron are jungle nomads, I thought them exception...

What I'm trying to get is that Bellegon wouldn't think it evil and he has no god to be afraid of. But no problem, I'll do same thing as discussed here except truly attack the person. I'll just show him drow face and hope he recognizes it as something terible :)

Streetwise; History (1d20+6=26, 1d20+5=20)

Coming from lower levels to upper, Bellegon got to know the streets well. Also, he did his research as any good messenger needs to, to know how to fit in and avoid trouble delivering his messages.

"Lower Dura is way off and the streets are dangerous for normal people. We're not helpless, but there is no need to walk all that way. We go by skycoach, I'll fetch one."

he lowers his hood and walks toward nearest station signalling to one of visible drivers that he needs the service.

[sblock=Stat block]
Bellegon Darksun, Male Drow Dark Warlock 4
Initiative +5; Senses: Darkvision, Passive Insight: 12, Passive Perception: 12
HP 40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 7
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 17, Will 18

Skills: Arcana +10, Bluff +11, Intimidate +13, Thievery +10, Acrobatics +5, Athletics +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +3, Heal +2, History +5, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +5, Stealth +9, Streetwise +6

Speed 6
Action points: 1, Second wind: unused

Eldritch Strike
Spiteful Glamor
Darkspiral aura

Cloud of darkness
Ethereal Stride
Shared Agony

Your Glorious Sacrifice

Full character sheet

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First Post
Vok walks out of the tavern, the cold rain pelting his platemail, gathering into tiny rivulets that ran down and finally fell to the street. The half-elf looks around and gives a good natured shrug at the weather, "Hopefully it'll be better when we race" he jokes as they walk.

As the others begin discussing the methods of heading to Middle Dura Vok struggles to recall anything that may help them get there, just some things he's heard about the area. When Bellegon begins to look for a sky coach, the paladin calmly crosses his arms and patiently waits, heading under an overhand nearby to get some shelter from the rain.

Just a reminder to everyone that if you're close to Vok you'll get a +1 on Diplomacy and if you're near Rikka +1 to Perception[/sblock]

[sblock= stat block]
Vok Vaerhirmana—Male Half-Elf Paladin 4 (Sovereign Host)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 23, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 19 — Speed: 5 (in armor)
HP: 51/51, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
*Group Diplomacy: You grant allies within 10 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.
>Skills: Diplomacy +14, Insight +7, Intimidate +12, Perception +8, Religion +6
Powers -
Valourous Strike (at will)
Enfeebling Strike (at will)
Divine Challange (at-will)
Lay on Hands (at-will) (1/day)
Valorous Smite (encounter 1)
Invigorating Smite (encounter 3)
Guiding Strike (encounter)
Divine Mettle or Strength (encounter)
Majestic Halo (daily 1)
Bless Weapon (utility 2/daily)

LEB:pC:Vok Vaerhirmana (renau1g- ENWiki)



First Post
"An hour of walking might do us good, let us explore a bit on the way- or get warmed up. Riding in a flying coach seems like a odd way to get to a race..." The elven woman seemed unconvinced by the idea of a skycoach ride, but at least she stopped walking and waited with the others. Even as she paused, though, she seemed to be constantly on the lookout- her eyes ceaselessly swept the area around her as if she was watching for something...


First Post
"Aye, it might, but then again, why not travel to the race in comfort, relax our muscles to have them ready for what will surely be difficult course" Vok says to the elf in her native language


First Post
[sblock=In Elvish] "And that way of thinking would have us fat and lazy as that sheeplike fellow back in the tavern, with his 'Salt Town Five'. We can only hope for a bit more competition than that..." [/sblock]

The elf gave a weary, almost disgusted look back towards the tavern door as she continued to watch the drow attempt to flag down a skycoach.

On Puget Sound

First Post
[sblock=In Elvish]One skyride will make you desire silks? Servants? Lotus smokes? Not any elfs I ever meet! Some halflings yes, true, be soft when leave the plains. But not elfs, and not me either. This is not my grass. This is not your trees. In different place we must be different. Worry no. Enjoy flying box. Watch below, maybe see shorter paths for race.[/sblock]

Ryk's Elvish is basic and his syntax is a bit broken, but quite understandable.
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First Post
[sblock=In Elvish] "And the wolf did not 'expect' to become a tame lap-dog when he took meat from the hand of the elder folk. It was a slow process, begun with one moment of indulgence. Still, you are right in a fashion- new lands and new customs can be examined and tested with a proper sense of awareness." After a pause, there was a brief chuckle. "Of course, maybe no skycoach wants to carry the likes of us- we are a strange band in such a settled place. Not the strangest, I would guess, but certainly enough to give a coachman a moment's pause..." [/sblock]


First Post
Crush grows increasingly fidgety as the conversation in elvish continues. Finally, he bursts out, "Will you lot quiet that insufferable jabbering!?!? There's no sense tromping about the city when we can save time and strength in the skycoach," he declares.

The warforged then moves to stand at a slight distance from the elven-speakers, only to end up looking foolish standing in the rain, his joints squeaking with moisture. He mutters to himself intermittently, his voice sounding like the grinding of broken clockwork,
"Beastly language... Filthy... Undisciplined..."


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