Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC/Correction]pathfinderq1 is correct; I got the Tower confused with the location of the other adventurer's guild in Tavick's Landing. However, its still not advisable to walk all the way (as Dura is very large horizontally *and* vertically).[/sblock]A dwarf laborer by the looks of it looks askance at the warforged when stopped. He frowns heavily with a 'why-me' attitude. Down, any direction. Humph.
Rikka, though a relative newcomer to the towering city, recalls a sup with a stranger that had come to the Reaches from Breland. She clearly recalls the odd, deer-hoof shape of the main city, and believes that their destination is not only down, but at least another "district" over, if she understands the terminology the man used. A walk of an hour or more, to be sure.
Rikka, though a relative newcomer to the towering city, recalls a sup with a stranger that had come to the Reaches from Breland. She clearly recalls the odd, deer-hoof shape of the main city, and believes that their destination is not only down, but at least another "district" over, if she understands the terminology the man used. A walk of an hour or more, to be sure.