[Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed

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OOC: Sorry about that, accidentally set it for "everyone with link can view" instead of "everyone with link can edit". this has been corrected. Feel free to make your placements!

Leather furrows hi brow. He only sees two enemies. "Not today, you mutant shites! Not today!!" he roars as he drops into a defensive position to prepare for the onslaught, trying not to think of his already battered body and weary mind.

Perception DC 13

[sblock= Marcus Leather]
Marcus Leather
Human Fighter (Brawler) 3
Passive Perception/Insight 12
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:15, Will:13, Speed:5
HP: 42/43, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges left:6/12
Initiative +5
Action Points: 1 (encounter):

MBA: Longsword, +8 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
MBA: Battle Axe of Surrounding +1, +8 vs AC, 1d10+5 dmg
RBA: Rebounding Handaxe +1, +8 vs AC, 1d6+5
Combat Challenge
Cleave, Grappling Strike, Weaponmaster's Strike

Steel Serpent Strike:
Bull Charge:
Inevitable Strike:
Rebounding Hand Axe:
Battle Axe of Surrounding:
Second Wind:

Comeback Strike:
Boundless Endurance:
Dwarven Armour:

Combat notes:
Deft Hurler Style: Leather can forgo dealing damage to the adjacent enemy to instead make a basic ranged attack with a heavy thrown weapon against one creature other than the target of your cleave. This ranged basic attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Brawler Style: Leather can use Grappling Strike for OAtks
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The perceptive party quickly spots the ambush and moves into place, ready to face the foes they had seen. Unfortunately, like most humanoids, they failed to look up. That slight lack of spacial awareness was all it took for the one creature to get the jump on poor Torqua, who didn't even see the flying beast coming for her until she had already felt a wide gash open up her right shoulder to the bone, quickly followed by another that slices deeply into her back. Suddenly, to Torqua, the faces of her allies became distorted, like she was looking at them in a carnival fun-house mirror. The faces of her enemies became sharpened and more menacing, with glowing green eyes. Each of their mutations stood out more clearly, while their normal, corporal forms became slightly indistinct.

Upon seeing the flying rat attack, the rest of the mutated Einherjar ready to pounce upon the group, however, Leather, Fhangrim, and Torqua (now that pain had set in and snapped her out of her delirium of madness) reacted more quickly to make attacks of their own.

Because no one managed to hit D3's stealth check with their Perception Check, it gets a surprise round.

After that, initiative is as follows:

Round 1:
- Leather, Fhangrim, Torqua (in any order)
- Badguys

Round 1.5+
- ALL PC's (in any order)
- Badguys

Surprise Round:

-- Standard: Charges from L11 [4] to I12 [1] and attacks with Tentacle Slaps: +7 vs Reflex (two attacks); Atk 1: hits reflex 15 for 10 damage. Atk 2: hits reflex 14 for 8 damage. Because both attacks hit, Torqua gains two Madness points.

NOTE: the number in brackets "[#]" is the height in squares above you that the creature is hovering/flying.

B1 - ??/?? hp; AC 13 F/R/W 16/15/14; Status: Normal; Resources: Maddening Stare (unused)
B2 - ??/?? hp; AC 13 F/R/W 16/15/14; Status: Normal; Resources: Words of Insanity (unused)
B3 - ??/?? hp; AC 15 F/R/W 16/15/14; Status: Normal; Resources: Split Personality (unused)

G1 - ??/?? hp; AC 14 F/R/W 15/14/14; Status: Normal; Resources: Penetrating Spear (unused), Brutal Spear (unused)
G2 - ??/?? hp; AC 14 F/R/W 15/14/14; Status: Normal; Resources: Penetrating Spear (unused), Brutal Spear (unused)

D1 - ??/?? hp; AC 14 F/R/W 14/12/10; Status: Normal; Resources: None
D2 - ??/?? hp; AC 16 F/R/W 14/12/10; Status: Normal; Resources: None
D3 - ??/?? hp; AC 14 F/R/W 14/12/10; Status: Normal; Resources: None
Leather - 43/43 hp; 2 mp; Threshold: 21; Surges: 6/12; Status: Normal

Haaku - 35/35 hp; 6 mp; Threshold: 22; Surges: 4/7; Status: -1 surge from Dire Rat Filth Fever

Torqua - 24/42 hp; 2 mp; Threshold: 20; Surges: 3/8; Status: Normal

Ilex - 35/36 hp; 5 mp; Threshold: 29; Surges: 6/8; Status: Normal
-- Noctua - 16/16 hp; 0 mp; Threshold: 11; Status: Normal

Fhangrim - 39/44 hp; 6 mp; Threshold 29; Surges: 10/10; Status: Normal
-- U. Major - 22/22 hp; 0 mp; Threshold 14; Status: Normal
-- U. Minor - 22/22 hp; 0 mp; Threshold 13; Status: Normal
-- U. Maximus - 12 hp (immune to damage less than 12; immune to all conditions)
OOC: @Wife Of Meepo : I noticed that all of Fhangrim's pets are of equal level to himself, but Noctua was only stated out to 3rd level. If Noctua is supposed to be level 4 (like you), please update this in your sheet and give me Noctua's current stats so I can update my notes, thanks!
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OOC: @Son of Meepo : Huh, you're right. Haaku isn't on the map. I had sworn he was placed already. Oh well.

The 20 threshold was a typo (the 0 is right next to the 9), but this, as well as the hit point totals, have been fixed in my previous post. Thanks for the heads up!

If you have a resource that allows you to negate surprise once per day, and you want to use that now, feel free to do so and post your 1 action. Do keep in mind (if it at all matters) that your surprise round action will actually occur BEFORE D3's actions, because you rolled higher initiative then the bad guys. As such, when you take your actions, consider D3 to be in the square L11 at a height of 4 squares above you, and clinging to the wall.

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