[Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed

OOC: @Son of Meepo : I was at my job typing quite slowly in between doing that...thing...I think they call it working? Well anyway, I had started on my last post at about 9am and just finished it... and it seems you ninja'd me (not that a 3+ hour window is difficult to ninja someone in =P) on your last post. As such, feel free to apply that perception check to the requested skill check if you don't want to attempt the Dungeoneering check.

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First Post
Haaku takes point as the group moves down the sewers, careful not to lead too far ahead of Fhangrim- he has great respect for the gnoll's inhumanly sharp senses, and those of his entourage.
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First Post
Leather draws his blade when he hears the animal sounds. He readies himself for attack as they proceed, trusting his companions will alert him to any of the dangers his sense fail to detect.

Wife Of Meepo

First Post
Ilex hears the strange animal noises but they don't make any sense to her given the local they are currently in. She does recall Torqua mentioning fighting animals not to long ago in the sewers and asks Torqua, tell us more about those animals you fought.
[sblock=dungeoneering]dungeoneering (1d20+6=12)[/sblock]
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First Post
Ilex hears the strange animal noises but they don't make any sense to her given the local they are currently in. She does recall Torqua mentioning fighting animals not to long ago in the sewers and asks Torqua, tell us more about those animals you fought.
[sblock=dungeoneering]dungeoneering (1d20+6=12)[/sblock]

"You wouldn't rather hear about the time I saved Asamadar from a giant bug invasion and feasted with the Lord of the City?"
Torqua asks, wishing we there right now. "We had all sorts of strange fruits and spiced meats and some of odd jelly desert which was simply wonderful..."

Just as Fhangrim started pushing ahead of the rest of the group to move down the tunnel, he notices his companions standing there with blank looks on their faces...
[sblock=Haaku] One moment, you were ankle deep in the muck of Daunton's sewers. The next moment, you were suddenly home. You could feel the warm desert winds blowing around you and the familiar sting of sand biting into exposed skin. You feel yourself walking along a compacted sand path, obviously some kind of travel route. It feels familiar in a strange homesick longing kind of way. You walk for a period of time. You're not quite sure if it has been minutes or hours, but an unshakable thirst grips you and you can't think of anything other than your parched throat. The exposed skin on your face begins to crack and bleed as you stumble toward a watering hole. As you approach, a couple of lions roar at you, but quickly retreat from the possible threat heading toward them. You kneel at the edge of a large pool of water and feel refreshed as you dip your hands into it's cold depths. Looking into the pool, you see your reflection as it wavers in the ripples you have created. For a split second, you think you may have seen your reflection smile at you, the creases in the corners of its eyes giving it away. But when you look a second time, it is once again mimicking you as it should. You shake it off as nothing more than sun sickness caused from your long journey, and you cover your face with a handful of water. You do it a second time, and a third, feeling your aches wash away with the cold. You hear another roar in the distance behind you as the disgruntled lions pace around the watering hole at a distance, awaiting their chance to take in the oasis unmolested. Seeing that they were, in fact, a great distance back, you turned back to the pool. Deep in the waters, you see a set large triangular shapes, evenly spaced about the pool. Almost like large white...

Before it had a chance to register with you, the maw of a giant lion reached out from the pool and clamped onto your torso, pulling you into the depths of the water! [/sblock]
[sblock=Torqua] One moment you're avoiding squishy disgusting objects in the sewers...again... and then all of a sudden, you turn the corner while following Fhangrim and you seem to have stepped into the largest sweets shope you've ever seen! Turning back around, you see only the entrance of the shop, which leads out into a busy city street. All around you are trays of chocolates, butterscotch candies, truffles, mint pillows, and a random assortment of things even you haven't seen before! Best of all, there doesn't seem to be anyone else in the shop but you! On all of the trays, is a small sign that says "TRY ME". You follow directions and pluck a cherry cordial from one of the trays and bite into it, juices spilling out from the chocolate and onto your tongue in an explosion of bliss. Quickly finishing that little dandy off, you grab a small handfull of mint pillows and begin munching down on those whilst looking for something a little richer. That's when you found it...the motherload of motherloads...

Before you, in the back of the shop atop a wooden platform, was the most beautiful chocolate carving you had ever seen...it was you! And it was fully life sized! You couldn't resist it! You had to have some! You gorged on the magnificence of your cocoa form, biting off entire fingers at a time. You snapped off a hand and started crunching noisily. Joy of joys! Whoever made this wonderful creation filled it with a strawberry jelly, and it poured out of your chocolate wrist as if you had been maimed. You reached out with your left hand to grab a handful of the deliciousness and suddenly noticed that you didn't have a hand to grab any of the jelly... "That's strange", you think as see your own blood pouring down out of your wrist. Turning back to the chocolate statue, you are horrified to see that it wasn't a chocolate statue at all... it was your own dead body, zombified and reaching out with crippled hands to choke the life from you!

Just as the beast manages to grasp you around your neck, you feel the last of your life blood draining from your body, and everything goes black.[/sblock]
[sblock=Leather] You were trudging along in the much of the sewers, set to follow Fhangrim down a long tunnel, when you heard the familiar hissing sound of Bellyache to the side. Looking around, you fail to see your friend. Then you hear it again from the other side and your head snaps to right as you try to figure out what the little bugger was doing, but he wasn't there either. Frustrated with his antics, you draw your hand axe, ready to make threats. Then you hear it again. But this time, it's coming from the blade of your axe! Looking at the flat section of the axe head, you see the metalic image of Bellyache, face contorted in anger and eyes burning a sickly green color. "You should have fed me!" it says, before slamming into your shoulder and drawing a deep gash. You drop the weapon and scramble away, hearing it clang as it hits the ground. You feel your longsword unsheathe itself from its scabbard. Before you can react, you feel it re-sheathe itself in your belly! The pommel of the sword is shaped like Bellyaches' head and it screams at you "FEED ME!!" You try to yank the blade out, but your battle axe slashes at your arms, Bellyache's face laughing at you the entire time. "You should have taken the gold! You could have bought me food!" Your javelin and your handaxe stab you and chop at you, catching the back of your legs and hamstringing you. Fall to the ground and feel the hand axe sever your other arm at the shoulder, then the weapons clang to the floor and melt together into the form of your friend. Picking up your arm, he quickly strips the flesh from it in a single disgusting bite, blood dripping down his face. With rage, he looks upon the rest of your form, screams, and then pounces! [/sblock]
[sblock=Ilex]You were standing just behind Torqua in the sewers when you heard a familiar sound: the forest. At first it was just the sound of a few birds twittering, and the sound of a gentle rain beating a gentle rhythm on the wide leaves of oak trees. The damp gray walls of the sewer bled away until they were the color of a dusk sky, and your now-still companions grew tall and wooden, transforming into the forest you hear all around you. You begin to wander the woods, basking in its natural splendor, like you did as a young child. Once again the secrets of the trees were yours and they whispered to you as they once did. A wordless poem of contentment as they swayed in wind and rain. In the distance, a glow of red and orange danced like a family of fireflies in a condensed cluster. Curious you pass through rows of trees to get a better view. As you move, the glow seems to pace you in the distance. Thinking it possibly a reflection of the dying sun, you turn to the west to see that the earth had already swallowed it up for the night...and yet the glow remained. Once again you heard the voice of the trees. Only this time, it was not a mellow contentment. You heard panic, pain, and anger. Turning about, you saw the faces of your companions etched into the trees around you, and quite suddenly, you can't move your feet. Looking down, you can see that your feet have become roots, and you have become planted, right in that spot. Slowly, almost painfully, your arms move skyward of their own accord and split into a multitudinous canopy of branches, and prickles of pain erupt all over your arms as shoots of thorns and leaves push their way out of your bark-like skin. Like your companions, a rigid expression of pain is frozen as your skin hardens into a woody bark. You realize, horrified, that your nightmare was not yet over as a man, shrouded in black, walks about the forest. He carries a torch and a small barrel of oil. One by one he walks over to each of your companions and douses them with oil. Though their branches shake in fright, they are powerless to move from their rigid position as the man touches his torch to their oil-covered roots. They screamed silently in their wooden state as they slowly incinerated before you. All night you were forced to watch them burn to the ground, watching as the life left each of their eyes, as their bodies turned to ash and crumbled to the ground. The man stood watch, his back turned to you so you couldn't see his face. When at last the last of the embers died, the man turned to you. With shock, you see that the man had not a face, but a grinning skull with empty eyes. You, too, silently scream as you feel yourself covered in oil and then lit on fire, your leaves, branches, and face burning in the intense heat of the blaze![/sblock]

[sblock=All but Fhangrim, after reading your section above]With a shock, you feel yourself slam back into your corporeal form and you slowly realize that what you had just experienced was not actually real...that doesn't keep the memory from burning into your mind however, and you can't help but relive the experience for a few moments before shaking your heads and snapping out of your daze.[/sblock]

All but Fhangrim gain 2d6 madness points, I have shown your totals below.

Fhangrim: 0/29
Haaku: 6/22
Torqua: 8/15
Leather: 11/21
Ilex: 10/29 [/sblock]
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First Post
Leather punches himself in the face hard. "Shut up head!" He continues on down the tunnel not wanting to waste any more time down in this place than necessary, less he be the one found cradling his intestines next.

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