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Adventure: The stolen staff (DM: Someone. Judge: Luinnar)

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Being most of you lightly armored, you move through the forest in silence, and nothing disturbs your brief march twards the slope and the smelly pit. There's one brief glimpse of danger: one of the arrow slits in the tower briefly shines with torchfire. Perhaps a sentinel visited that room briefly, or the light came form another room - in any case, you're certain now the stronghold is inhabited.

It takes little time to reach the pit. It's deep, dark and stinks but the pale roots that dangle from the walls make it easy to climb down. At first looks like your guide was wrong - it's just a garbage deposit, but then you find the exit, buried behind the refuse.

It leads to a very dark passage, roughly circular in section. The disgusting smell, fall from dissipating, tends to become even worse. As Vyrna quietly advances through the tunnels, he reaches a point where the filth forms deep and nauseating pools. This doesn't worry her as much as the fact that the tunnels split and she doesn't know where to go.


Vyrna slowly walks south-west and north-east along the edge of the four forks in their path to get a better idea as to which direction each path leads and to determine if there are any traps or other wicked things in wait for them in this area or down one of the paths. After scoping that out, if nothing is plainly obvious about which path to take, or if there are no obvious traps or dangers, she waits for the rest of the group to appear.


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OOC: Lilli can throw light around at will once we are inside and away from the entrance. If there is a choice, she'll put where it can't be seen from above.


First Post
Neil1889 said:
Lilli can throw light around at will once we are inside and away from the entrance. If there is a choice, she'll put where it can't be seen from above.

Ok, that sounds great :D ! Let's see what the DM has to say about the lighting.


Vyra advances cautiously to her left, checking the nearest intersection as Lily conjures light on the cave's ceiling.

It may not have been such a good idea. Something is disturbed - ahead lies a pile of garbage and decomposed matter much larger than what you've encountered so far. It splits in two to reveal a really ugly creature, something that could be described as a warty potato on four stumpy legs, with three tentacles that sprout from it's back. A very large mouth, as big as half it's body and filled with yellow teeth, opens as the creature steps ahead, perhaps smelling your presence.

Another such beast appears from other passage. Those of you that don't instinctively hide scramble for your weapons.

Monsters go at Initiative 8. Roll initiative; if you roll higher than that, you can act first. Then the otyughs go, then the whole group.

Vyrna can use stealth to be hidden in the first round, and Lily has her racial. You need to beat a passive perception score of 18 to not be discovered - though remember you are only hidden from creatures from which you don't have cover.

I'l appreciate if you can be as detailed as you can in your posts. Anything you can do to same me time and visits to your character sheets in the wiki will be welcomed.[/sblock]



"Oh, I see something over there!" Eva shouts in alarm. She steps forward and points her quarterstaff at the closer otyugh. "Stay back - I mean it!"

Though the party doesn't see anything happen, Eva conjures an attack wave of terrifying apparitions next to the beast. It either doesn't see them, or it just doesn't care.

[sblock=Eva actions / stats]Initiative: 11. (1d20+1=11)

Move: walk to W13.

Standard: Phantasmal Assault vs Otyugh (U9) misses. Nat 2. (1d20+6=8)
Free: Elven Accuracy reroll misses. Nat 1. (1d20+6=7).

That's okay, I'll just get my poor rolls out of the way early.

PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 10
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:7
HP:24/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1


Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Phantasmal Assault, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Spook
Spirit Rend

Darkening Flame, Ray of Enfeeblement
Spirit Rend, Summon Dretch[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
"What was that grunting? ...oh!" says Lilli, as she walks around the corner. She hastily repositions her magical light source near the junction, suspecting that the denzien doesn't need light to see and immediately tries to test the creature's senses with her magic, but Lilli's so startled by the creature's abhorrent appearance at the edge of her Light that she fluffs her next spell.

[sblock=actions]Initiative: 10. Roll Lookup

Move action: Lilli moves to V14.

Light (At Will Minor Ranged 5 Arcane)
Target: One object or unoccupied square
Effect: You cause the target to shed bright light. The light fills the target’s square and all squares within 4 squares of it. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action.

Free action: Put out pre-existing Light.
Minor action: Light, targetted at the cavern floor in square U13.
Standard action: attempt at good old Illusory Ambush, but she fluffs with total of 10 to hit: Roll Lookup

Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +7 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+6 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Female Gnome Illusionist Wizard, Level 3.
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC:16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 16, Will: 16.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 7/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against illusions.
Action Points: 1
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Orb of Deception
Use Vulnerability
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Fade Away
Second Wind
Horrid Whispers
Hypnotic Pattern [Hypnotic Pattern Attack]

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Voidrunner's Codex

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