• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventurers League Adventures Now Available To All

More details: http://dndadventurersleague.org/changes-to-the-dd-adventurers-league/ Today, Wizards of the Coast announced some changes to the D&D Adventurers League program. You can read the entire announcement on the Wizards website. Here's a summary of the changes as well as some additional information about some of the repercussions. Starting with season 4 all D&D Adventurers League...

More details:


Today, Wizards of the Coast announced some changes to the D&D Adventurers League program. You can read the entire announcement on the Wizards website.

Here's a summary of the changes as well as some additional information about some of the repercussions.

  • Starting with season 4 all D&D Adventurers League adventures will be distributed for purchase through the DMs Guild website and will be available to everyone to play in the official D&D Adventurers League campaign.
  • The hosting of the D&D Adventurers League modules on this website will end with the end of the Rage of Demons campaign.
  • Not all content on the DMsGuild is D&D Adventurers League legal, legal content will have the D&D Adventurers League logo on it.
  • The admins are working on if and how player content would be D&D Adventurers League legal.
  • Conventions that are awarded Premier Adventures will be given complimentary copies of the adventure they're premiering as well as the usual convention support package.
  • The terms Expeditions and Encounter are being retired.
  • The Epics are still convention specials and will NOT be available on the DMsGuild.
  • Any organizer (including for stores and convention) can download a D&D Adventurers League Organizer kit, which will include character sheets, player's guides, as well as custom campaign information, for free.
  • We are working on having magic item certs still be limited to in-store and convention play. More on that, as it develops.
  • New D&D Adventurers League designers will likely be asked to design for the League based on adventure's they've posted to the DMsGuild.
  • All future D&D Adventurers League adventure designers will be paid exclusively through the sales of their adventures on the DMsGuild site with no cap for those payments.
  • Fai Chen's Fantastical Faire will still be offered to conventions and game-days that invite an admin or RC.

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First Post
The adventures are a mixture of tiers 1-3 at present, with over 30 Tier 1 modules over 3 seasons, and an increasingly smaller proportion of tier 2 and tier 3 mods (there are only 2 tier 3 mods at present, one of which is as-yet unreleased)

This is terrible for freelancers looking to make a living working with Wizards. Jester and I have been talking about it on Twitter. He ran some numbers and, assuming a rate of $0.10/word for a 12,000 word adventure like Occupation of Szith Morcane, you'd have to sell 600 copies at $4.00 a pop to make your rate.

The Adventurer's League is planning on using these at conventions and game stores still, right? Those sales aren't going to the authors. If we're getting 24 AL adventures on DMGuild each year, I don't see these authors making much at all off this deal.

Your numbers are off. The AL used to pay $250/2 hours (irrespective of words). That works out to about 5 cents a word.

Agreed completely, of course. While this is an interesting change, even the most prolific of authors probably shouldn't quit their day job at this announcement.


Also please note, this is one mechanism that WOTC will be using to find new freelancers and new hires... so you want in, this is your mechanism. And its open to all, not just those that know someone or meet someone at a con.


Back in the pre-5e era, WotC and TSR hired freelancers to produce small modules outside their OP program.
But the OP adventures were not paid any better than now, weren't they? IIRC they stopped paying for LFR in the middle of the program and from then on it was entirely unpaid volunteer work
but it's definitely a significant part of certain authors' careers.
As in getting experience and name recognition or as in being decently paid for the time spend working on the OP adventures?


First Post
Even more information has been released:

Changes to D&D Organized Play

January 14, 2016
In order to bring more content to the D&D community and more flexibility to organized play, D&D Organized Play will be changing, beginning in March 2016.

Here’s what you need to know:

D&D OP Will Change to a More Flexible Program

February will be the final month for D&D Encounters and D&D Expeditions. D&D Encounters and D&D Expeditions events scheduled for March have been canceled.

Going forward, stores may schedule and report in-store D&D events for any day of the week by selecting the D&D option under "Everyday Events and Materials," in Wizards Event Reporter.

Adventures will be available to all stores, DMs, and players through a new resource: the Dungeon Masters Guild. Stores may choose whatever adventure their players want and purchase it, at the low cost of a few dollars. This minimal charge allows us to offer a wider variety of high-quality content to D&D fans.

Launch Events Will Offer WPN-Exclusive Content

For each D&D adventure product release (like Out of the Abyss), WPN stores will have the chance to schedule and run Launch events with exclusive content.

Where D&D Encounters featured a sampling of the adventure product, Launch adventures will introduce players to the adventure with content they can play only at a WPN location.

Launch events will appear in WER for scheduling, when they become available.

A kit, including instructions, character sheets, log sheets, and table tents, will be available for free PDF download. Adventures will be delivered via email.

There’s More Content for In-Store Play

The migration to all-digital content allows for stronger and more diverse adventures, including both deep, immersive narratives and quick, pick-up-and-play adventures.

You can find adventures to support your events at the Dungeon Masters Guild.

These changes are effective beginning in March. Please contact your local support office if you have any questions.

Michael Long

First Post
No, those rules should not change, or will change very little.

They want people to play the AL adventures at home...

and if they are willing (and thinking about how) to allow player generated homebrew, then I think it will change for the better. And get rid of a majority of the restrictions. Don't you think?


First Post
Nice. Personally, I think this is a good move. I don't care about the cost of $2 or $3, I'm just glad these can be run in private, etc. That's two good calls in a row, WotC...

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