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Advice for DM w/ Fighter Strong Party in Eberron


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I'm about to start a new game with a new group and I'm hoping to get some advice if possible on how to handle the group and how to organize an adventure for them. I had originally thought to maybe run them through the Eberron adventures but the more I thought about it the more I thought it wouldn’t make the best fit for this group of players. I'm thinking of maybe adapting Dungeon magazine adventures to eberron. Something I'd need to do anyways with the party composition what it is.. I'm looking for suggestions for adventures that I could run as a base or story arch's that I could use to free form the adventure on my own.

Here's a little background that I have so far.

One of the players is someone I've played & DM'd for before. He is who introduced me to the group. I played with this group once last week but they are eager for a new DM and I offered. I gave them something of a survey to get an idea of their play style etc beyond what I observed during that one session and got back some initial character concepts for characters they want to play. The end result is that I've got a very fighter heavy party. Only the friend that introduced me to the group has ever played in eberron before, so I also gave them about a 14 page packet of photo copies to give them a lil bit of a primer of eberron's history etc so as to give them some back-story on eberron. I don’t know how much they'll read but its something.

The party appears to be going to consist of the following.

A Shifter Fighter that will eventually become a Warshaper. He’ll have Track and Survival will be a class skill due a house-rule. Basically a rangerfied fighter. This is the Eberron experienced player. He's offered to play something else if necessary but I dont want to ask him to and want to see what I can do with things as is. Besides, his char background well thought out and I dont want to make him change.

A Human Paladin of the Silver Flame that will become a Sacred Exorcist of the Silver flame. He'll use a Maul (1-handed). This player seems psyched about eberron. He's thinking of a Dragonmark Heir based character as a back-up should the paladin die.
A Half-Orc Fighter prolly using a 2-handed weapon. The player is not very experienced with D&D and I’ve been told they like the fighter cause its simple and they can bash stuff!

A Warforged Artificer that'll be able to take care of traps and is likely going to provide most of the party's healing in the form of scrolls or potions. Player likes the idea of Warforged.

A Elven Warmage that is the most powerful nasty cool butt-kicken Warmage I can conceive of (and I designed it!). May have it take the Force Missile Master out of the new Dragon mag.

A Halfling Barbarian dino rider. The player doesn’t know yet as he wasn’t present for the survey and concepts but supposedly I've been informed would like the char concept.

So their you have it... effectively... 4 Fighters, a Artificer and a Warmage (which is basically as nasty as any of the fighters) . The party will have limited healing, mostly in the form of Magic items crafted by the artificer and the paladin's lay on hands (which won’t help them at 1st level). They are also likely to be powerhouse's when it comes to any kind of combat encounter, pounding whatever they face if they dont get pounded first.

As you can see its a rather militant group (effectively 2 actual fighter's, a Barbarian and a Paladin and a Warmage, the Artificer back-story suggests he’s ‘combat engineer’ as I like to thing of Warforged Artificers, handling traps, augmenting weapons and armors of the squad and healing other warforged <and itself>. So what kind of adventure would suit a group like this well? Suggestions anyone?


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Liquid Awesome
I think you'll be able to work with these character concepts pretty well. I was talking with Henry (the ENWorld Mod) this past weekend about his Eberron game and he started the PC's off as members of the Cyran military on the last day of The Last War. They had a "prequel" game where they had a huge battle as the nation was literally being destroyed around them. Ultimately they were captured/rescued by a Karnathi legion and became prisoners of war (and were presumably treated humanely) before being released after the Treaty of Thronehold. Thus they started adventuring life as ex-military refugees of a nation that no longer existed and prison buddies. If that doesn't bond a party together then I don't know what will!

From there just run adventures that are a bit combat heavy and see how it goes. If they cop to the idea of getting ahold of a few Wands of Cure Light Wounds after 2nd or 3rd level then you should expect them to be pretty much "battle ready" 24/7. They are going to have good "Strategic Readiness" but limited endurance on a "Tactical" level. What I mean by this is that during a fight they won't be able to do much significant healing (aside from the occasional potion) without a Divine Spellcaster. But as soon as the fight is over they'll "Wand Up" to something close to full HP and be ready to go again. I think that a series of short fights will be easy for them but one big battle will sap their One Use healing items and have them struggling to make it through to the end.


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Regarding the 'post battle healing', yeah.. thats what I was thinking would be the case, at least with the artificer potions can be made (and I'm thinking of providing that character with extra essence for this purpose).

In so far as the plot-hook for the adventure.. since the group is still an unknown of sorts and much of the character's will be built (in part at least) by me.. I dont want to foster a rail-roaded approach that they might resent but dont want to completly leave them floundering. I'm sure that once I get the game off the ground that it'll pick up its own momentum. just not entirely sure how to set things off. More than likly I'll need to employ a patron of some kind. Once they've got some cash in their pouches and their character's are developing they can provide me inspiration.

SO I'm hopping to find a 1-3rd level adventure that can adapt easily to Eberron, or similar.


First Post
Well, because they are so militarily focused, perhaps their employer should be military. They could be hired by a Citadel agent or Sentinal Marshal and asked to go into Daargun(?), or maybe clean out some post-war hold-outs in some more remote areas (like Japanese soldiers on remote Pacific Islands after WWII who didn't know the war was over).


One suggestion - the guy who picked a half-orc fighter? Fighter is NOT the simplest class to play, because an effective fighter requires quite a bit of forethought in terms of feat selection.

Might I suggest he play a barbarian instead? Basically it replaces his extra feat selection with a set of fixed benefits that will help him a lot. Of course he needs to pick 2 more skills than a fighter, but that's pretty easily done.

Anyway, outside of that, looks like you're not going to be too interested in city adventures. Wilds adventures, military campaigns and dungeon bashes should be the order of the day (I believe an artificer can also serve as trapsmith, correct?).


First Post
Saeviomagy said:
One suggestion - the guy who picked a half-orc fighter? Fighter is NOT the simplest class to play, because an effective fighter requires quite a bit of forethought in terms of feat selection.

Might I suggest he play a barbarian instead? Basically it replaces his extra feat selection with a set of fixed benefits that will help him a lot. Of course he needs to pick 2 more skills than a fighter, but that's pretty easily done.

I'm inclined to agree with you. but the girl that chose it is pretty adamite about it (and as for being a half-orc... the other half is a dwarf... I'm using a house-ruled half-orc that gets slightly different class abilities and is a lil more tough. but I would have done this anyways and has nothing to do with their desire to play Dworc Fighter.

Anyway, outside of that, looks like you're not going to be too interested in city adventures. Wilds adventures, military campaigns and dungeon bashes should be the order of the day (I believe an artificer can also serve as trapsmith, correct?).

Thats actually nod a bad idea... and yeah.. the Artificer can be a trapsmith. As I mentioned before I like the idea of Warforged Artificer's being something of 'Combat Engineers' as the purpose behind their construction.

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