D&D 5E Advice for the Skill Monkey Blues?


Greater invisibility + rogue 2, expertise is stealth. Just have your character disappear whenever things go bad.

Alternatively, ignore doing damage yourself and focus on buffing the party. A great way to make friends with a power fantasy gamer is to give him +1d4 to attacks.

And finally, expertise in persuasion, a little bit of "accidental" water, and roll to seduce the other guy when he is in female form. I assume he has low Wis. He is part of your harem. Sometimes you need to be on the receiving end to understand what your doing.

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Talk with rest of group next time you all get together. Before game starts, ask both players and dm about what style of play they like, what kind of campaign this is, you know, usual stuff that's discussed in Session 0.

But, be prepared to walk away. If they shut down your attempt at communicating, you pick your stuff, politley tell them that you will not continue playing and walk. If you do manage to get them talking and don't like what you hear, same move. Pickup and go.


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An alcoholic workaholic misanthrope who doesn't like me (the commoner-seducer) because I told him not to set a pirate ship on fire in session 2 because it's worth 10,000gp. He runs a RAW wild mage sorcerer who changes sexes every time he touches water like Ranma 1/2. I'm told he will probably warm up to me eventually if I give him room to breathe.
Yeah, this would be an instant bail for me.

I moved to a new city and managed to find a group to play with. Over time, I noticed that my characters didn't jive well with the party. The group were power gamers who used multiple 3rd party books to make crazy characters - which isn't my style. But I knew the rules very well and could take a stock cleric (this was 3.5) and obliterate most combats. But then the DM would counter my strategies "on the fly". Almost out of spite - which I didn't realize was happening at the time.

I stayed with this group for 3 years playing various games (FATE, D&D, Shadowrun etc...). Many games ended the same way: with me being very frustrated or angry.

One night, I was driving home from the DMs house and I was fuming about something that had happened in the game. Then I had an epiphany:

I don't play D&D to be angry.

The reason you play this game is to have fun. Don't do it just because it gives you your fix. That's an illusion: you won't get your fix if you aren't having fun.

I quit that group and I was happier for it. Eventually I found a group that was better.


If they want to play FPS tabletop they should probably use a different game system. Or you all just embrace that style and use squad tactics. Grab my homebrew Warlord and go Ballistarius for the ranged synergy

Yeah no kidding. 5e is a lot of things, but a Helldiver simulator it is not.

Cool homebrew! One bit of feedback: change pike in starting equipment to "any martial weapon", otherwise you can't take a halberd (which makes more sense for a knight).
Greater invisibility + rogue 2, expertise is stealth. Just have your character disappear whenever things go bad.

Alternatively, ignore doing damage yourself and focus on buffing the party. A great way to make friends with a power fantasy gamer is to give him +1d4 to attacks.

And finally, expertise in persuasion, a little bit of "accidental" water, and roll to seduce the other guy when he is in female form. I assume he has low Wis. He is part of your harem. Sometimes you need to be on the receiving end to understand what your doing.
Hahaa there's no better "stealth" than Dimension Door FDSIO at the same level. Also doing most of my rolls with advantage anyway from Enhance Ability... it keeps me from rolling 1's but if all my rolls are opposed I'm still going to fail a lot more often than vs passive.

A little more math: when bluffing with +5 and adv vs 15 passive insight, I have 79.75% chance of success. In a contested roll, I have 69.125%. Vs 10 passive insight, I have 96% odds... vs +0 contested, I have 87.3125%, This may not sound like much, but it triples my odds of failure.

Yeah I'm kinda curious why our cleric isn't casting Bless. I've given other players bardic inspiration a couple times and they've appreciated it. I could cast Heroism but meh? Seems kinda underpowered, especially if we're fighting to the burger literally every battle (I had to get revived with heals THREE times in one battle - still Level 3, mind you).

And lol no I'm not going to try to seduce the table's resident A-hole, thank you very much.
This is awesome advice. THANK YOU!

Yeah I have sometimes frequented DM forums where posters openly talk about how to screw their players for being smart. It's mind-boggling.

Any given day there's some insane post like... "OMG Wood Elf Rangers are so OP! How do I destroy this player who's wiping all my encounters using Hide as an action every other turn?" and people will be like "Yah you're right! Give all your enemies Blindsight 120!"


Yeah, sounds like you and this party/DM don't mesh. I'd bail on this game and find something more meets your expectations.


First, don't do passive aggressive. Just don't be that person. It never works anyway.

Second, try to talk it out. Consider sending a message to everyone explaining your issues and that you want to discuss it so they aren't blindsided. When you have the discussion, do your best to stay calm and just explain the issues. It likely won't work, but at least you can try.

Third, I don't really see anything you can salvage here unless you're willing to totally change your playstyle. It's just not going to be the right game for you which happens. No DM is going to be right for every person and vice versa.

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