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After Earth - Episode II - Beyond Colonial Space.


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"I thought about staying back, but after stacking up dead body after dead body, getting shot in the arm, and having two guns in my face makes me want a strong drink that's not made from engine oil, no offense Cnosos."

He shrugs, "But if anything happens, I'll just drag those dockers back in and pitch 'em in the black once we leave here. Sound fair?"

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Relique du Madde

Gaetanna pulled out her card computer, then tried to sync the device to the system and sighed. "I should probably send my report soon..."

Can Gaetanna send a report by syncing to the station and sending via a satalight link or does she need to go to a special communications center?


First Post
"The ship's security system will notify us via our comm link should someone attempt to bypass security...the dockworkers only have access to the cargo bay." Damon continues walking, hoping the nearest tavern isn't too far away. "And Dorb and Chatty just add an additional layer of security. Come on...let's have a good time tonight. We don't get off the ship that often."

OOC: I assume it is easy enough to set up the security system to do what Damon stated above. I doubt it requires a roll, but Damon's Computer Use is +11 to set that up as needed.


First Post
"0800 ain't nearly 'nough time to have the good time we hoping for, but I'm sure we'll make it manage," as he states this, his eyes wander to any female in the general proximity, except for Mel and Gaetanna, though they might be looking for some male company of their own for tonight.

"Hey, we picking up passengers"? He asks to no one in particular.


First Post
"Check the boards," Mel suggests to Pierce, then grabs Damon's sleeve and points across the public plaza of the station. There, a sign written in kanji with an English translation buzzes and sputters.

Suki's Sake, Sushi & Sashimi

"We're going. Anyplace with a name you can't pronounce when you're drunk is going to be awesome. I bet they have karoke too."

Without waiting for a reply, she starts across the plaza at a casual jogging pace.


First Post
Damon smiles. "That's why I luv ya, Mel," he says, walking after the pilot. "First round of Sake Bombs are on me," he calls to the rest of the crew.

Dr Simon

"Karaoke?" says Solly with a grin. "Well, perhaps I'll treat you to my Elvis. Uh, thangyouverymuch." If the singing is going to be like the impersonation, bring ear-plugs.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Being one of the older colonies, established to extract precious gases from a local gas giant before the "apocalypse", Jap 1 is blessed with having more resources than many others as it was built without extreme hurry. There are actual gardens and animal life on board, and more than any other resource, these give it a sense of luxury and wealth.

As others press into the bar Gaetanna stops to dictate her report and sends it to the company. It will probably end on her grandpa's desk by morning.

Flashing neonsigns line the main avenue that creates a huge circle, forming the shape of the station. Most signs have texts in three languages, first in Kanji, then english and finally in Dah alphabet. Most of the establishments offer various forms of entertainment, from bars to bathhouses. Having a rich colony means that people are more interested in culture than some of the poorer colonies, and fashion seems to be high in this place. Even Gaetanna feels her looks to be rugged compared to the people around. Few weeks without a real shower makes a huge difference.

Inside the bar people seem to be enjoying themselves. There is chatter all around and you spot a few other travellers judging by their worn looks. A young woman in exotic clothing, designed to remind kimono but much more revealing, joins you at the bar. She takes a long look and decides to greet you in english, speaking it very well. Welcome. What can I get you?

[sblock=OOC]Relique. Yeah, you can tap into the general communications array with your HUD.

Shay, have I told you how much fun you are to game with? I really appreciate it when players take somewhat active part in worldbuilding, and you coming up with a name for the bar was awesome :)

The ship has technically two separate sections. You can lock down the main area while leaving the cargo area open for the dockworkers. And it is rigged to notify at least Damon if someone tries to hack into the main area.

I was trying to find a good pic for the station but nothing seems to work. I might have to draw something. It's kinda like a large disk. The main business area circles around the edge, creating a long circular corridor, wide as a small plaza that is lined with various businesses. It also has small gardens running through the center of the corridor. Here and there small corridors lead to the inner sections where there are actual labor and living areas.

And sorry again. I really meant to post last week, but somehow I couldn't drag me to stay online long enough... Having time off from work really eats my online gaming :D.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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