D&D (2024) After my players tried to break it, we discovered that the new half-race rules are hilarious and terrible.

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To offer a counter-example, I just sat down with some kids to use these new rules to make new characters. The actual character creation was a disaster (not due to rules, but due to specific individuals who showed up and did not mesh well) but just about everyone made mixed race individuals. Here is what I remember without looking at their sheets.
This post represents, IMO, the purest essence of table top RPGs. This all is a feature (if not the soul) of TTRPGs.


just tell me it didnt sparkle - doubling down on the demonic vampire gothic is failure in my heart (if not my mind)
Heh, somehow it didnt occur to me until now. The sparkling vampire is supposed to be a variant of the bursting-into-flames-in-sunlight vampire.


The half-race sidebar is a punt since any actual racial mixing rules would eat up more space in the PHB than they want to use on it. Either they will do a more robust racial mixing ruleset in a supplement or leave it to 3pp or DMs to fill in the deficit. (Like what they did with psionics).

Until then, it's permission to play half-elves, half-orcs, and half-drow tieflings, but don't expect a rules advantage for such mixtures.


Book-Friend, he/him
The half-race sidebar is a punt since any actual racial mixing rules would eat up more space in the PHB than they want to use on it. Either they will do a more robust racial mixing ruleset in a supplement or leave it to 3pp or DMs to fill in the deficit. (Like what they did with psionics).

Until then, it's permission to play half-elves, half-orcs, and half-drow tieflings, but don't expect a rules advantage for such mixtures.
Probably just won't t touch it with a ten foot pole.

Voidrunner's Codex

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