D&D (2024) After my players tried to break it, we discovered that the new half-race rules are hilarious and terrible.

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This is why we need DMs.

The answer to you your flatulence/firebreath weapon after your dwarf gets drunk and lights it is “no.”

Or you rolled a ‘1’ and don’t want to know the outcome.

Yes the rules need to be good guardrails but we need empowered DMs not matter the rules set.
Okay. So someone thinks something is fun. They are playing a game to have fun. They try to do the thing that they think is fun. For whatever reason, you don't agree that it's fun and that their fun thing is going to ruin your experience somehow. So instead of discussing it with this other person and trying to reach a compromise, you shut it down and upset this other person because you happen to be the GM and you think what you want is more important than what someone else wants. This makes your life better how exactly?


The answer to you your flatulence/firebreath weapon after your dwarf gets drunk and lights it is “no.”

Okay. So someone thinks something is fun. They are playing a game to have fun. They try to do the thing that they think is fun. For whatever reason, you don't agree that it's fun and that their fun thing is going to ruin your experience somehow. So instead of discussing it with this other person and trying to reach a compromise, you shut it down and upset this other person because you happen to be the GM and you think what you want is more important than what someone else wants. This makes your life better how exactly?

I was assuming in Warpiglet's game that lighting one's farts on fire as an attack doesn't fit the feel of the game as laid out in session 0 or as expressed in any of the play up to that point - because I would have assumed Warpiglet would have tried to discuss it with them or reach a compromise if it seemed like something vaguely plausible in the game.

If it's been a "serious" S&S game or high fantasy game or whatnot, I'm not exactly sure what the compromise is for farting out fire or (as in another thread talking about a book by a famous D&D creator) having the teenage girl shooting out breast energy blasts.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I was assuming in Warpiglet's game that lighting one's farts on fire as an attack doesn't fit the feel of the game as laid out in session 0 or as expressed in any of the play up to that point - because I would have assumed Warpiglet would have tried to discuss it with them or reach a compromise if it seemed like something vaguely plausible in the game.

That may all be true, but that's not how the post in question was expressed.


That may all be true, but that's not how the post in question was expressed.

I was just having trouble picturing anyone I've ever played any (non-Toon) RPG with anywhere seriously wanting an arm-flapping flight ability or the flame-thrower-fart ability.

And so maybe that's why I didn't just jump to assuming warpiglet was trying to be a domineering DM who wouldn't have looked quizzically at the character and asked "really" and then discussed it with them if they looked confused or like they seriously thought it fit the game. That feels like the kind of benefit of the doubt I'd extend to most folks on here until they proved otherwise.

I was just having trouble picturing anyone I've ever played any (non-Toon) RPG with anywhere seriously wanting an arm-flapping flight ability or the flame-thrower-fart ability.

And so maybe that's why I didn't just jump to assuming warpiglet was trying to be a domineering DM who wouldn't have looked quizzically at the character and asked "really" and then discussed it with them if they looked confused or like they seriously thought it fit the game. That feels like the kind of benefit of the doubt I'd extend to most folks on here until they proved otherwise.
I understand that you're trying to be empathetic and I appreciate people like you in the world. But re-read the post in question; it feels like in this case you are trying to conjure empathy where it isn't deserved, in the name of avoiding a confrontation. My view is that sometimes you have to face things instead of going around them. If I'm off base, I'd like this warpiglet person to explain themselves. If they don't, that's fine too... this isn't an issue that anyone's going to lose sleep over.

Voidrunner's Codex

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