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I guess I can't explain it, but they're as different to me as jazz and 80s power ballads, or cars and boats.
Well, I don't really see a distinction here, either. Music is music. Some Jazz I like, some I don't, some power ballads I like, some I don't.

As for cars and boats, these are differentiated by their function. If I want to travel on land I prefer a car, on water, I prefer a boat.
They're just not the same thing at all to me. I mean, they're both visual mediums, but so are oil paintings and statues.
But you never here anyone say "I love looking at statues, but I can't bear to look at paintings" do you?
Of course one could argue that most live action sci-fi stuff is largely animated these days, but the style of it is (intended to, though not always successfully) match the live action.
Indeed, and I thought the forest fight (episode 3?) looked flatter than it would have if it was fully animated. The forest was clearly just a backdrop to actors fighting in a studio. If both forest and actors had been animated they would have existed in the same space and interacted.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Well, I don't really see a distinction here, either. Music is music. Some Jazz I like, some I don't, some power ballads I like, some I don't.

As for cars and boats, these are differentiated by their function. If I want to travel on land I prefer a car, on water, I prefer a boat.

But you never here anyone say "I love looking at statues, but I can't bear to look at paintings" do you?
I mean, I’m not going to defend my tastes to you, and you’re not going to argue me into changing them. We like different things. I don’t think I have much else to say on the matter. :)


Different opinions aren't the problem it's more if you think yours is the one true way.

Or you're making subjective opinions over objective fact if you haven't seen stuff.

I found Andor really slow paced (slower than Ahsoka). It wasn't bad some people like it more than I do, some less, some don't like it at all.

Hell some people don't like Star Wars that's fine as well. I've like it since I was a kid loved it since 1993 and Thrawn Trilogy.

I didn't understand it so well as a kid. Saw RotJ at the theatre, had ESB audio cassette book, then saw Star Wars on TV ad saw ESB at some point.

So watched it out of order to start with oops. Still made more sense than the sequels so go figure.


That is true, I do not go to many gallery openings. But I maintain it is silly. Art should be evaluated on it's individual merits, not pre-judged based upon the choice of medium.
What? Of course art is judged by its medium. You can't judge art otherwise. I'm not a particularly big fan of paintings, for example, but, I do enjoy sculpture quite a lot more. So, yeah, I'll go to the sculpture galleries before I'd go to see a bunch of paintings. It's not silly at all. That's like saying all food tastes exactly the same and we shouldn't judge any difference based on how it was cooked. What a strange position to take.

That is true, I do not go to many gallery openings. But I maintain it is silly. Art should be evaluated on it's individual merits, not pre-judged based upon the choice of medium.

People have different responses to different mediums. It’s not uncommon to prefer photography over drawing or live action over animation. A lot of people can’t get emotionally invested in animation because they can’t relate to a drawing, it’s not a real thing in the way an actor is.

I like animation, but the particular style of Clone Wars isn’t to my taste, and is one of the reasons I couldn't get more than a couple of episodes in. I‘ll try again now that I’ve seen this characters in live action.

Voidrunner's Codex

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