AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…

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B/X Known World
It’s wild that anyone who cares at all about artists and writers of any kind would support this tech.

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Publishers are going to be releasing garbage textbooks and non-fiction. Perhaps I have too much faith in consumers/reviewers/librarians/etc., but I think that AI will show itself and these publishers are going to get trashed.

Just needs a decent editor.


Patron Badass
I've always stood by that anything that requires a soul cannot be replicated through AI.

AI painters have no purpose in their strokes, since they don't even stroke a canvas. AI writers will throw concepts into their sentence soup but won't have any particular message in mind.

Sure, maybe company icons and trash films will be mass-produced with AI. But until AI has a new technique in its "creative" process, it will not be able to make anything we consider masterpieces.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Memoir writers are the least of it.

Radiologists, lawyers, accountants, all sorts of folks working white collar jobs had better watch their backs.

If there's anything in your job that is boring and repetitive, someone is going to try and automate it. If you're lucky, it'll just be those portions of your job, but realistically, lots of companies will be "ambitious" and try to automate far more of it.

And just because they can't automate it in 2023 doesn't mean your job is safe in 2025. The rate of AI advancement is accelerating rapidly.

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