D&D General AI ranks D&D editions

the Jester


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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Proof that AI isn't replacing actual writers any time soon lol. Many of those things are...not remotely correct, and some of the most popular discussed features and criticisms aren't even mentioned.

I mean ... that's one way to look at it.

Another way to look at it is this- you now have freely available, publicly accessibly AIs that can generate text from prompts that look as if a human generated them. It may not be the best work out there, but it's better than a lot of high school level writing (not to mention the "foreign webpages" we see so often).

This is just the last couple of years, and freely available, and generated from a writing prompt BTW. Something that five years would not have been remotely possible.

Put it this way-

Three years ago, if someone suggested that AIs would be replacing artists in the next twenty years, I would probably have laughed.
This year, we are having serious conversations about ... AI replacing artists (illustrators, etc.) and the ramifications of that in the next few years.

Things are moving really really really quickly- and in a lot examples, we don't understand how these things operate ... just that, unlike a lot of other things, they are scalable.

Huh. That's interesting. I wouldn't have ranked 3e so highly, but yeah, the creation of the OGL was seismic shift in RPGs, one that is still felt to this day.

One thing AI doesn't give is the why of the rankings. Which a human absolutely would've provided for so hot a take as ranking 4e above 1e.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Proof that AI isn't replacing actual writers any time soon lol. Many of those things are...not remotely correct, and some of the most popular discussed features and criticisms aren't even mentioned.

Another way to look at it is this- you now have freely available, publicly accessibly AIs that can generate text from prompts that look as if a human generated them. It may not be the best work out there, but it's better than a lot of high school level writing (not to mention the "foreign webpages" we see so often).

This is just the last couple of years, and freely available, and generated from a writing prompt BTW. Something that five years would not have been remotely possible.
One of my favorite pagan and folklore writers just made a post about this. Apparently the #1 book under "celtic paganism" on Amazon right now is by "Mari Silva", who appears to be an AI-based writer or content farm, both from reviews of their text and the fact that they've put out 312 books in the last two and a half years. :(

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
That text is frankly Turing complete, if you hadn't said it was AI I would never have known, absolutely looks like something a person would put together.

Well, the problem is ... Chinese Room Argument.

Is it understanding what it is doing?

But then again .... do we understand what we're doing?

Voidrunner's Codex

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