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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


[sblock=OOC]Drat. I hadn't seen that Bless was cast. I wouldn't have inspired if I had noticed that.[/sblock]

Daonil attacks Frog 1 with his trident: Crit?, YES!
Damage: 7 points (Edit: +2 from music)
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Drynethael (shieldless) AC 17, HP 8/8

On Initiative 13 of the following round (Round 3, counting the surprise round?):

Drynethael takes a quick step back in order to better draw a bead on one of the frogs. Taking extra care not to hit his allies, he whispers the last phrase of his enchantment as he looses the arrow. He then drops his bow and readies his rapier and his light shield in preparation to engage the foul things up close. "Do these things naturally grow this large - and this aggressive - out here, or have these frogs been ensorcelled?" He asks his companions as he does so.

Drynethael takes a 5' step directly back so as not to provoke an attack of opportunity for firing his bow in melee range. He'll take the -4 for firing into melee, but hopefully this will be cancelled out by his BAB and DEX bonus of +5. He also cast True Strike the round before, for an additional +20 Insight Bonus to his Attack roll. The Bard song will grant an additional +1 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. He will attack frog #6.

He'll then take a free action to drop the bow, and then a move action to ready his rapier and shield.

Without further ado, the rolls, on Initiative 13 (9 +4 DEX modifier):

Attack Roll 1d20+5-4+20+1= 3+22 = AC 25 Whew! Good thing I cast True Strike. You're not the only one with a low roll there, Vicroar! lol

Damage Roll 1d6+1 = 5+1 = 6 HP
Well, at least I connected solidly there.



Dolan and Daonil both sink their weapons into the frogs ahead of them with a pair of satisfying crunches. Dolan's frog slumps to the ground as a trickle of blood issues forth from its mouth. Daonil's beast is quite injured from the blow and hobbles back towards the pool from whence it came. Meanwhile Vicroar struggles with his bow and Mulnock cannot find an opening as the frogs continue to assail them. Aredal moves to Mulnock's side and tries to aid his strike but his effort is too little, too late. Dryneth takes a step back, his bow infused with faint arcane energies and releases an arrow that sails unerringly towards its target. The monster is struck by the arrow at the top of its head, causing a torrent of blood, but apparently glancing off the skull, protecting the creature from a fatal injury.

The frogs continue to snap and chomp, growing more voracious by the second. However your armor and mobility serve you well as you manage to avoid taking any damage from the creatures.

Frog 1: -5, disabled
Frog 2: -6
Frog 4: -5, unconscious
Frog 6: -6


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Dolan, AC 18 (Damage Conversion 4), HP 13/13

Dolan bellows a wordless challenge to the remaining frogs as his hammer sends one to its death. He then turns his attention to the frog that has slipped past him and threatens his less heavily armored companions.
His hammer once again flashes down with brutal force, striking the frog with a wet thud.
[sblock=ooc] Turn and attack frog #6, attack roll (1d20+6)=23 damage roll (1d8+4)=12 [/sblock]


Vicroar begins to get frustrated at his seeming lack of skill with his bow. Granted he was young for his race, but he could only assume his gods did not favor him in this battle. Maybe these frogs were of a natural order of life and the group disrupted Nature somehow..... Vicroar launches another arrow at frog #5, and is not surprised in the least when it sails wide.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1453091/ To hit: 7!!


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Bihlbo said:
[sblock=OOC]Drat. I hadn't seen that Bless was cast. I wouldn't have inspired if I had noticed that.[/sblock]
OOC: Yeah but the bless is still on even if you stop singing later ;) . Your song is more powerful but if you need to do something that takes more effort we still have something.
BTW: Thanks Air for ghosting action for me. That was a good choise of action.

Loathe on harming a living being Aredal moves next to one frog, trying to disrupt it with false attack to give his allies better chances of hitting one.

OOC: Aid action to give +2 on attack for Mulnock.


First Post
On Initiative 13 of Round 4:

Drynethael AC 18 (with shield) HP 8/8

Amazed somewhat that his arcane guided arrow was insufficient to fell the beast, Drynethael strikes at it viciously with his rapier as it hops towards him.

Dryneth attacks frog #6 with his rapier, who has now moved up into melee with him.

Attack Roll = 1d20+6 (with bard song) = AC 21

Damage Roll = 1d6+1 (with bard song) = 5 HP

If that is enough to drop the frog, he'll take a 5' step to the south to line himself up to charge frog #5 next round.


As Dryneth skewers the frog lunging for him with his rapier, Dolan's hammer thumps the frog on the back. As Dryneth pulls his blade from the beast, it slumps to the ground, lifeless. As the frog falls, another of Vicroar's arrows goes sailing through the air, almost nicking a frog, but landing harmlessly nearby. Aredal and Mulnock combine their efforts against the frog before them, but the beast ducks their attack (AC 9 after aid). Daonil's inspiration continues to bolster his allies, but his spirit and mind are not one as his blade stabs the ground near the frog's feet.

The frogs continue to press the attack like the mindless beasts they are. Driven by hunger, one surges towards Aredal but the cleric jumps out of the way just in time. Daonil, his guard let down while he pries his blade from the swamp feels a sharp pain on his shoulder as one of the frogs bites deeply (6 points). Another frog leaps for Dolan, but he smacks it away with his shield.


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First Post
Dolan, AC 18 (Damage Conversion 4), HP 13/13

Dolan grins through his thick beard and shouts, Not exactly the heads I was thinkin' about thumpin, but these'll do!
He once again tries to punctuate his enjoyment with a heavy hit on another frog, but this time he slips in the swampy mud and his hammer strike is less sure.
[sblock=ooc] attack frog #5, attack roll (1d20+6)=12 , on the off chance that's high enough, damage (1d8+4)=9 [/sblock]

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