Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)

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First Post
Drynethael (with shield) AC 18 HP 8/8

On Initiative 13 of Round 5:

"Looks like you have things well in hand on this flank, Dolan," Dryneth says quickly to the dwarf as he pulls his rapier from the dead batrachian, "I'll leave you to do your work while I see if I can't help Daonil!" With that, he sprints around behind and to the north and west of his companions, preparing to strike at the frogs beseiging the bard from behind.

I want to do one of two things here, Airwalkrr, depending on your ruling of how difficult the terrain is off the road.

1. If the terrain off the road is considered normal, then Dryneth takes a double move to the north and to the west in order to line himself up to charge frog #2 (or #3, if #2 drops) next round. Airwalkrr, please place me at least 10' to the north west away from frog #2. I want to set myself up to charge so that when I do charge, I'll create a diagonal flank with Mulnock.

2. If the terrain or conditions are such that I CANNOT charge in the following round (due to rough terrain requiring double movement costs, etc.), then just place me in the NW threat zone of frog #2 (to still flank with Mulnock). In that case, I'll brave frog #2's attack of opportunity, using an immediate action to cast Lesser Deflect (giving me a +1 AC bonus for one round) just before the attack of opportunity. If this is in fact the case (that I have to wade into melee through the muck of the swamp), then I'll probably have to use a double move action anyway to get to frog #2's NW threat zone, so I won't be able to attack this round anyway.

Option #1 is my preference, though, so if the terrain allows, I'd like to do that (that is, set myself up to charge frog #2 from the NW next round). Sorry, my actions are a bit complicated this round, but I hope I made my intentions clear! :)


Daonil continues singing,
“Well up spoke the captain of our gallant ship, and a fine spoken man was he,
This fishy mermaid has warned me of our doom. We shall sink to the bottom of the sea

Blood oozing to soak his trousers, Daonil grits his teeth and continues, undaunted. He aims his next attack at the teeth that caused the wound, aiming to pin that vile jaw to the mud of the bog for good.

Attack roll vs. frog 3; inspire active (1d20+2=16)
Damage roll with trident; inspire active (1d8+2=4)
OOC: Frog 3 is Dodge opponent


Dolan's hammer strikes the beast, but not with enough force to overcome its thick hide. The blow glances off without incident. Vicroar's next arrow lands very close to the frog, but is just a hair short of a hit. Meanwhile, Aredal has thrown himself full into the battle and connects a resounding blow with his mace to the frog in front of him; the frog wobbles, clearly disabled by the hit. As the frog tries to stumble away, Mulnock steps in with a quick jab that lays the beast low. Dryneth dashes over to the other side of the frog facing Daonil, attempting to distract it. As he moves by the beast, he utters a quick spell to deflect the snapping of the amphibian's jaws. Unfortunately, his spell is insufficient to secure his safety and the frog chomps at his arm, leaving a nasty flesh wound (6 damage). However, the frog is sufficiently distracted for Daonil to land a solid blow to the beast.

Several of the frogs lie dead and the severely wounded one that hopped away submerges itself in the pool. The frog struck by Daonil's blade wheels about again to face him and bites deep into his flesh (8 points). Daonil falls limp in the creature's jaws. The frog shakes him around a bit before dropping him to the ground to focus on other foes. Dolan continues to stave off the other frog's attacks.

This is the first time a PC has fallen unconscious so let me remind you of how the rules for death and dying work. I rolled Daonil's Fortitude save (DC 10) to see if he was still standing after the attack, which he failed. He is now at 0 hit points and dying. Each round he will have to make a DC 10 Fort save (+1 per previous round) to avoid dying. Failing this save means he dies, so this is potentially more lethal than the core rules. Passing by less than 5 means he is still alive but not stable. Passing by 5 to 9 means he is stable. Passing by 10 or more means he becomes conscious and disabled. The critical element to take home is that Daonil has a 30% chance of dying on his next turn so it would be very prudent to make sure someone makes a successful Heal check to stabilize him or casts a healing spell on him before then.

And before anyone asks, yes, I choose a more lethal rule on purpose to evoke an old-school feel. It isn't quite as deadly as AD&D rules however. I'm not an ogre.[/sblock]


OOC: forgot to post the map


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First Post
Dolan, AC 18 (Damage Conversion 4), HP 13/13

Dolan watches the bard falls and calls out to his allies, Somebody oughten be helpin' the songbird. I'll do what I can with these beasts.
He then turns his attention to the frog that struck the bard low and unloads a vicious swing that is met with a wet thump and crunch.
[sblock=ooc] attack roll vs frog #3, (1d20+6)=16 Damage roll (1d8+4)=12 [/sblock]


First Post
On round 6, Initiative 13:

Drynethael (with shield) AC 18 (Damage Conversion 3) HP 2/8 (3 lethal damage, 3 nonlethal)

Cursing at his ineffective spell, Dryneth does his best to block out the image of his stern father lecturing him on how he should pay more attention to his arcane studies. He flinches silently in pain when the frog bites into his arm, but cries out suddenly in horror as the beast's jaws clamp onto his companion in a seemingly lethal death lock. "No! I'm too late!" he laments aloud.

Drynethael tries to scare the frog away from its meal, desperately hoping that the cleric can restore life to the mortally wounded bard. He stabs his rapier viciously at the amphibian as soon as an opening presents itself that will not further harm the human. He then steps slightly to his left to force the beast to expose its weaker flank to Dolan.

[sblock=OOC Redclaw]
Sorry, man. I'm not trying to steal your thunder or step on your toes or anything by attacking the same frog and all. Even though you just connected solidly, I just want to be extra sure it goes down with our compatriot on the floor and all (even though my 2 points isn't going to do too terribly much). Just wanted to make sure you knew that! :)

By the way, if it's still alive by next round, you and I should have a flank bonus, since I'm taking my 5' step due north to set up a diagonal flank between us.

[sblock=Combat OOC]

EDIT: OOPS! Forgot Inspire Courage lasted for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing. So, my attack rolls end up being:

Attack: AC 24
Critical Confirmation Roll: AC 13
Damage: 3 (6 if it's a critical)

Attack on frog #3: 1d20+5 = AC 23 CRITICAL THREAT
Roll to confirm critical = AC 12 (unsure)
Damage: 1d6 = 2 HP damage, double if the above was a critical.

After the attack, Dryneth will take a 5' step north, to set up a flank with Dolan, should the frog still not go down.

EDIT: OOPS! Forgot Inspire Courage lasted for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing. So, my attack rolls end up being:

Attack: AC 24
Critical Confirmation Roll: AC 13
Damage: 3 (6 if it's a critical)
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