D&D 5E Alchemical Savant and Greenflame Blade


From the pit of the 9th
Specific beats general. So tool is your focus replaces the weapon as focus. So, so long as you have a tool in your off hand you gain the benefit of this ability. You cannot cast this spell at all unless you use a tool or an infused weapon.
I am sold! Thanks!

But you n second reading…
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Now Magic Missile is technically one roll for all missiles. And there are ways to change the energy type. So does it apply to all missiles?


Now Magic Missile is technically one roll for all missiles. And there are ways to change the energy type. So does it apply to all missiles?
If you can change the damage type and if you are using the RAW ruling for magic missile, I would say yes. But there is no way I am using the RAW ruling for magic missile in my games.


Prince of Dorkness
In the current game right now. 5e that's how it's supposed to work.

The funny thing about RAW vs. RAI is that anyone can read RAW since it’s written right there for all to read. But only someone like Jeremy Crawford can tell us RAI, since he worked on the design of the rules.

For Magic Missiles, I disagree with his RAW because the Damage Rolls section on page 196 of the PHB seems to be referring to multiple targets of a single AOE spell, not multiple missiles/bolts/arrows striking one or more targets. But I agree with his assessment of the RAI, which I can’t really argue against even if I wanted to.

ETA: I guess, technically, MM does deal damage to “more than one target at the same time,” but then the passage goes on to give Fireball and Flame Strike as examples.
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The funny thing about RAW vs. RAI is that anyone can read RAW since it’s written right there for all to read. But only someone like Jeremy Crawford can tell us RAI, since he worked on the design of the rules.

For Magic Missiles, I disagree with his RAW because the Damage Rolls section on page 196 of the PHB seems to be referring to multiple targets of a single AOE spell, not multiple missiles/bolts/arrows striking one or more targets. But I agree with his assessment of the RAI, which I can’t really argue against even if I wanted to.

ETA: I guess, technically, MM does deal damage to “more than one target at the same time,” but then the passage goes on to give Fireball and Flame Strike as examples.
But the thing about Magic Missile is that it can deal damage to more than on target at the same time. But what if you are only targeting one creature with it? Then do you roll each dart separately?

Voidrunner's Codex

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