D&D General Allegations of AI Usage Cause unnecessary Controversy

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Doing the best imitation of myself
I'm not sure if anyone saw it, but he posted a very strong apology for the mistake on this issue. You can find it here. For what it's worth, I found it pretty genuine. I'm familiar with Indestructoboy from watching him on other channels I like, and I think he makes some decent comments and content, even if it's not to my taste.


Book-Friend, he/him
I’ll agree that the perspective on the handle of the adze looks a bit warped, but there’s nothing about the image itself that suggests AI generation to me.
Based on my intensive 5 minutes of Googling, it seems fairly in line with how Adze are actually made.


Dusty Dragon
I didn't expect that.

It's a start and good that he did.
I don't know him very well, (I've watched maybe 10 of his videos over the years, tops?) but from the gut feeling I got about the guy, I'm not surprised at all that he's apologizing when he messed up like that.

Will he learn his lesson? Can he recover from it? We'll see I guess.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I don't know him very well, (I've watched maybe 10 of his videos over the years, tops?) but from the gut feeling I got about the guy, I'm not surprised at all that he's apologizing when he messed up like that.

Will he learn his lesson? Can he recover from it? We'll see I guess.
More important than the click-baiter recovering from the lie that got him more attention than any other claim he's made is "will the artist be able to recover from the falsehood that pollutes a search history about them"


Book-Friend, he/him
More important than the click-baiter recovering from the lie that got him more attention than any other claim he's made is "will the artist be able to recover from the falsehood that pollutes a search history about them"
Yeah, I honestly don't care of the guy apologizes: making an accusation like this with no evidence is horrific. And this isn't Indestructaboy's first bout of public bad behavior.


Based on my intensive 5 minutes of Googling, it seems fairly in line with how Adze are actually made.
It’s a perspective thing. The top of the adze is viewed from above at an angle. The bottom of its handle, however, looks to me like it’s more side-on.

I think if you were to view it front on, the base of the handle would twist to the left and not be in line with the top.

It’s a minor issue, honestly.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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