D&D General Allegations of AI Usage Cause unnecessary Controversy

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Yeah, out of the whole set of "Manufactured Outrage Videos" on YouTube, D&D barely makes a blip on the radar.

Even if you restrict it to just geek media, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek, whatever Marvel or DC movie is or isn't being made this week, World of Warcraft, and video game console wars all have far more clickbait and fake-outrage videos than D&D.

the Jester

Indestructoboy is actually a really good designer and could go on to design for WotC, Paizo or even a video game developer if things like this didn't keep happening. He just needs to use more judgement and discretion with how he conducts himself and possibly look into those anger issues which seem to be driving a lot of his missteps. Hopefully, this apology video is a start of that process since I am sure a lot of folks who might be interested in hiring him wouldn't because he is too much of a loose cannon.
There are a ton of D&D Youtubers who are extremely reactionary, and I can't watch any of them.


Yeah, out of the whole set of "Manufactured Outrage Videos" on YouTube, D&D barely makes a blip on the radar.

Even if you restrict it to just geek media, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Star Trek, whatever Marvel or DC movie is or isn't being made this week, World of Warcraft, and video game console wars all have far more clickbait and fake-outrage videos than D&D.
Nobody hates a piece of media quite like its fans...


Dusty Dragon
The Adze of Annam got twisted handle(heavy twisting) and warped rune(or some symbol of Annam? blured). And the place carry that rune or symbol seems connect into the axe's blade.And the Axe's blade... Idk, i'm an artist too, but I cannot understand that blade. just like, just like.... a shoe?

an Adze is not an axe. It's a somewhat similar, but different tool. If you don't know what you are looking at, it makes it hard to tell if it's done "right" or in the strangely wrong way some AI art is....


I’ll agree that the perspective on the handle of the adze looks a bit warped, but there’s nothing about the image itself that suggests AI generation to me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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