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Amazing Tales from Centropolis



The Shadow
Centropolis Plaza/Inside giant death robot
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:01 PM
Round 12

The guard evaded Shadow’s first strike, but the second blow cut him down. The Dark Avenger spun around to see the last minion blasting laser fire at the Princess, striking her solidly.

“No!” Shadow growled at the guard. “You bastard! Shooting down children!” He thrust with his sword at the guard, but the crewman knocked the blade aside with the butt of his rifle.

Action: Sword attack: 1D20+9 = [2]+9 = 11
DC 24 Toughness
Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 1

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The Princess is struck my the last minion's attack. She returns the favor with her "Radiant Blazing Laser Beam" attack and misses.
OOC: Toughness Save [roll0] DC 21, made
Check Required [roll1] DC 15
Ranged Attack [roll2] vs Parry DC 15
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First Post
Kitsune sends her illusion running in, and its fidelity fuzzes a bit as she concentrates on creating a laser beam originating from the illusion's hands, firing at one of the guards. It was pretty hard trying to do two things at once!

(Using the dynamic array to direct 16 points from the Illusion, dropping it to a +3 rank, to the laser beam, giving it a +3 damage rank)
[roll0] to hit, multiattack with DC 18 base damage on hit.


First Post
The giant robot continues flying northward, towards the Unititanium Mines there. Felix was feverishly holding the robot on course as other agents tries to regain control of the piloting program while also trying to defuse the 'bomb'. Silver Streak raced around the main chamber while waiting for everyone to slowly (painfully slowly) crawl up the latter to the next chamber above. While they did that he started zipping around and looking at various consuls and panels but finds nothing that looks out of the ordinary too him… at last not out of the ordinary in a giant technological monstrosity like a 120 foot tall doomsday robot’s insides might look. Kitsune poked her invisible head up out of the hatch to watch both Princess Starlight and the Shadow fighting a lone guard who was somehow holding the pair off. He laughs as he is about to try and blast both of them when instead she blasts him, but his armor deflects most of the energy away from him.

Growling in frustration he gives a great shout “Die for the Doctor!!!” and unleashes multiple laser shots at everyone in the room. Most are wild and simply destroy computer consuls on the walls but he does manage to catch the Shadow with a laser shot!

GM: Initiative
38 – Felix
24 – Silver Streak
23 – Kitsune
20 – Princess Starlight
19 – The Shadow
15 – Doomsday Robot and Soldiers

[sblock=Rolls]Felix made both rolls. You are still about 4-8 rounds to any of the Mines outside of town (they are all a good 20 miles outside MainTown.
Silver Streak – note that with a Quickness of 4, you can perform a Route task that would take 2 minutes in one round. I figure it would take at least 10-20 minutes or so to completely search the room so still not finding anything unless you get a luck Perception or Technology skill check (your choice).
Kitsune can move into the chamber without problems and can take an Action if she wants this round (and next)
Princess Starlight made her Toughness save but missed with her attacks
The Shadow missed with his attack
I think its cool they both missed him first before Kitsune so her attack; As you got the max you get +5 damage so it makes it a DC 23 correct? Guards; Toughness save: 1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25, wow. Maybe you should recruit this guy ;)

Then the guard uses his Multiattack to attack all 3 of you (including Kitsune’s Illusion) so he is -3 to each attack, vs. Princess Starlight, the Shadow and the illusion of Kisune in that order; Multi-attack vs. heroes Dodge: 1D20+3 = [12]+3 = 15; 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19; 1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6. He hits the Shadow (who needs a Toughness save vs. DC 21) but missed the Princess and Kitsune[/sblock]
Heroes Actions?



The Shadow
Centropolis Plaza/Inside giant death robot
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:01 PM
Round 13

Shadow grunted as one of the laser blasts caught his armored costume, but he managed to shrug it off, swinging the sword around again at the guard, managing to strike him this time.

Toughness save: 1D20+9 = [4]+9 = 13
Spending my last Hero Point to reroll that.
Toughness save: 1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24
Vibrosword attack: 1D20+9 = [9]+9 = 18
DC 24 Toughness
Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 0

The Princess sees The Shadow take out the last minion. "We still haven't found the control room." She looks around for another way up.
OOC: Perception [roll0]

"There seems to be another hatch up there. But, does anyone else feel like we're moving really fast? I'm going back down below."

In the lower level she sees out the back hatch the country-side flying by. "We've left the city? How fast are we moving?"
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First Post
Yet another fire wall... the bad doctor sure knew how to make the damned things, Felix had stopped counting how many he had worked through... And he never got a hold of the chief... he could not simply crash it into the mines, not without risking civilian lives; he would soon have little choice in the matter though...

In the meantime, strait up was the destination

If princess looked towards were the mecha had parked itself, she would find it braking itself in place between the ceiling and floor.
In regardless she might hear Felix's broken mutterings as he neglected the surroundings, the speaker still on.
"-minimum sa-" "-un-own-" "Mines-" "-unacce-" Felix muttered, more breath then proper speech.

Felix not only left the speakers on, he left them set to a yell.
"Conference team." he started in a chirp, soon as the call went through he would chirp out "Self-destruct armed, trying to disarm, Eighteen seconds left. End call" and cut out he would grace the others with with before getting back to his task.
Chirping, while not nearly as bad as it once was, was something he commonly did when stressed out, like when siting in a bomb and playing hide and go seek with the off switch...
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First Post
Felix's external speakers pip out the warning and he fights for control of the piloting program of the giant robot. He can't get to the defusing subroutine right then and a little laughing doomsday skull icon appears in his peripheral HUD. This Doctor Apocalypse had a sick, if childish sense of humor. The Shadow cut down the last guard on this floor as Princess Starlight looked around for another access port on this floor. The only one she spotted was on the ceiling on the other side of the chamber...

GM: Still waiting for Kitsune and Silver Streams actions this turn if they wanted to take any



The Shadow
Centropolis Plaza/Inside giant death robot
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:01 PM
Round 14

With the last guard down, the Shadow looked around the room even as he headed for the next hatch. “Anything in here that could get this thing stopped?” he asked, climbing the ladder. “We can’t dawdle. Get this thing as far from the city as you can if you can’t defuse that bomb, Felix.”

Caleb took a steadying breath. Would he be leaving Kim an orphan today?

Move: To hatch/through hatch, if possible.
Action: Perception: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 0

Voidrunner's Codex

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