Amazing Tales from Centropolis

The agent looks at Felix and then back at Princess Starlight. Considering her words for a second he says (loudly, but not shouting as she is fairly close) "I don't think so ma'am, these ships are built pretty solid and incorporated V'sorri counter grav modulator for situations such as this..."

The VTOL moves close enough to the Monolith Towers upper landing pad. Before getting too close the heroes all notice the high winds up here would seem to make such a landing dangerous. But then suddenly the wind dies off as the VTOL moves within five meters of the platform. The agent near Princess Starlight shouts for everyone's benefit. "There is a proximity field dampener around the platform and the towers roof. Cuts down on the wind shear!"

Before she exists the agent hands Princess Starlight a cardkey with a Human, Inc. logo on it. "While most of the security systems seem to be offline right now, this card should allow you access to any security door that is running on backup generators and independent power sources. Good luck ma'am."

GM: The heroes can safely disembark from the VTOL onto the towers upper floors. There is a doorway nearby that opens without problems as the security system for the building appears to truly be down

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Kitsune salutes, then leaps out of the VTOL...vanishing into thin air as she falls the short distance to the landing pad.

A moment later she reappears, beckoning the others down!

(Going invisible, safe falling down, and creating an Illusion of myself to stand in. The usual. :))


The Shadow
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:08 PM
Round 0

“Upper levels, then,” Shadow said. “Do we know a layout of the building? Is there a security center up here? That might be able to help up find them faster if we can get it up and running again. About what floor did the Mammoth enter at? That would be a good place to start, but everyone keep their eyes and ears open.”

As the VTOL reached the platform at the top of the building, Shadow jumped out and looked around for a roof access door.

Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 1

The Princess flies out of the aircraft before it hovers above the roof, too high for most to jump down, and flies around the building looking to see where Mammoth may have entered. She's flown up to view the Atlas statue before so she doesn't spend any time looking around up top.

OOC: at 600mph, she should be able to circle the building a few times looking for the opening, and with fewer range penalties. :)
Perception [roll0]

The AEGIS agent hands over a PDA to the Shadow. It has a basic schematic for the Human, Inc. building but he says "The corporation is always changing the floor design around and not especially forthcoming with those updated plans but it will give you the basics. Security is located on multiple levels depending on their responsibilities. For the upper security and research floors Security is located on the 125th and 145th floors. Raymond Shawe main office and his personal security detail offices are on the 149th level..."

Felix, the Shadow, Silver Streak and Kitsune (or at least her illusion) all gather on the platform while Princess Starlight begins flying around the building. Just a few floors down she spots a large hole on what she would guess is the 140th or so floors (she can't really tell as some of the floors seem small or taller then others). This is some small smoke still coming out of the hole and it looks like who ever broke through, broke through two or three floors. Doing a quick fly by she does not see anyone inside.

GM: The hole is about 150 feet below the platform roof where the other characters are gathered and on a different side (they can't see it directly from where they are).

The Princess gives the building a couple more laps before flying back to the roof where the others have now landed and are gathering near the access door. "There's a big hole about 150 feet down from the roof on the opposite side of the building, floor 140 or so I would guess. Hard to say for sure. I didn't stick around long given the Doctor's predilection for traps."


The Shadow
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:08 PM
Round 0

“Okay,” Caleb said as the regrouped on the roof and listened to Princess’ report. “Can you scout ahead in the hole?” he asked. “Anyone else that can fly, do so as well. I can go straight down. See if you can find where Mammoth went. I will head to the security center on Floor 145 to see if I can spot him on any of the internal security. Keep comms open and check in every floor as you search. Anyone who can’t fly, take the stairs and head either to the security room or down to Floor 140 and help the search. Give a shout if you find him and we will come as quickly as possible.”

Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 1

"I'll stop by security on my way down," elects Kitsune, and starts the descent, having her image go ahead of her down the stairs while she herself sticks to the walls of the stairwell; never setting foot on the highly suspect steps themselves!

The Princess nods and takes off again. She flies below the hole and slowly rises up so she can see inside before anyone inside can see her so can find out if anyone is waiting at the entrance. If the coast is clear, she rises up and lands as far away from the hole as she can with her wings in case the floor near the hole is unstable.

OOC: Perception check outside [roll0]
Perception check after landing [roll1]

The Shadow teleports into the building and makes his way fairly quickly to the security area on the 145th floor. While doing this Kitsune, climbing like a spider, starts for the hole on the other side of the building while Princess flying back and enters to land among the rubble.

The Shadow notes that the security system seems to be down and all the screens are simply showing static. He then hears something like a static spark or popping going off in a different office than where he is at...

Princess Starlight is making her way into the interior of the floor when she starts hearing a strange buzzing and clicking noises from around the corner. Peeking around it she see an open office area where once maybe two dozen cubicle offices had been. Now through they had all been pushed over to one wall and in the open space six strange looking bug-like men seemed to be constructing some kind of metal framework? It was about fifteen feet in something of a circle.

But her glow gives her away as the creatures as one turn towards her and start clicking angrily to each other. Two of them seem distracted by by her 'glow' but the other four reach for gun like instruments strapped to their backs!!!

Kitsune had just entered the blasted hole in the side of the building and could just make out Princess Starlight's glow around a corner about 50 feet ahead.

GM: [sblock=Bug men]Leeks.jpg[/sblock]
Perception roll: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21, as she is glowing and not trying to hide they see her...
So Initiative: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24.
And Will save: 1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23; 1D20+6 = [18]+6 = 24; 1D20+6 = [14]+6 = 20; 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12; 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13; 1D20+6 = [19]+6 = 25.
Princess Starlight and Kitsune can roll initiative. The others, it depends on where you are. Also the Shadow could teleport here fairly quick or investigate the noise he heard (as this is happening at the same time).

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